
Re:before you decide to quit Angelokings
Bushman269 6862 reads

If the provider is setting up her own clients you'd better let everyone know who this provider is.

Got busted for solicitation today by LE in NJ(first time ever in my 13 year career of mongering).

Was arressted, processed and released.  Court date in 2 weeks for preliminary hearing.  My question to the board is- Is this serious enough to warrant getting a lawyer involved?  Will this be just a case of showing up, saying I'm sorry, looking remorseful, getting a fine and a scolding by the judge, and then I'm on way?

Has anyone else been through the process in NJ?

Keep in mind that this is my first offense and I have no prior record.

My biggest fear of course is people finding out.  The detective told me the easiest way to squash this was to show up, plead guilty, apologize and the prosecutor would probably drop it to a bs charge like disorderly conduct.  Is that true?  I know all cops lie.

Bottom line is that I just want this over quickly and quietly and if admitting wrongdoing is the key to that, then I'm all for it.

On another note, this has sobered me up to the fact that my mongering is just not worth it.  I'm officially retired as of today.  I know everyone must say that when getting caught but I just can't take the chance ever again.

So be safe out there and ask yourself before hand "is it worth it?"

Diva DuCock9043 reads

Don't listen to them, get an attorney to represent you. A good one will even make sure you don't have ANY records specially being your first time and not having any previous troubles with the law.
You didn't explain HOW you got busted but I think you should share this little piece of information here so others would not do the same mistake as you.
Did you solicit a street walker? If not, it was an AMP, incall or outcall?
Things are hot in SNJ reason I'm limiting my incalls and mostly seeing people I know.

It was a sting operation at a hotel.  I was cuffed and hauled away soon as I left the room.  The scary thing is that the person I saw wasn't a stranger and was one of my regulars.  If you can't trust a regular, who can you trust.  Hence my declaration that I'm done with this forever.

Am I right in my assumption that if I show up with a lawyer, I can plea bargain this down to just a fine or maybe even community service and that will be the end of it?

Based on your description I would be curious to know if she had been busted recently and they made her cooperate on a sting operation.

If that is the case, I would definelty get a lawyer, because I doubt they are going to just plea cases when they put that much effort into the busts.

that's strange, because they could not proove anything, unless you admitted doing the deed.
I think there is more to this story, cops cannot knock on the room just because they feel like, or arrest people coming out of any room like that.
You definitely should get a lawyer...she probably had a disgruntled client who called the cops on her and you were in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Doesn't look like a sting operation to me. When they do that, they just sit in the room and wait for the GIRLS, seldom for johns.

What city and state ? Just curious.

Seems to me there may be more to the story. IF there is a "sting", the arrest would take place BEFORE the session was over, NOT as a client is leaving the room. No disrespect to Anyone here, but this all leads one to think perhaps the female is a CI? Lord have mercy I would sure hope that isn't the case.

Just my .02.


-- Modified on 7/20/2005 4:41:52 PM

Duncan Otoole8233 reads

Was the lady a distant relative of Mr. Bubble?

And was she busted?

If you're referring to SBG, I seriously doubt it, as we have a close mutual friend in common and I think I would have heard something?


Duncan Otoole8919 reads

Well then maybe you should contact her and find out for sure.


First: Yes! you absolutely need a lawyer. Do not even think of going into a court of law without one!
Second: In California: (I can only tell you about California. I am assuming the laws in your state are similar) A first time offense can often be reduced from solicitaion (a serious misdemeanor charge) to disturbing the peace (a far less serious misdemeanor charge); however, there might very well be a mandatory AIDS test and you will most certainly be required to pay a small fine, usually anywhere from $250.00 on up. The good news is you will not be sentenced to jail time, at least not on a first offense.

I just saw this thread. I'm confused. Are you a client? I got that idea with the solicitation charge you wrote about. But your screen name sounds like a female, no? If you are in fact male, you refer to the ladies you see as regulars? That sounds like something a provider would say, not a client.


Some details on how you were busted might help, like was it a known girl with an incall, was it a streetwalker, was it a service, was it at a casino.  If they are looking to clean up one of those areas, you could end up being made an example of, etc.  So while I doubt I can help you, those details might matter.

