Newbie - FAQ

You could do that too, but everyone gets mine. They should know that "auto" connotes
London Rayne See my TER Reviews 370 reads

it is not something I just sent them lol. Then again, I am shocked my the number of replies to it!

1. If you're new that's ok, but please READ THE WEBSITE!! This is the number one reason for non-response from providers other than explicit language. Most everything you need to know "should be" on her website. Don't just look at the pics and rates, then go ape shit with emails and phone calls.

2. Not all providers are losers like me and spend all day on the net...even in the car lol, so be patient if they can't all respond in an hour. If she does not respond in two days, refer to number 1 again and make sure you included what was asked of you.

3. If you don't have refs, say so in the very first email and let her know what you might be willing to provide in return for being new. Some will gladly take your employment info. but others won't. Do your research!

4. DO NOT ask about services or list acronyms before you are screened, and even after many providers will scare off. If you don't have VIP access, get it. No way around that if you're new. You need that access to research them just as bad trust me.

5. Please do not send emails asking if she visits such and such unless you are willing to fly her out there! We are inundated with loads of bs emails of this nature, which is why we post a calendar...look at it. I had a guy send me an 8 paragrah email tonight about who he was, where he lived, what he looked, like, and I am scheduled to be in Ohio the very days he wanted to see me in New Orleans lol. I realize you guys get dizzy when tits and ass are in your face, but yourself and the provider some time.

6. Don't call at freaking 4 a.m. unless you see the words "AVAILABLE 24/7" and even then, she is full of crap..when does she sleep? Most reputable providers do not offer around the clock service to guys they can't screen and who can get a ref at that hour?

7. Don't use abbreviations for words like "you" and "are." It is ghetto as hell to get emails like this...'Hey bby, r u ready 4 me?" Paleeze, intellect goes a long way people.

8. When you get to the hotel do NOT call her from the lobby! You announce the room number to everyone when you repeat it back, so call from INSIDE the car where no one knows what you are saying. Also, ask her where the elevators are and you can even google the hotel for a layout of the lobby just in case. Best to be prepared.

9. Don't act like you're scared as sh*t even if you are when you get in the room. This makes everyone uncomfortable and she may even think you don't find her attractive. If you are not happy with what you see, you simply say you changed your mind and leave. Don't take 20 minutes trying to negotiate a lower rate if she wants you to stay. You either dig her or you don't, and a cheaper rate does not make her any hotter..well ok, maybe for some it does lol.

10. Refer back to number 1 lol. You're welcome!

Ladies feel free to chime in if I left anything out.

I would also like to add to #2 if you call a provider and leave a message indicate that it is okay for her to return your calls.Many providers get calls where they are unavailable to pick-up if a guy does not leave a message he is obviously not going to get a call back.Or if you do leave a message be very specific in saying it is okay for her to call you back whenever she gets the message.
Allow enough time for a provider to return your emails or phone calls.I return emails always in a prompt fashion and I have gents reach out to me as well as other providers all for the same day and time.
He waits to see who will answer first while I understand some might not have that much advance time to book an appointment.Allowing more advance time if your schedule allows it to book an appointment instead of trying to double book for the same day.Nothing more frustrating than returning an email verifying references sometimes all within an hour's time just to hear"Oh,you took too long!"

Another one no mention of rates especially if her websites/ads/TER profile have this info.Now,if there are different rates on different sites that might be confusing then of course you will have to find a way to ask.But,generally the info is right there will a little bit of looking you can find the answers to your questions.

#7 A huge pet peeve of mine I write in complete sentences and that is what I expect when I receive emails for appointment requests.I thought this was just a young person thing but I have gents in their 40s,50s,and 60s doing that text speak and abbreviations.Thankfully,I do not get that too often.
A short introduction email introducing yourself and reference info or other screening info all provided in that initial appt request will save you and the provider a lot of time.No one wants to spend email or phone tags just to get the necessary info to see if an appointment will even take place.

Great list London pretty much covered everything.

