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BeautywithBrains See my TER Reviews 282 reads


JosieKelly1523 reads

Hello everyone! I'm looking to get into this business as a provider but I have so many questions! I read The Internet Escort's Handbook series by Amanda Brooks. Those two books gave me some pretty good information that I couldn't find anywhere else online. I've been lurking on these boards for about a week now and today I decided to sign up and post here just to see if anyone might be able to help. This business is definitely for me. I've done many things in the adult industry over the past several years. The only escorting I've ever done was through an agency. Aside from the fact that I'm not cool with splitting my money with anyone, I want to do this on my terms and have control over who I see. Obviously I'm concerned about my safety so I'd say the meat of my questions are in regards to screening. I've also had a bit of trouble finding a good photographer for a reasonable price who isn't turned off by the fact that I want to use my photos for my ads. I've also got some questions about building a site/hiring someone to do it. I'm not really sure what to set my rates as either. By the way, I'll be working in Cleveland and Columbus Ohio. Any tips you have for me would be greatly appreciated! Thanks so much!

I'd suggest also going to your local board and chatting up with people there so they can get to know you.

Getting a website going is key.  You sound like a savvy person who could figure out how to set up one of the cookie cutter websites that so many gals use.  As long as you post some decent photos, and have it well written and edited, that should suffice for now.  Browse through the websites of various gals and see which ones strike you as right for you.  The cookie cutter ones will usually have a link for you to go to if you decide to use theirs.

Finally, as far as using TER goes, you must read the Self Help/Newbie Manual that is linked on this page.  It has all the rules for how to use TER.  Pay particular attention to the rules for posting ads.

Welcome to the hobby world.  You sound like a great gal and I hope you do well in this.

I'm amazed. Mr. Fisher answered the questions before they where even asked. (look at the time line)

Posted By: mrfisher
I'd suggest also going to your local board and chatting up with people there so they can get to know you.

Getting a website going is key.  You sound like a savvy person who could figure out how to set up one of the cookie cutter websites that so many gals use.  As long as you post some decent photos, and have it well written and edited, that should suffice for now.  Browse through the websites of various gals and see which ones strike you as right for you.  The cookie cutter ones will usually have a link for you to go to if you decide to use theirs.

Finally, as far as using TER goes, you must read the Self Help/Newbie Manual that is linked on this page.  It has all the rules for how to use TER.  Pay particular attention to the rules for posting ads.

Welcome to the hobby world.  You sound like a great gal and I hope you do well in this.

Not yet, unfortunately. I'm planning to upgrade my membership ASAP, and to make my debut within two months time. I could contact you through your site email if that would be okay?

Finding a provider who will take you under her wing is a good way to learn screening technics, many of those methods are better not discussed in an open forum. Reading back several pages here can help answer many questions you may have. Good luck!

As a number of others have mentioned, TER offers a lot of useful information and there are a number of other providers who can provide you some assistance and insight.

Screening by far is the single most important aspect.  Other providers could offer you insight into their methods.  

As for a photographer, one way is to search for other providers in your area and check out their website.  Most photos have a watermark on it with the studio's name.  You'll have to spend some time doing some research.  Some also use a website template to start and as their business grows, they'll find a professional to develop one or they find another template to use.

Thanks so much, Happy! Great tips!

alexagrey375 reads

We all have to start somewhere!
Please, PM me if you have any questions, or would like some suggestions!

Thanks, Alexa! You're gorgeous btw!

Posted By: alexagrey
We all have to start somewhere!  
 Please, PM me if you have any questions, or would like some suggestions!

noagenosage374 reads

Here's a list from Amazon:

As you note, the Amanda Brooks series is informative but there are also others.  Please look at the book advertised and also scroll down to some of the others on the list.  A couple appear to be genuinely useful.  

Most useful is if you have a trustworthy friend (women are better in this case but guys are sometimes helpful too) you can discuss things with.

noagenosage404 reads

"Turning Pro" by Magdalene Meretrix, easily available on Amazon.    

Posted By: noagenosage
Here's a list from Amazon:  
 As you note, the Amanda Brooks series is informative but there are also others.  Please look at the book advertised and also scroll down to some of the others on the list.  A couple appear to be genuinely useful.    
 Most useful is if you have a trustworthy friend (women are better in this case but guys are sometimes helpful too) you can discuss things with.    

I've heard of this one, but had forgotten about it. Thank you for the reminder! =)

Posted By: noagenosage
"Turning Pro" by Magdalene Meretrix, easily available on Amazon.    
Posted By: noagenosage
Here's a list from Amazon:   
  As you note, the Amanda Brooks series is informative but there are also others.  Please look at the book advertised and also scroll down to some of the others on the list.  A couple appear to be genuinely useful.    
  Most useful is if you have a trustworthy friend (women are better in this case but guys are sometimes helpful too) you can discuss things with.    

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