Newbie - FAQ

Wyzeguy111 is not an alias. [eom]
atl_mgr 1114 reads


Well, I'm not quite a newbie, but it's been two years since I last visited a provider and I've only visited two ever (and had a great time with both!)

But, I will be in Las Vegas in mid-March and I'm already avidly searching the reviews for my visit.  Would waiting until a week or two before I'm in Vegas make a lot more sense than contacting a provider six or eight weeks ahead of time?  Is even a couple of weeks to far in advance?

I especially would appreciate any provider's thoughts on this.

especially when seeing a visiting provider.  If they are popular and there availiability is limited, the sooner you can place your date with her the better.

When going to their town, the same logic applies; however it pays to stay in contact every week or two just so that she knows that you are serious.  With email, that is pretty simple to do anyway.

That being said, I get the idea talking to most providers I know, that most dates get made within 24 hours anyways.  Many guys are just impulse buyers I guess.

I always prefer as much advanced notice as a guy can give me… it just helps give me an idea as to what type of availability I have. Especially when I am visiting a city…
Kisses ~Tori

There are quite a few providers as well as hobbiests who will help you out there.

I posted on the Vegas board about 6 weeks before visiting and got great help from the guys and ladies.

You won't have any problem finding someone with 24 hours notice or less, but...
If you have your heart or mind set on a certain someone, the farther in advance the better (IMHO, & within reason).

I'm in Vegas for 4 nights the end of this month and I have had three of those evenings scheduled for a month or more.  I had my short list of "must see" ladies and didn't want to risk missing out.
Of course there's still one evening and maybe a wake-up call or two open for flexibility, LOL.

Drop by the Vegas board, and lose the alias, for any specific advise.

I didn't see the envelope icon and made an assumption(I know).  Forgot that I was in a "post reply" window.

provider, what you want etc.  As above, post on Vegas board, pm or email Brooke.Generally, I will make appointments two weeks in advance in my home city but when traveling or trying to schedule doubles session, will start out about four weeks in advance, confirming two weeks in advance and then a couple of days prior to the session.
There are no hard rules about this... some ladies like to plan ahead, others prefer one day advance notice or even same day notice.

Based on my own experience with scheduling for an upcoming business trip, some providers like to schedule way in advance, and some don't.  You'll probably want to let them know in your initial contact that you're trying to schedule somewhat in advance, so if they don't like doing advance planning, they won't feel like they've wasted a lot of time with someone who was actually just "window-shopping", so to speak.

Be ready for some schedule-juggling if things change at the last minute; on my trip, I got stuck without a car (and no real way to rent one without my boss asking some pointed questions) on arrival in town, and my careful scouting for convenient incall providers went right out the window.  If I hadn't been ready with Plan B, I'd have been out of luck.  It's also not unheard of for a provider to have something come up and have to cancel, and you don't want to be left with nothing to do but watch TV.

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