-- Modified on 5/7/2012 9:39:41 PM

my bad for leaving that one out. Also, when you fill out the contact forms on our sites, we CAN'T contact you back from the form. You MUST type in your email. Rates are another good thing if they are different. I ONLY list my local rates on my site and on my TER profile, so if I am running an ad for a different city, that will be the rate for ONLY that city to honor.

all of this is great but here's a few more

Do not ask her to verify which girl she is - if you contacted a dozen different ladies,  as soon as you ask me to remind you which one I am - I am done with you.

Do not send a pic of your member.  I don't care how wonderful and beautiful you think it is,  sending me and other ladies a dick pic makes you a perv and we will not see you.  

Do take a shower and wash yourself well - you should be as squeaky clean as you expect us to be.

Do not show up under the influence of anything - I dont care if you have a little wine or are 420 friendly, but please be sober for our session together.

Also remember just because you saw it in a porn movie doesn't mean it actually happens in real life so go into the session with realistic expectations.  Don't expect her to shoot ping pong balls from her pussy and she wont expect Mr Happy to shoot his load on the ceiling.

Posted By: Naomi_Sweets
all of this is great but here's a few more

Do not ask her to verify which girl she is - if you contacted a dozen different ladies,  as soon as you ask me to remind you which one I am - I am done with you.

Do not send a pic of your member.  I don't care how wonderful and beautiful you think it is,  sending me and other ladies a dick pic makes you a perv and we will not see you.  

Do take a shower and wash yourself well - you should be as squeaky clean as you expect us to be.

Do not show up under the influence of anything - I dont care if you have a little wine or are 420 friendly, but please be sober for our session together.

Also remember just because you saw it in a porn movie doesn't mean it actually happens in real life so go into the session with realistic expectations.  Don't expect her to shoot ping pong balls from her pussy and she wont expect Mr Happy to shoot his load on the ceiling.

with this quote"Don't expect her to shoot ping pong balls from her pussy and she wont expect Mr Happy to shoot his load on the ceiling."lmao!
I do agree with what you wrote and one more thing to add to the pics subject.
If a lady does not show her face online please do not ask for a face pic to be sent there is reason she does not have her face online already.

I think the hardest part is actually trying to figure out how she wants us to contact her in case the ad is not specific about it. I did call and email with less clear ads before but was left out cold more than 50% of the time. Providers should all really consider the fact that we often have hard time trying to figure out how to go about this. Kudos to others who are very clear from the start.

I well agree about reading the ladie's web site, you are correct. Not all web sites are clear.  Some even fail to mention what city they work from.  If they do not state how they wish to be contacted, then I follow the following order:

1. Form on web site.  If no answer after two days follow up by email.  
2. Email.  If she does not reply in three days, call or go to girl B.
3. Phone call?
4. TER VIP mail

Plan ahead.  Expect at least a week to set up a date with someone you have not seen.  Have at least three ladies in mind, but do NOT contact all three at the same time.  When girl A fails to reply, go to B, etc.  Two weeks later you may get an email Frobisher A apologizing as she was on vacation.

I know that BP will run ads weeks and months at a time for a lower rate so many women go that route. Problem is unless she puts a specific date, every guys assumes when the ad pops up on Tues. that she just placed it and is in town...not correct! Even with dates, guys are still like "Are you in town?" Reading comprehension or lack thereof is so bad that I just started making my ads 3 lines.

"In town May 4-7, highly reviewed, busty, petite blonde...screening is required."

They STILL don't read!

I agree wholeheartedly with all of the above...

Too often, I get an email asking questions that are covered in my website...Ill be courteous and direct them to my site, but then will get a reply asking for more information..that is also covered in my website.  Throughout all of this, there is no actual mention of when they would like to set a date, no screening info that I ask for...nothing.

I have been through it too many times where I ask them what date/time they would like to see me, and let them know the screening info I require, and in reply they will simply say "Id like to see you tomorrow."  Then I would ask again for screening info and they'll reply "I have references"  But dont actually tell me who the references are, and none of the info I need.  

I dont have the patience for it anymore and refuse to waste time back and forth with one liner responses that tell me nothing, when there are those who are actually serious about booking a date I could be turning my attention to.