I can't get mail...only got a basic membership

Hit me up at [email protected]

diaperman10518 reads

Winners never quit. Do they have tapes? If not say the nark was touching you and that your not into females and hire Justin master as your boyfriend to testify that your his aggie. Hire tom turner con lawyer

Wow, sorry to hear that. I was on the fence about giving it up all together but now you have me convinced its not worth it. Too bad one of us had to get caught to realize it. I think everyone should pay close attention to your post and watch their backs.

ask him the rest of the story...he didn't tell the whole thing, cops cannot arrest you when you are walking OUT of a room. Maybe it was an incall house??? That could be a possibility, because they are watching the place.
Cops do not sit and watch independent girls...they book an appointment and that's HOW they get into an indies room.

Duncan Otoole8568 reads

Why don't you tell us the rest of the story since you seem to know what happened?

Appearently there were a couple of guys busted the other day leaving a Mt. Laural hotel.

They were watching the room. Someone must have tipped them off, because the lady WAS an independent.

Mt Laurel is my homebase and it was hot for a while right after Dans bust. Then, things calmed down and went back to normal.
I cannot judge the way other providers do their business. I know how to do mine and I never had a problem in the area. I'm always careful about where I stay and who I see.
There are 20 hotels in a a two miles stretch, maybe some of the providers involved picked the wrong ones where the management has an eye for young pretty women checking in for the day.
Sometimes, they look too much like a Ho too. I was in Baltimore few months ago and went down for breakfast and I could tell the girl sitting in front of me was a hooker. She was "dressed" for the part and the people at the front desk were eyeing her.
Some of the girls in this business don't have any idea in how to behave and be careful who they see and how many guys a day they schedule.
Most hotels don't mind you if you are not too obvious. They are in the business of renting rooms and be discreet about guests.
Now, what is the purpose of busting clients after they leave a hotel room? What do they have to gain? Nothing.
If a guy is walking out, the only thing he should do is deny deny deny. You could be visiting the girl for many different reasons. Suppose you went there to deliver food? or visit her as a friend?
They don't have any proof unless you tell them what they want to hear.

Tigerguy7143 reads

First, there was a report of a very dangerous client in S Jersey.  Then, there is a sting operation and guys got busted in Mt Laurel.  Activities have just returned to normal and these incidents won't help.

Please email me when you have time..just a basic question or 2 you may be able to help me with.

[email protected]

I about fell off my chair reading this line alone.. HAHAHHAHAHA. Betty you crack me up ! ALthough its so true. Other girls make it so unsafe for us. If A client ever saw me when I checked into a hotel room, hed run the other way like an olympic athlete.  LOL!!

However, These fuckfaces can do anything they want. ANYTHING. It really doesnt mean it will hold up in a court of law all the time. But, none the less, they can.

As of recent, A girl was arrested walking OUT of a hotel room visiting her regular friend from out of town. They arrested her. Then knocked on the clients door, le threatened them, and the client rolled and told that she was indeed a provider.

Mind you, the girl was not none to bright anyhow.
All this crap can be stopped if people werent so careless.

Bizzaro Superdude8025 reads

Once with a provider I filmed the experience...  She was ok with that and earned extra $$ for the filming so it was cool... but as we chatted about the whole scene - she whips out a photographers release form (I know cause that is my hobby and I use them as well).  She informs me that if ellie comes a knockin' we are there making a porn flick... and she too has a regular camera for the stills...  any thoughts???

You have made the point that a cop cannot bust you when you leave a room.  Why?  Just because the experience has not happened to you does not make this a myth.  Let me help you all out here with some common sense and knowledge.

1.  Yes, you can get busted for soliciting when you leave a room - pants up or down.  Chances are very high that the girl does not yet know but will be busted too before the end of the day.  She will then sign an affidavit against you in return for a plea bargain.  No, they don't have to bust her right away.
2.  You can get busted when you enter the room - obviously.
3.  A cop can disrobe before arresting the girl/guy.  It is STILL thought by girls that if they ask their customer to "get comfortable" that they have protected themselves - WRONG.
4.  A cop can grope or be groped before arresting the girl/guy.  Again, it is common place for a girl to ask their customer to "touch me here" to once again believe they have protected themselves.
5.  It is all about the humiliation.  Cops are out to humiliate you and get you in the paper.  Look, you just spent or will spend $$$ for a date.  They know that the court costs or fine means nothing to you.  It's the thought of your spouse or boss or mother finding out you were arrested.  They know you will not be coming back to their town - unless your a streetwalker.  They know they can't stop streetwalkers because they have an underlying problem with some addiction.  They just try to get them off the street and tested for STD's.
6.  People think that if they check ID or ask if their date is a cop they are once again protected - WRONG.  During a sting, a cop does not have to answer that question.  Their driver's license may not note that they are a cop either.

