
jpcatch 20 Reviews 4372 reads

Link to the front page article in the Plain Dealer today.  I'm seeing a crackdown on the horizon with the election season coming.  TER is more important than ever.  BE CAREFUL!

It was on channel 3 news at 6pm

read the article.this pinhead states if you crack down on the johns,you can eliminate human trafficking.first of all,iam all for  putting people in jail who force underage girls into the sex trade(and believe 99%of us here do).2nd of all,look how well this is working in the war on drugs.
(yes.i say legalize all drugs.take the money out of prducing&selling it 90%of the releated crime goes away.if it f-cks up your life,it would f-ck it up if it's legal or illegal.jmo).

One might fear that this attempt to crack down on underage girls being sex traffiked, which the idea is admirable in my opinion if you go about it the proper way, only a few sickos want to knowingly encounter a underage girl or girl in this against her will, might lead to a crackdown on the entire hobby as they paint it with a broad brush not seeing a difference between two adults meeting at their will and pleasure and sex trafficking.

Remember though at how many of these political people, the males ones, partake in the hobby. Many have been found to have been in the company of providers in the past, hell the secret service just had an incident in a foreign country - and those are the type of places where it is more pervasive and almost accepted. I doubt that they will be targeting on a large scale (with tougher laws,more busts) regular hobbyists as they themselves would get caught up eventually. Then again these people always have a way of getting off easier than the rest of us - simply put they should target the sex traffickers with all their energies and leave those in it at their will, both providers and hobbyists, alone.

I agree completely.  I hate seeing human trafficking and hobbyists lumped together, but in a political agenda we are one in the same.  I just want us to be safe so I thought I would put this out there so each side, (provider and client) continue to do due diligence.

at least they are trying a different approach than targeting the females w sting operations. theres always gonna be a supply if there is a demand.

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