My auto response lays it out once again in case they missed it, so if they still don't include the info. I simply don't respond. I include the touring schedule, link to calendar, and websiite link once again.

Thats a really good idea actually... Though I dont want everyone to get my auto-response, I may just type up a form letter to send to any guy who send the one-liners/ask questions that are already covered on my website to get the point through. At least that way I dont waste time penning an email if its someone just buggering me, and if someone gets my info from one of those mentioned escort malls, they have the info they need to book a date.

it is not something I just sent them lol. Then again, I am shocked my the number of replies to it!

That list should probably be posted here about once a month.  Shame on me for not thinking about that.......the mind is a terrible thing as you get older......LOL


You should see my comprehensive list for the things providers should not do, but would not want to ruffle any feathers ha ha. Fact is, there are just stupid mistakes all newbies make that can get them arrested or killed, yet they keep making them for money. It is not worth it!

If you don't have a website for us, please please take your ads down if you are no longer providing. I can never quite figure out if you are still working or not.

I hate when this happens...escort malls have pulled ads Ive placed when I was touring, and so every so often I have someone emailing me from Philly or Baltimore asking to book a date with me, and surprised when I tell them Im in Miami.  Then Ill see the ad they found me on, listing me as based in that city, with the info from my tour.  Very annoying.

If that were so easy we would do it. Our ads are taken and put on websites we have never heard of or used. We rarely even know this unless someone brings it to our attention. Recently I have been told of my ads on several sites I never posted on is not always something we have any control over and just try to get them removed...good luck with that.

to remove the ads. I just tell them their site obviously has no traffic because my stat report did not even show hits from there, so keep the ad up because no one is looking at it!

Oh wow so they just post your ad without your permission?? Wow... I didnt know that. That might be the reason why I am not getting a call back.

Posted By: London Rayne
to remove the ads. I just tell them their site obviously has no traffic because my stat report did not even show hits from there, so keep the ad up because no one is looking at it!

You too?Many providers have info stolen and posted on some obscure site that no is checking for.
I have had this done to me I was successful on having them remove over 40 FAKE ADS for me it took a while for them to remove it.But,the other sites most of the times there is not even a way to contact the admin of the site to request for it to be removed.London you are right I never get in kind of traffic from those sites anyway but a fake ad with outdated pics and wrong info is not cool.

It might say "Visiting Cleveland May 2-4," and I am in freaking New Orleans! They do this because their sites suck first off, and they want it to "appear" as if they have all these highly reviewed ladies using them.

I actually have to say (maybe it is slower than usual due to the economy) ladies that I have been contacting recently have been on top of things (pun intended...). I usually get a reply within 1-3 hours and more often than not it is within one hour or less. There are certain (pornstar) friends I have who take a while to reply back but I understand they probably have busy schedules and get tons of emails but independents have been far and away prompt with replies. Maybe it is because I stay more in the VIP and two hour pool where most others book one hour appointments with ladies that charge a bit less.

Or maybe it is just my natural charm and charisma ;)

-- Modified on 5/8/2012 8:34:42 AM

We are normally busy giving full attention to our date, screening and taking care of our personal commitments and interest.  We don't have time just to chat forever.  Normally we are interested in serious inquiries, make the appointment and we will have plenty of time to get to know each other connect and have fun.

Each have her process for screening, if you want to play, follow it, if you don't ,don't contact her.

Make the appointment if you really have the time, if there is a risk for you to cancel change the date for when you can really commit.  I respect your time and will show up on time when agreed and I expect the same from you.  We may have declined other dates maybe for even more time because we and committed to you so when cancel even one day before we can not reschedule another date.  Then offer to pay her cancellation fee.  For several of us if somebody cancels with no consideration to our time most likely we will not give him another chance to meet us unless the full donation is deposited when making the appointment.

Give her privacy to put her donation away

I hope it helps, reading the thread help my day, I laughed so much.  Good to know I am not alone, lol.


before I ever provided myself, and I can tell you 70 percent of calls never worked out. It was always late night, last minute, no refs, and no fkin clue! Email takes care of all of that. NO refs, no reply.

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