So, my advice to Rick is...YES, get a lawyer.  Why take the chance of being denied a plea?  Yes you are going to pay for the lawyer and court costs, but it may be worth it to you.  An experienced lawyer will have a much better chance of getting the charges reduced to something relatively insignificant.  These don't make the front page, just the last page of the obit section.  I do wish you the best of luck.

ps.  I too am curious about the circumstances around your arrest.

Now, if the girl uses a big business oriented hotel, and the hallway is deserted when a client goes out, there is NO way he can be arrested for walking out of the hotel.
The cops have to be right outside her door for this to happen or she's using one of these hotels where the room doors faces the parking lot.
Couple years ago, two girls from Philly were arrested in Princeton because they were using the Red Roof Inn and the cops parked outside and watched the whole "in & out" of guys from their rooms.
One of the other guests tipped the LE, saying something was going "on".

Its really amazing how niave tooties are regarding how and why they can get busted.  A big brand business hotel does protect you somewhat, but not because cops cant bust you there.  They are more likely to handle it in a more discrete way because they don't want the attention a bust would bring at that establishment.  That is just common sense.

I also want to know why toots think asking me if I am a cop protects them.  Do you think that an undercover cop infiltrating the mafia has a to say he is a cop if asked?  Godfather, "Are you a cop?".  Undercover cop, "Yes Godfather, you figured me out."

Cops do these kind of busts to 1) clean up a neighborhood 2) a complaint 3) to make the news.

Sure cops can bust you leaving the room.  Hell, they can bust you walking out of your own house on the way to an incall. The problem is, however, getting a conviction. Further, cops aren't going to try and get the provider to flip, they want the provider shut down.

If this is true...
Wouldn't this be a form of entrapment?
They know about the provider in the room, yet refuse to bust her. They bust clients as they're walking out of providers' room (highly unlikely BTW).

Tigerguy7361 reads

Often the LE bust the provider and coerced her to stay in the room to answer phone call and wait for her dates. This way the LE can collect a truck load of John.

123papajohn6857 reads

Who's the provider?  Why isn't anyone posting who the provider is?

Wrong, Betty, they can.  I left the room and noticed two men in suits at the end of the hall but within eyesight of the room.  My gut told me something was up at this point but I walked by them and got on the elevator (had no choice since it was the only way out)....they followed and got on the elevator as well.  At this point, I knew I was dead.  Got off the elevator and walked out the hotel (guys in suits still following me) and immediately saw 3 patrol cars and an unmarked.  As I was about 10 feet from my own car, I was grabbed, cuffed, read my rights, told the charge was solicitation and thrown into the back of a patrol car.  

That's why I suspect the provider was a CI setting up her own clients.  

Very scary when a regular whom you've seen turns out to be a narc.

Bushman2696863 reads

If the provider is setting up her own clients you'd better let everyone know who this provider is.

ode7987 reads

Reference to this incident, which is significant to all, has been posted on the national board. This should draw a wider response. But to get informed answers, you're still going to have to tell what happened. On what grounds did they bust you? With what did they charge you? What evidence did they have?

Okay, not that felix here has had his fun with everyone let's look at the facts. First, cops don't bust you "on the way out."  They are not going to let you complete the deed, wait for you clean up and walk out before they bust you. Second, why does a guy who just got busted and, is swearing off the hobby, visit TER the day following his arrest? This guys is full of shit.

He's just not providing facts.
And who in their right mind will send him email to his outside (of TER) mail. Just seems like a phishing expedition to get your outside mail and therefore possibly your IP address...and next on the list would be your GPS

MrAffable8821 reads

Get a lawyer who has experience in this area and is a pitt bull.  It helps, too, if he knows the DA or ADA!  If it's a sting, they more than likely have video.

mie137606 reads

guess it would be too much to ask who the provider was?

WTFMate7287 reads

There is no way this was an organized sting if they got you on the way out.  Let's take a moment to think about what that implies.  

1) LE was working with provider to set clients up.
2) Provider probably had no choice but to cooperate with LE.
3) By waiting until you left, LE knew and allowed you to do your business with the provider.

In my mind, that would mean that LE essentially forced the provider to "conduct the transaction" against her will.  I think that'd qualify as rape.  Think what you want about LE but I seriously doubt they'd condone rape.  Especially when there's absolutely no reason for them to do that.  They've got all they need as soon you enter that room and put the envelope on the dresser.

I'm sorry for my post. It just sounded weird to me but I do think this could happen. You sounded like a lady though when you said your 'regular', or so I thought.


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