Newbie - FAQ

Verification Sites
boxscar 5376 reads

I'm a newbie and have considered going through verification sites such as roomservice2000, date-check, or preferred411, etc. I assume that by doing so I can have a high expectation that any of the listed providers are legit; and in turn, the provider can reasonably expect that I'm legit.  However, here is my question and concern. What info on me is passed on to the provider?  I don't mind sharing some info with the site, but if they in turn share all of it with the provider, then all I've done is opened up two potential sources of info getting into the wrong hands. If so, wouldn't it be better just to deal with the provider directly and limit the risk of giving out info to an extra party?  I've refrained from directly emailing the sites since I figure I can get a more unbiased answer in a neutral forum.

Verified will appear before your name or you will be issued a number wwe can look up at any of those three sites.. it simply says you are verified and passed their verification. We get no personal info at all..

You would email your provider of choice and say HEY im a ROOMSERVICE2000 member and it all goes from there..

Again, we dont get any info

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