
2nd reviews of providers rules
tj2233 15 Reviews 1018 reads

Was I the only one not  aware you cannot rewrite a review about a provider from a completely different session and different level of service and length of appt. within the same 90 day period???
I was told it was a rule even though not listed under the guideline rules??????

I didn't know until I got an email from TERSupport. Wish I would have known beforehand, It's pretty time consuming to write a review
"Thank you for submitting your new review on TER.
As much as we are happy for you to be satisfied with your session with the provider, unfortunately we are unable to post this review at this moment.
We do not post a second review (even updated, of new session) within a 3 months period since your last review of the same provider was posted.  
We are sorry for inconvenience and we hope you will understand and respect our policy.
If only the time since your last review of her was posted will exceed 3 months, we will be able again to post a new review from you. Please, remember, it must be still the review of a recent session.

Thank you for the support,
--TER Support Staff"

For a provider to pressure you into rewriting an honest review that she didn't like.

I understand that but I am assuming that does not happen that often and I think there are more repeat positive reviews with a new experience.  My issue is that rule is not posted,  I think it is a shame one cannot share a wonderful experience for a legit provider who earns the praise. These ladies who put themselves out there for us deserve our accolades.

Well they say you cant within a 90 day period just like the message the other guy posted.  Is this a new rule???

The rule is at least 8 months old.
I got that notice  on a second review late in 2013.

I got the same notice over a year ago.

I could see some kind of time delay between reviews of the same provider, but 90 days seems too long. Usually if you have a repeat session with the same provider, it's going to be within a few weeks. If that repeat session was a lot better or a lot worse than initial session, you'd like to write a review stating that.

I have requested that they change that. Anytime you post a 2nd review your first review goes away. They should allow multiple reviews of the same lady by the same guy. This would establish how the relationship matured or declined with multiple visits!

I did ask and they were very rude and said no way and end of discussion. I was astonished that they were so cold and rude about the matter. I was trying to be professional and all I pointed out was the rule was not posted on the website and guidelines. They said many rules are not posted and too bad and no other TER member has a problem with the rule and I was the only one that ever voiced my opinion about the rule.

A few quick things in response:
1) Yes, if you write a second review, they will take your first one down.  (I guess this is fair, because some girls could get an inflated # of reviews from a few clients that are prolific writers...)
2) I did not know about the 90-day limit.  Have not run into that yet.  I suspect it is a newish rule, because I never heard about it before and I am pretty sure I wrote a second review within 90 days at some point in the past...  Maybe it makes sense in terms of making it harder for a provider to pressure you into changing your review, but I would think that a 30 or 60 day limit would be enough for that.  For the record, even though I have written over 100 reviews, I have NEVER been pressured by anyone to change my review.  So, not sure how often it happens.  Of course, if I write a negative review, that is not someone I plan to ever see again...
3) The people who reply for TER about reviews have gotten incredibly rude and condescending over the years, and it is incredibly bad now.  Its gotten to the point that half the time I don't want to reply at all, its just not worth the abuse and waste of my time.

Thanks for sharing, that was my experience. Rude Rude!  I agree with some of your opinions and I think 90% of time or more everyone is being legit and professional about reviews.   I also have never even had a provider mention or try to ask me to write a review.  That is why I think the rule is silly and does not apply to the majority of objective and honest adults.

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