Newbie - FAQ

You have to give her some time to do her screening if you've never met before.
cocktail-party 464 reads

If you have an established history with many references and screening service accounts (Datecheck, P411, etc.), then it's possible to get a same day response. If not, you need to give her at least 24 hours, maybe even a couple of days to complete her screening and get back to you.  

You may have come across as too pushy with the three contacts within a day. If that's the case, then she's not going to reply as she doesn't want to risk getting into an argument about it. Lesson learned, time to move on.

Zuezername1405 reads

I havent done anything remotely suspicious or said anything wrong or innappropiate. This one provider I'm trying to contact, an agency, I have contacted her 3 times over the course of the entire day and no response. She asked for me info, I gave it to her, and now nothing back.

Is this a common practice? Agency/provider suddenly doesnt want your service? Or am I missing something?

its kinda disheartening too because the reviews of the agent talked about how she responded back and booked appointments fast

Senator.Blutarsky393 reads

...unfortunately it happens more than we would like... My advice is don't lose any sleep over it and move on to the next one.

I've sent a few e-mails into black holes. You never know what the situation is, maybe someone booked her for a week, maybe something in her screening process put her off of you. Definitely don't send multiple e-mails or texts in a day, to JLS's point that will shut things down pretty quickly. Besides, why bother? Just move on to someone else.

-- Modified on 2/4/2015 10:01:06 PM

TwoMints419 reads

You can never tell what is going on in someone's life. I've had any number of ladies not respond to requests. I think its rude that they don't respond at all, even to decline seeing me.  It did bother me at first, now I don't worry about it.  

Make a list of ladies you'd see, and when in need, go down the list. I'm a planner so, I'm always asking for dates well in advance giving me time to seek an alternative if my first selection can't or won't see me. Give them some time to respond. I did discover that some of the assistants don't contact me back until the day before the appoint I asked for. To late, I've already lined someone else up. Early on I, would have a back up to my back up, usually an MP type. Now I'll just skip it completely, I've had less then stellar results from those experiences.  You could also get prescreened  with an agency or two, they can usually come through in a pinch

Just RELAX.  I understand being new and all jacked up and excited, but give the lady time.  It may take her a couple days to get back to you, though most will probably try to respond within a day.  And don't take anything personal in this business.  It's a little like the Wild West, with few hard set rules or standards for the ladies - so just roll with things and be adaptable.  I used to approach this a little more like I would dealing with a business - but quicky learned that most ladies don't run quite that tight a ship.  Some are always late.  Some don't reply to inquiries.  As long as you are well versed in the basics for newbies (be brief, respectful, specific about appt time requested, and don't mention anything sexual in your communications, etc.) you really shouldn't worry too much if you MAY have done something wrong, because the majority of time that you don't hear back from a lady (or in a timely manner) - it will have NOTHING to do with you - so don't worry about things you don't understand/can't control - just move on to your next options.

Jargon and silly stuff like "'sup baby" or "man you look fine" are best avoided in email and text communication as well. In the sender's head it might sound like playful banter but for providers it's all too often the calling card of the time waster, or worse. I've been told by providers that it's the next worse thing to being explicit. Not to say OP did anything like this but just to elaborate on "respectful."

If you have an established history with many references and screening service accounts (Datecheck, P411, etc.), then it's possible to get a same day response. If not, you need to give her at least 24 hours, maybe even a couple of days to complete her screening and get back to you.  

You may have come across as too pushy with the three contacts within a day. If that's the case, then she's not going to reply as she doesn't want to risk getting into an argument about it. Lesson learned, time to move on.

You have to give her some time to screen you, and the time between your first contact and the third one may not be enough.  She has other clients she may be entertaining during that day.  I'd say you should allow at least one or two full days before contacting her a second time.  Too many times contacting in a short period of time will most likely be considered too aggressive, and that's likely to get you ignored.

There are too many quality providers out there to spend too much time bugging one particular lady.


might not log in until after lunch.  Then they send emails to the references you listed and maybe the references are busy  and don't check email until later that evening.  Providers have real lives too and agencies have more than one potential client to deal with, especially if a large agency with lots of providers.

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