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What would happen if..
pb2xtreme 3486 reads

Hi. I'm completely new so I apologize if this is rude or if it offends anyone in any way. What would happen if you asked a provider to take a pic with you? I've been searching the boards and looking on many personal sites and nothing about pictures is ever mentioned so I was wondering if it was taboo / some unwritten rule.

I think there was a thread here or on the general board about this recently.  It depends on the provider.  If they show their face on their website you might have a chance, but if they blur or don't show you likely won't.  Discretion is the key to success here and most of them don't want to risk any possibility of their face being shown anywhere.

-- Modified on 1/11/2008 9:25:42 PM

Many won't, but many will be happy to.
Wait until you are into the appointment and are comfortable with each other, and by all means DO ask first.  If you whip out your digicam and start clicking away I can pretty much guarantee you won't like whatever happens next, LOL.

And some will charge you for it....
It is fairly uncommon as the ladies know that any photograph they allow a guy to take could wind up on the internet that night.

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