
Just don't get it
tallslim26 26 Reviews 530 reads

I mean if these guys were answering some ad on the back of citybeat (seem to remember back years ago that was somewhat popular a place to advertise) then the idiotic move to see this girl could be excused. But they are answering an online ad, how can they not be aware of ways in which they could have found out what she was about, in just a few clicks.

Cheap and stupid, as someone else mentioned.

I posted about this girl before  226513. She still gets business. Each review says the same thing. Why do they keep going?

There are only two reasons.  They are cheap; they are stupid.  
I learned a long time ago when I started in this hobby and used BP that if you want quality providers, you need to cough up the money.  Believe me, it is well worth it.

Racism, Misogyny or any other ignorant phobia.  (with the exception of Coulrophobia - aka fear of clowns - BTW everyone should be afraid of clowns, I mean seriously they creep me the fuckkkkk out).

It is never going to end.  It is what makes humanity well just humanity.  Ignorance and fear are part of our destiny.  We can't escape it.  We just have to learn to contain it.  

I feel sorry for these guys that choose to spend any kind of $$$ on these girls who are ripoffs are drug addicts that need help.

Not really.  Homophobia, anti-semitism, etc. are harmful to others.  Seeing this girl is only harmful to your wallet and psyche.

I mean if these guys were answering some ad on the back of citybeat (seem to remember back years ago that was somewhat popular a place to advertise) then the idiotic move to see this girl could be excused. But they are answering an online ad, how can they not be aware of ways in which they could have found out what she was about, in just a few clicks.

Cheap and stupid, as someone else mentioned.

They obviously have access to TER because they post their bad experience right below the dozens of others.

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