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Your advice about antibiotics is worth a lot more than $.02
GaGambler 933 reads

We have an immune sytsem for a reason, an over reliance on drugs  is becoming the norm instead of the exception.

KUNGaLINGus3996 reads doc knows about my hobby.  Why not?  It has turned out to be a huge help.  For example, she gives me free samples of Viagra so I have a nice, firm moister missile to have fun on my encounters.  I asked her to keep no notes and I trust her to do as I wish.  I tend to go on BIG weekends with my hobby.  Having several in a weekend's time, or get away a couple of days during the week.  Here is what I do from my doc's advice.  1.  After the provider leaves, completely wash your hands, dork and meat sack with an anti bacterial sanitizer. burns a bit!  But, it gets rid of any harmful bacteria the pussy juice may leave behind, and it will kill on the surface viruses.  2.  I take a dose of antibiotics just to be safe....will wipe out any early stage infection.  Now, this does not give a 100% clean rating, but it does help improve the odds.

Another tip:  Examine the pussy.  If it smells, has sores or any abnormal redness....DONT TOUCH IT!  Ask for a hand job and have her leave.

Shlomo Shlong Dong2103 reads

Washing the "meat sack" with antibacterial sanitizer does NOT sound Kosher!

There are already antibiotic resistant strains of STDs coming up due to our overly medicating culture.  We are making super germs with our out of control  anti-bacterial attacks...

Absolutely - examine what you play with to see if it seems kosher.  Afterwards, urinate then wash with warm soapy water.  If you would like a natural "extra" tea tree oil is a natural antiseptic, antibacterial and fungicide.

.01, as I think my .02 isn't worth posting here...

GaGambler934 reads

We have an immune sytsem for a reason, an over reliance on drugs  is becoming the norm instead of the exception.

If your Doctor is suggesting that you take an unnecessary course of antibiotics, and only a few doses at that, I can't help but question her medical credentials. Seriously. That is exactly how superbugs are created. You are just begging to develop an antibiotic resistent infection. Furhtermore, although some antibiotics, like Zythromax can be used for the treatment of both garden variety infections as well as some STDs, most antibiotics like amoxicillin are not used, and are not indicated in the treatment of STD's. So chances are, whatever "dose of antibiotics" you are taking aren't doing you an ounce of good.

But do go ahead and wash your naughty bits thorougly - soap and water will do the trick just fine. If your partner has an STD like gonorrhea or syphillis, all the washing in the world will not prevent infection if you went BB. If a condom was used though, your chances of avoiding infection are high. The washing will dramatically decrease the chances of developing either herpes or genital warts though, so scrub away.

We haven't had a clueless post from a mindless alias for a few days now...

hotplants1989 reads

The FDA and the CDC consider the increase in drug-resistant bacteria a very serious world health issue.  A simple infection, treatable with standard antibiotics in the not too distant past, can now quickly become a life threatening situation. These types of infections kill more people than AIDS, and estimates put the current death count in the US alone at more than 900000 people a year.

The UNECCESSARY dispensing of antibiotics, the obsession with sterilizing every substrate in our lives, bathing ourselves in hand sanitizer, the introduction of antibiotics into the commercial food chain, amongst other things, are contributing to the cultivation of antibiotic resistant bacteria---or the “super bugs” other posters have mentioned here; MSRA, super staph infections, flesh-eating bacteria, new strains of STD’s….

Having spent over 3 weeks in the hospital with an IV pumping me full of massive doses of multiple flavors of antibiotics, including 3 days in ICU fighting a particularly virulent form of pneumonia caused by a critter I picked up after a routine outpatient procedure, I can tell you from personal experience this is serious business.

Flush the antibiotics down the (other) john!  The only “odds” this is improving is your risk of complications should you ever pick up an infection that REQUIRES antibiotics.

And if your doc is giving you the drugs (as opposed to you self-medicating), I’d take a close look at her diploma to make sure it’s not one of those mail order kind.

MRSA is also a staph infection, just of a strain that has increased immunity to certain antibiotics.

Flesh-eating bacteria is most commonly caused by simple Streptococcus bacteria. The same one that causes simple Strep Throat. It's the location of the infection, between the skin and the tissue covering the muscles that creates a fast moving necrotizing fasciitis (Flesh-eating) infection. Years ago, I had something similar. Same bacteria, but it was a slightly more benign Cellulitis (more on the surface of the skin). It was very fast moving and life threatening.

These bacteria are EVERYWHERE. Cleanliness is parmount and puncture wounds are the most dangerous.

I am not a Doctor.

-- Modified on 3/7/2008 8:08:53 PM

That only gets them into the water system and spreads them around.

Unused antibiotics should be destroyed by incinerating them.  Some hospitals will accept them and disposed of them that way for you.

Parts per TRIILION? I'm not sure if this is too alarmist or maybe even junk science, but it makes a little bit of sense. But as the story points out, we'd have to quit using toilets entirely to solve the problem. Unmetabolized sources probably far outweigh the sources we are talking about above.

-- Modified on 3/10/2008 12:52:06 PM

Bodercollie3064 reads

Things to consider: Antibiotics will not have any effect on viral STD infections.  Normal bacteria skin and mucosal flora also have beneficial effect because they prevent colonization by other pathogens and control the growth of other bacteria by competitive exclusion.  This is one reason why a side effect of antibiotics is diarrhea because of the disturbance of normal gut bacterial flora.  Using a harsh bacterial sanitizer to point that it “burns” suggest a break in the skin barrier that could allow pathogens to enter the body an hence foster an infection. My suggestion for reducing the STD risk is to urinate afterwards and wash yourself with warm water and non-antimicrobial soap.  The prophylactic use of antibiotics and harsh bacterial sanitizers may be counterproductive in preventing STD infections.

Im a newbie here, but certainly not inexperenced.
All that you mention above is fine, but sounds like the lecture we used to get in the Navy when it was assumed the lads would hit the beach and walk out of a waterfront dive with the first thing they saw wearing a skirt.

My first rule has always been, stay away from the street and Craigs list.  If your going to do this, do it smart, and safe.  Do your homework.  Choose your ladies wisely.  Stay with the independents and upscale agencies, those who are smart, clean and drug free to begin with, and you'll eliminate at least 90% of the health and safety issues.  

Ever provider that Ive met through here and other websites have been clean and safe about themselves and their clients.  Thats one of the reason they screen you.

and plain old soap and water is just as effective as antibacterial gel, which contains alcohol and other ingredients which are not necessarily safe for genital use.  In fact, it can cause more damage than benefit as it can cause a chemical burn which would make you more susceptible to infection.

As for antibiotics before the weekend, I have to question what your doctor is thinking.  One of the most controversial subjects out there is the fact that doctors are overprescribing antibiotics and this is causing people to build up a resistance. If a person with a resistance gets ill, what happens is that even stronger antibiotics must be used.

My take, if you are that paranoid, find another hobby...  Otherwise, just use common sense.

Your 100% right just plain old soap and water and don"t forget to gargle with some mouthwash. Good clean hygene is a main factor.

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