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Re: Used cover
impposter 49 Reviews 179 reads

Just wondering ... was this an "economy" Provider from BP? Do you remember if she opened a sealed condom when she covered you up or did she pull a used one from out of her bag?  
Maybe she is an environmentalist and is trying to get more uses out of each one.  Al Gore would be proud of her!  
But I wonder if she rinses it out before reusing it?  No, that would be a waste of water.

Question....has anyone ever had an escort take your used cover with her? What do they typically do? Ones I have had usually flush them. If she couldn’t flush it, she put it in the trash. Anyone have any exp with this?

What would you want it for?

In any case, smart gals will wrap them in a wad of TP, and put them in the trash.  

Condoms should never be flushed.

I didn’t want it. I just have never had one take one out of the hotel room till the other day. It made me wonder why.

Yes, some will wrap them up, put them in a baggie or what-not and take them out of the hotel room to dispose of elsewhere.  They don't want housekeeping to come into the room and see a trashcan full of "evidence", even if it just giggly shop talk among the staff: "Whooee! Blondie in 1234 set a new record today! 27 used condoms!  What a whore!"  
In a few rare cases, there might be some other kink or perversion involved, but it is mostly a privacy - safety - nobody's business issue. Or so I keep telling myself. :-)

Posted By: Jaymandoesitgood
Re: They usually take them...
I didn’t want it. I just have never had one take one out of the hotel room till the other day. It made me wonder why.

That makes sense if they doing incall. But this was at my hotel. It was just weird to me.

She is making babies with your spunk right NOW!!!  j/k.  

On a side note, it is odd, FYI. Did she put it in a zip lock? Just wondering how she transported it.  

Put it in her bag. There was nothing in it. I took it off to finish. Weird right?

Hmm....I am no Sherlock Holmes or Lassie, but yes, this I find odd.

I just blew coffee through my nose!

Yeah very odd. I want to here from some actual escorts on this...have you ever taken one and I don’t, for got it was in your bag and realized it so you tossed it in your trash in your house?  Just curious if that’s what she might have done.

Real escort here.... no, I never take the condom, filled or empty. Wrap it up and throw it away.  (NO flushing!!!)

Just wondering ... was this an "economy" Provider from BP? Do you remember if she opened a sealed condom when she covered you up or did she pull a used one from out of her bag?  
Maybe she is an environmentalist and is trying to get more uses out of each one.  Al Gore would be proud of her!  
But I wonder if she rinses it out before reusing it?  No, that would be a waste of water.

Maybe she was just ensuring it got thrown away and not just left on the chair or something gross

They leave normal trash in the room waste basket (to leave nothing is odd) but wrap incriminating evidence to dispose of away from the room.  I guess it's applicable if SHE uses the same hotel frequently & doesn't want them to KNOW her business.    

I've mostly had providers ask me to flush even though I'd rather they have a plastic bag to dispose of all covers. If they are in a plastic bag with other garbage such as food wrappers etc then I don't think the cleaning staff is going to open the bags to see the contents. But who knows.... :-)

Point well taken!  If she wraps it well & buries it other trash, it's unlikely to be accidentally discovered.  I guess that would depend on the other trash she has in the room.  

Posted By: TheNativesMan
Re: Cover question
I've mostly had providers ask me to flush even though I'd rather they have a plastic bag to dispose of all covers. If they are in a plastic bag with other garbage such as food wrappers etc then I don't think the cleaning staff is going to open the bags to see the contents. But who knows.... :-)

Probably just trying to not to leave evidence behind

dickwhisperer126 reads

that I know their system isn't that good and in occasions bathroom was clogged. For that reason if I am doing an outcall in that location I rather take it with me and threw out in a trash can. Better not leave evidence in rooms.  
Specially with female condoms, those are way to big to flush & the package is not small.

NEWGIRL365120 reads

So, I am a new provider on the site. Hi there." wink" In my "research" into this industry I have read that taking the cover(s) to dispose of someplace safe is proper Escort etiquette. Do I do this? depends on the situation... but usually no.

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