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You were ripped off by the classic upselling scheme.
Flabbergasted 3732 reads
1 / 15

So, speak with provider on phone--she says rate is $350 an hour.  Great.  She is coming over, and calls just prior to arriving.  

Shows up, and she matches the pictures (except for one giant tattoo on her back which wasn't mentioned on eros).  She checks ID, checks license, chit chat for a bit.

Then says, lets go over rules.  "Tipping is up front, and its expected.  That's basically it.  So, I'll give you a range of tips, and an average.  Range is $700 to $2,000, average is $1,500.  I can take credit cards."  

I was like, you didn't mention that.  She says its standard.  I said, hmm, I read the reviews on TER, and none of them mention that.  She says, "that's funny--not sure why, its standard.  Why would I lie?"  She then proceeds to tell me that the services offered and described on EROS are not true--she doesn't know why someone would even write that up.    

I told her to take $100, and leave the rest, and please leave.  She said no, doesn't work that way.  Can't you go to ATM or put it on CC?  I said no.  She then says, not sure what you want to do.  I said, well, I feel a little deceived, you didn't mention your rate is really $2,000, how about take $100 and leave.  She says nope, she's keeping the money.  I asked her to leave.  

Oh, and her "bodyguard" called a few minutes after she was in.  Everything's great she said.  5 minutes later, she receives another call--everything's good she said.  


Did I get hosed, or is thatt tip really standard?

atl_mgr 4278 reads
2 / 15

And you clearly didn't do your pre-session homework.  No previous reviews on this one, I bet - or if so, undoubtedly not favorable.  You need to post a discussion board report on the regional board serving the area where she advertised, complete with links to her Eros ad.

Thinking with the wrong head lightens the wallet.  Or worse.

FreedomRider225 3437 reads
3 / 15

Is when you know you've been suckered.

I would have snatched back my money and expeditiously booted her ass out the door.
(If she wants to file a "robbery" report; let her have at it) If her "bodyguard" comes to your door to start trouble, don't open it, and just call the police. Those two insalubrious pieces of shit stand to be in WAY more trouble when the coppers arrive then they can ever cause for you..  

Atl_mgr was right on about your Pre-session TER research. It will save you a ton of money and disappointment in the future.

Though conceivably perilous ground; taking an offensive stand against rip-offs has never garnered me anything more than a threatening phone call from a pissed agency.

"Go ahead; make my day"
        (Insp. Harry Callahan)

Tori Of ATL See my TER Reviews 4056 reads
4 / 15

I personally never accept any additional compensation for anything that may happen between the two of us after our initial meeting… :)

A really nice thing about upselling (*from a hobbyist prospective*) is that upselling is definitely a sure way to attack L/E attention.

So what goes around comes around....…

Happy hobbying…
Know your provider (*and her reputation*)
kisses ~Tori

WaterBoys 13 Reviews 1962 reads
5 / 15

So, is there an honorable way to NOT provide full donation up front?

Such as 50% upfront or ??
Or just when situation doesn't seem completely comfortable?
Maybe token or 50% in one envelope, rest in another? extra/tip in a third?

No ripoff or shorting intended, just honorable question.

FreedomRider225 2574 reads
6 / 15

If the gal has no reviews to her credit and she asks for the donation up front I give her 1/3 or 1/2 the total. If she counts it and balks at it I merely state that without the usual accreditation of reviews to insure accountability concerns I offer a good faith down payment that I will honor the balance upon completion. I then show her the balance, and then tuck it out of her immediate accessibility.

So far I have found this agreeable to all but the ROBs.

keystonekid 114 Reviews 2301 reads
7 / 15

Since no session was had, you can not write a review.  However, you can post on your local board to warn others.

SinsOfTheFlesh See my TER Reviews 3148 reads
8 / 15

Pardon the confusion, but wouldn't this experience come under the heading of "rip-off", and thus qualify for a review with a 1 for performance? Clearly he didn't leave with a smile on his face, but money WAS exchanged, so I thought by TER standards a review could be written, and that this sort of situation is exactly what a 1 rating was intended for.

But then again.......I could be wrong :o)

atl_mgr 2121 reads
9 / 15

Because they did meet and an exchange did occur, he should write a review.

atl_mgr 2933 reads
10 / 15

He gave her 350, and he got nada.  That's a rip-off in the truest sense of the word, and is exactly why the '1' rating on TER exists.

He should write the review, AND post on his local board to warn others.

keystonekid 114 Reviews 1784 reads
11 / 15

I stand corrected.  Thanks S o F and atl mgr.  After 4 years here, I don't know all the answers; just trying to help.

Flabbergasted 2018 reads
12 / 15

I'll put up a review--a little bit nervous is all.  She, afterall, had access to my personal information.  What was kept or not, not certain.  It was a total ripoff that is certain.  What is especially irritating--she was aware of the TER review on here, and claimed she has no idea why someone posted it, as its not true.  Also claimed the $350 is a "booking fee" and anything else is extra.  

BDJ should be warned as well.

union315fr 2059 reads
13 / 15

the same happened to me in Tampa.
I paid initial fee and let her go.
I was on a business trip and did not need any noise.

absoluteangel 2014 reads
14 / 15

 Yes I think you were "taken" from a providers pt of view. I am a prov. working for a local agency... horrified at your story. I cannot speak for all prov. but my rates.. agency are inclusive. Yes my friends do "tip" at x's but usually a rose, chocolates sometimes $ but nothing like you experienced. Furthermore the "tip" if given is my friends choice! Never expected let alone demanded! I don't know if you had an appt. with Pam Anderson but short of that she had b....! Please do not let your lousy exp. turn you away however! We are fortunate to have oodles of beautiful, kind prov's in this industry. Watch the reviews and research as though you were buying your 1st home! You will find Ms. right and hopefully eliminate your bad memory!         xoxo Lisa

dumbledore731 7 Reviews 2452 reads
15 / 15

you got hosed. i never book anyone unless i see TER reviews. Don't feel too bad tho, it happened to me 2 or 3 times and always in vegas (to me, until i did all my screening with TER).Now, vegas (with the ter checking) is ok tho my other probelm i have had in vegas is no shows by providers tho i have never stood anyone up anywhere.Surprisingly i have never had any problems elsewhere except "sin city"

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