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niceguy8851 4 Reviews 942 reads
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Since taking up the hobby just over 4 years ago I have checked a bunch of things sexual off of my bucket list.  Alas, a few things remain, most within my reach, which will eventually be addressed.  One, however, remains elusive and that is "Participating in an orgy."  To be totally immersed in sexuality for one evening, now that's a goal worth pursuing, but the few times I have seen them being organized within the hobby, they are waaaay out of my financial reach -- as much as $1,500 per male, per night.  Any suggestions about how to achieve this one elusive goal at a reasonable price?

Ridgetucky 2 Reviews 700 reads
2 / 12

Now what is reasonable to you in terms of costs?

It's possible to get the figure below 4 figures.  But you would be sacrificing time and/or quality.  

You could probably get high quality Providers at a reasonable rate but for a short period of time.  Or you could get low quality providers for a longer time at a reasonable rate.  Again reasonable is relative.

Both sacrifices are fine if that's what you are looking for.  The question you have to answer before you get an answer is which attribute do you want to sacrifice to achieve your goal (time or quality).  

This is a basic engineering problem (believe it or not)--  You can have power or precision but you can't have both.  The laws of physics don't allow it.  

Likewise, the laws of the hobby don't allow you to have quality and reasonable pricing together

devilsmischief 3 Reviews 564 reads
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He said 1,500 "per night". How long is "per night"? Also whats the ratio? Would be nice to have at least a few more girls than guys...

Epsilon_Eridani 604 reads
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... to do a duo? unless that's already checked off your bucket list.

you would have a much higher chance of doing a duo than you would an orgy.  

Like Ridge said... you got to pay the high price if you want to play that game!
Posted By: niceguy8851
Since taking up the hobby just over 4 years ago I have checked a bunch of things sexual off of my bucket list.  Alas, a few things remain, most within my reach, which will eventually be addressed.  One, however, remains elusive and that is "Participating in an orgy."  To be totally immersed in sexuality for one evening, now that's a goal worth pursuing, but the few times I have seen them being organized within the hobby, they are waaaay out of my financial reach -- as much as $1,500 per male, per night.  Any suggestions about how to achieve this one elusive goal at a reasonable price?

niceguy8851 4 Reviews 471 reads
5 / 12

Well, now we're getting into fantasy land, a place to which I am more than willing to go.  My fantasy would be a long evening, 6 to midnight, say, or overnight.  8pm to 8am.  I would expect maybe four or five guys and six or seven ladies.  Light noshes and beverages.  A secure location but close enough to make travel fairly easy.  A hot tub would be nice, or a private pool.  

Okay, now I'm seeing why it's so damned expensive to throw one of these wingdings.  I guess what I really want is, as a friend of mine once expressed, someone to throw a really great party and invite me.

Ah, well.

niceguy8851 4 Reviews 487 reads
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Yeah, I've done the double a couple of times.  Nice time but not quite up to the fantasy.  Oh, I forgot to mention that the ladies do not have to be model/movie star quality.  Nice looking is good but an adventurous attitude and a certain nasty sexual proclivity are what's most important.  This is PSE stuff, we're talking about, here.

deeznumbnutz 24 Reviews 558 reads
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Posted By: niceguy8851
Since taking up the hobby just over 4 years ago I have checked a bunch of things sexual off of my bucket list.  Alas, a few things remain, most within my reach, which will eventually be addressed.  One, however, remains elusive and that is "Participating in an orgy."  To be totally immersed in sexuality for one evening, now that's a goal worth pursuing, but the few times I have seen them being organized within the hobby, they are waaaay out of my financial reach -- as much as $1,500 per male, per night.  Any suggestions about how to achieve this one elusive goal at a reasonable price?

Naughtyfrederica See my TER Reviews 609 reads
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Ridgetucky 2 Reviews 510 reads
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Pavliena See my TER Reviews 397 reads
10 / 12

European  as whole .. yes gentlemen time to travel for you  too !!

If not .. just will invite  us

Jayonem 22 Reviews 480 reads
11 / 12

I have participated in one, which included five guys and three girls.  I think we each paid $400, and we went for two hours.  We had a nice large room with two beds.  A suite would have been better, but we never felt crowded.  Each girl got roughly $700 for two hours work.

I have read orgy threads on a couple of other boards, and the guys always say they want more girls than guys.  That's a nice fantasy, but I can assure you it is unnecessary and a waste of money.  The average -- or even above average -- guy cannot keep a provider busy for 2 hours straight.  Moreover, I think part of the orgy fantasy is multiple guys on one girl, as well as vice versa.  I can tell you that the 5 on 3 ratio worked just fine, no guy felt left out at any time, and we all got as much as we could handle.  

As far as organizing one goes, the one I did was organized through another board, and most of us had met at formal or informal board social events.  Given the limited number of providers who regularly post here, that might be difficult.  If I wanted to do one I would pick a provider I knew who was open to the idea, and ask her if she could find a few other girls... maybe their duo partners.  I would let them pick their clients who would be interested.  Depending on how long you want to go, I would try to agree on a rate where each girl made, say, 150% of her normal hourly rate.  In other words, if the orgy lasts two hours each girl would get paid for three hours.

If you want to go with the all-out fantasy of an overnight, untimed orgy, I would try to line up maybe four hobby "couples" -- guys and their ATFs -- who would be open to an overnight with group play.  That might help get reasonable pricing, and enough comfort on the part of the girls to participate.

Nick-Danger 47 Reviews 356 reads
12 / 12

Many years ago when I was a dashing young man, I was invited to a friend's, naughty costume party that turned into an orgy. Since it was my first time there, a group of about 4 young ladies, some prettier than others but all nice enough, took me back to one of the bedrooms and I had to put every appendage to good use. Wound up with a number of other ladies through the course of the evening.  

When I was invited back the following year, I recall walking in and asking "Why are you all still dressed?" This received the hoped for response...

Then again, this was long before AIDS and love was free, baby.

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