
Sorry to hear that
AROP 803 reads
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Earlier today (Tuesday, now Wednesday morning), I fielded a phone call from a friend of mine who delivered the devastating and tragic news -- that a close mutual friend of ours had committed suicide.  

I won't divulge any sordid details, but I will say this: please be on the lookout for anyone in your life who you feel might be in the throes of depression.

And be even MORE on the lookout for those who appear to be so intrinsically strong, despite their current hardships, but whom refuse to share their true thoughts and feelings with you. Their tough exterior belies what they're actually feeling. I know this firsthand.

I am absolutely reeling from the news of my friend's suicide. I keep going back in time and trying to think what I could have said and done to make things better for her. She was so strong and stoic, and I just couldn't crack the seemingly resilient shell of her tough exterior, no matter how hard I tried. What could I have done to break the barrier? But I know I couldn't do anything at all. She was just too strong (or so we all thought).

No matter what our lot in life allows, we are all human beings with legitimate thoughts and feelings that truly should matter and care to others. To borrow from some song lyrics, "I am human, and I need to be loved, just like everybody else does." To this I say: show your love to those who desperately need it -- and even to those who don't appear to need it.

In honor of my friend, Shannon, I politely ask you to please take a moment of silence to celebrate and honor her life, even though you didn't know her.  

And, even more importantly, please tell someone special this week that YOU care and matter about that person, no matter what.  

If you're so inclined, please feel free to e-mail your stories of inspiration and joy in the aftermath of saying something good and kind to someone in need. A few kind words go a VERY long way. And, at this point, sharing your kind anecdotes would do wonders for my soul and psyche.  

Life is too short. Live every day like it's your last one. RIP Shannon.


P.S.  Sorry for the downer of a message, but sometimes we just need to keep things real and focus on what matters the most. With good blessings to all

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 290 reads
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and wouldn't lie and tell you that I know how you feel, but I don't, as this has never happened to me.  

But that being said, how is this hobby related? Was your friend a provider or a hobbyist?

case321 31 Reviews 326 reads
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I know some of what you're feeling right now, I had the same situation a few years ago. All you can think is how could I have prevented this? Took me a while to realize I couldn't. No matter how well ya know someone you never know what they are going through. I'm sure she was blessed to have someone like you as a friend

FatElvis 23 Reviews 320 reads
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Thanks for sharing and the reminder that we all need to look out for each other.

AROP 309 reads
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y sincere gratitude to those who took the time to read my post, and my heartfelt appreciation to those who reached out to offer their kind words of support and encouragement. Thank you so very much.  

Also, to the numerous individuals who sent me a private message via TER's mail system, well.... I sheepishly admit that my neophyte status to TER does not allow me to access any e-mails that were sent through this site's mailbox.

I just don't want anyone to think that I am ignoring you.

If anyone might care to copy and paste their original TER message and send it to my personal e-mail address, I would most welcome reading your words. I can be reached at:

arop at  

Again, my thanks to you all for your support and encouragement.

Most sincerely

Pavliena See my TER Reviews 568 reads
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did work for CPA firm and lady  owner was single one  with few dogs,  overweight ,  with sleep disorders ,  
 She was certified in almost all -  
 CPA, CMA, CFI, CFA, SBV, Exchanger of 1031    what ever comes to your mind as to accounting  she has it all  
 She was very  supportive to me .. as told me  that she will  help me do all , .. train , spend money  on training .. ( continued education requirement)  
 I was about to pass CPA exams .. took Becker  all after MBA all was just perfecto .. but she was tooo demanding .. as  .. as men I was dating ..
 not as  sexually but time consuming  and her activities were not my point of interests .. she lived in big house  with  horses .. dogs.. she wanted me spend all time with her ..
 and I lvoe drink dance and get off when  weekend .. so I just never spend a lot of time with her ..
 so   once in November we in here office did notice helium   gas tank in her office .. we were  amking jokes.. what we will blow ballons??
It was standing there long time ...
 we were joking  including me ..
She wanted to talk .. she called me when I was or on party , or in bed  with man , or in fitness room ..I was busy to talk to her ..  
 so once she did call me and I told her in my manner - I am busy and good night ..
 this night  she inhaled this gas ..
I felt guilty long time ..  I ahve been told that it is my fault she was suicidal .. but I not gave her hand of support  but I am not her .. therapist ??  
 so  firm dissolved .. I do not wanted to be any more in   the business ..I was terrified  to become  HER  
  unhappy, with problems with 5 dogs or  even  dogs with no humans to talk to love ..
 10 +  certification community reputation  
 yet no one needs her ..
 I said - NO MORE Becker .. I  passed 2 exams .. when it happened ..her failure was my failure too ..
  if I would not be so selfish about own fun instead of listen her at nigth .. I may be would pass other 2 exams .. but her suicide  destroyed me too
I started escort I    not believed any more that being professional let say CPA, Lawyer, etc is enough for a woman ..
 woman needs a  man  THEN she be CPA , a lawyer ..
am I right ?? or again cultural differences ??
Now I am back to  corporate world .. and you know what ?? I  do not love it  IT  
may be I will . boring people .. grey mass ...  OMG .. how much more interesting are people here  
 here are people - I just want write the book and make a movie :)
one way or other :)

If person is suicidal - he she just need love and relief  
 I am strong  woman with big  cultural bringing up spiritual  not a religious  
 yet  even I do suffer how you people treat me here.
 I am alienated by many reasons ..
 being russian is one  
 being  just different human being
 third one  
 being escort ... it adds ..
I am so gald lately have  nice normal post here :) and  melt" snow " coldness  with  communication, listening , sharing..emphasizing

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