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What a joke....confused_smile
GregoireLuv 1 Reviews 8658 reads

Well after thinking about it for along time, I finally decided to try an SP.  Yeah that means I'm a newbie....

A local lady (Flint area) had gotten several good reviews here, she seemed friendly on the phone and we were to meet at 10 am today.  She told me to call her just before the time to get a room number, etc.

Well it's 11:10 now and she did not pick up, did not return my messages, nothing.

Welcome to the hobby, eh?

Unfortunately this happens from time to time even from some of the most reputable ladies, and for a multitude of reasons. Although unprofessional, try not to let it negatively affect you. You may or may not want to try and contact her at a later time for an explanation and/or to see if a reschedule time  is possible. Or you can simply just move on to a different, more reliable provider. I know it seems difficult to just move on when you've probably spent much time reseaching a particular lady and had your heart set on fulfilling those expectations; only to suffer this setback and disappointment. However, the general consensus from experienced hobbyists will be "just move on"; find someone else that you may like even better.

Thanks Mr. Man.  I'll likely move on from her since I really hate being blown off...  What's funny is that until yesterday she generally answered her phone right away!  lol  So who knows....

But my free time is at a premium, so it may be a while before I get the chance to try another lady...

You should still make an attempt to contact her.  As a newbie, you have no references, and the possibility that you somehow spooked her is higher than you'd think.  See her or don't...clearly your call.  But use it as an opportunity to make next time better.

Well I've left he a couple messages yesterday with no response....  I think that's all I can do as she doesn't have email.

But thanks for the suggestion!

This has happened to many of us. Just chalk it up as a good thing. Maybe LE was hot that night in Flint and she saved you from a hassle maybe she had a car that did not start.....who knows. Keep at it you will have fun. Keep your pecker hard and your powder dry and the world will turn. Just don't go to Dort HWY and look for love.

Maybe LE was hot yesterday, but it seems if she was worried she could have called and cancelled.  That would have been better than nothing.

Nope I would never go to Dort!  lol  I've lived in the area most of my life and don't even like going to the strip clubs along there!  :-)

Yeah sooner or later, I'll hook up with a lady...

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