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Why I pay taxes (*from a providers point of view*)
Tori Of ATL See my TER Reviews 2243 reads

I feel I am a professional and I am incorporated as such. (*I provide professional services*)  As an American I would be expected to pay my taxes just like any other small business owner. Why does anyone else pay taxes?   ~Tori

It seems like they'd have to to justify being able to pay their bills.  Are their shell corporations and such for this sort of thing?

Tax evasion is a felony punishable by up to five years imprisonment and/or a $250,000 fine. An elaborate tax evasion scheme wouldn't be worth setting up for a provider.

Although I would agree it is short sighted and possibly foolhardy for a provider to fly totally under the “compliance” radar; a simple establishing of a fictitious business name(dummy corporation) giving an income source and paper trail to both appease the gods as well as establish credit etc does not mean that ALL the cash monies need be reported.

As long as "cash" remains non-traceable a smart provider is literally in the catbird seat.

I feel I am a professional and I am incorporated as such. (*I provide professional services*)  As an American I would be expected to pay my taxes just like any other small business owner. Why does anyone else pay taxes?   ~Tori

All along, I've been paying them because I don't look good in stripes.

Ben Dover2022 reads

and I avoid paying them in any way I can figure out how to without getting caught!

There is no "moral obligation" to pay taxes to this government or any other... Though an argument can be made that there is an "ethical obligation" to do so...

"Ethics" differ from "morals" in that ethics is based on obedience to the rule of law, whereas Morals are based on the laws of God... However the two words have become distortedly interchangable over time...

that the tax preparation/political lobbyist industry would rather never be known.

followme1398 reads

it really any of our business ??

Thank you

followme2005 reads

My penis..........well look
90% of the time it is just hanging aroud not doing anything

10% of thetime it is hard up.
and is at times in the hole.

and it has two dependents and they are both nuts.

Thank You

In the interest of full disclosure it would be a small and quick  deduction.

-- Modified on 1/6/2007 2:11:46 PM

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