
Didn't realize this was such a popular topic...
tristater45 16 Reviews 10240 reads

I have had these type of "sugar daddy" relationships for some years now. On occasion, I still see "providers," but, honestly, have become somewhat disenchanted with the mechanical upsell many (but not all) providers seem to employ nowadays.

I can't pretend to be any sort of expert on this subject....but I will say that I've had numerous successful long-term arrangements with younger women of this nature.  As tallslim stated in his post, my best results have been the result of some simple "flirting" with young women (typically 20-30) who work as, say, waitresses, cashiers, or some other "service-oriented" job. After a little small talk re: how bad the economy is, what does your husband/bf/old man, etc. do?, I usually hear the typical refrain about how unmotivated the twentysomething guy is etc AND how hard it is to get by.

Fortunately, if you're an "older guy" with a little "game," some old-fashioned manners & can treat the young woman with a little respect....your casual offer to help her out doesn't come off as creepy...and stands a pretty good chance of being accepted.

Most middle-aged men would be shocked to hear how attractive we are to these young women. Are we bf or marriage material? Of course not. And, let's be honest, most of us don't wanna be. But a long-term, readily available twentysomething partner (think "girl next door" here, guys) ain't a bad deal for us, ahem, older gentlemen.

I saw in a post from October that piqued my interest. It was mentioned that after making discreet, lighthearted inquiries with attractive young ladies, you've been able to have some mutually beneficial arrangements with them.

Being very new to all of this, I would really love some details as to how you've managed this. Ads on Craigslist? Backpage? Women on the street? The whole thing just fascinates me. I can't help but wonder exactly how much you "help them out", what the expectations are, how you come to these agreements, etc., etc., etc.

Any and all details from people who have been successful in this endeavor would be very welcome.

There are numerous sites where 'non-pros' advertise, looking for some guy to see on a regular basis.  They will, at least according to a pal of mine, generally meet with a guy for longer than an hour at at a time for a rate somewhat lower than a 'pro' provider.  The catch is they want to see you on a regular basis, and for an LTR, so you can support, or at least significantly supplement whatever income they already have.  Once you contact her, the two of you decide on what you are going contribute to her support each time you get together.


I have been in several sugar daddy arrangements. They can be very full filling.  Mine were great. I do recommend it.

Me too.  Love them!

As mentioned, you usually get to spend more time with them and at a lower overall cost.  I like the idea of not watching the clock or every act having a price associated with it.

I did get some advice on the subject though I have not found the time, much less the nerve, to try it out yet. I was a part of that post you references so I share your interest.

The guy who advised me said that finding a girl who works a low wage service type job is always a good opportunity. He said striking up a conversation at some point, making contact somehow, and kinda probing on how finances are with them is the next step.

I recall him advising that an initial gift of $$$ is a good way to establish something. I can't begin to tell you how to practically go about this, I assume it is a trial and error type thing. The thing is that initial gift is something that establishes you as having $$$ that is expendable, the next time she asks or approaches you then you tell her sure, an increased amount to boot, but with some benefits for you as well.

This prospect is not something I feel, in this region, is chalk full of favorable outcomes with this, but the economy is bad so who knows. You just have to have the nerve to do it I guess. If your a gutsy kinda guy I am sure the receptive girl will come around at some point.

With me, the kind of girl physically that I go for, perfect 10 or close, I fear probably already has men who shower them with gifts and money just so they will go out with them, call them,etc...I guess its like anything else - have to be in the right place at the right time.

I have had these type of "sugar daddy" relationships for some years now. On occasion, I still see "providers," but, honestly, have become somewhat disenchanted with the mechanical upsell many (but not all) providers seem to employ nowadays.

I can't pretend to be any sort of expert on this subject....but I will say that I've had numerous successful long-term arrangements with younger women of this nature.  As tallslim stated in his post, my best results have been the result of some simple "flirting" with young women (typically 20-30) who work as, say, waitresses, cashiers, or some other "service-oriented" job. After a little small talk re: how bad the economy is, what does your husband/bf/old man, etc. do?, I usually hear the typical refrain about how unmotivated the twentysomething guy is etc AND how hard it is to get by.

Fortunately, if you're an "older guy" with a little "game," some old-fashioned manners & can treat the young woman with a little respect....your casual offer to help her out doesn't come off as creepy...and stands a pretty good chance of being accepted.

Most middle-aged men would be shocked to hear how attractive we are to these young women. Are we bf or marriage material? Of course not. And, let's be honest, most of us don't wanna be. But a long-term, readily available twentysomething partner (think "girl next door" here, guys) ain't a bad deal for us, ahem, older gentlemen.

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