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Update on problemsad_smile
nchs71 9827 reads

well now it has been 3 weeks since my contact with said provider that claims she is clean of STD's I have now been sick for 3 weeks. She was my first use of a provider and saw me without a reference. I have never had a std and have recent testing to prove that. I have asked her to test but she said she will when she wants to and I won't know the result. My contact with her was bbbj, sex with condom, and hand job. Something is not right here.

implant them in the cock during BBBJ so that the spider can crawl through the body and in a series of medical events to numerous to mention here, control the minds of all men and then take over the world.
I thought that was a secret!
Now that he knows...he can go to a doctor and get some damn anti-biotics and try to tell the truth to the world!  
You've broken the code!  You must be destroyed!

WebTerrorist5187 reads

Go to a doctor.
Tell the doctor you have had a sore throat for three weeks.
Mention the BBBJ if you so desire...but mention to the doctor you have already been tested for STDs and came back clean.

Leave the poor woman alone.
She did not, I repeat, DID NOT give you a sore throat from a BBBJ...the only possible way you could have a sore throat from a BBBJ is if you were giving and not receiving.

I really think you need to see a doctor like any normal person would if they had cold symptoms for three weeks...

Quote (from reply to you in the other thread):
"As for getting sick the very next day, to my knowledge there is no STD that would produce symptoms that quickly. As a matter of fact, the common cold takes about three days from exposure to the onset of symptoms.  There are very few things you could catch that would make you feel sick in under 24 hours, fewer that would have the symptoms you indicate you have, fewer still that you would be inclined to contract in North America....chances are better than not, you already had what ever you have when you had your appointment, but were probably not contagious since you lacked any symptoms at that time."

How many people have to tell you this, and how many times do you have to be told?

The scarey provider didn't give you a sore throat one day after BBBJ.

ubilam9193 reads

Apparently you have informed her you have been ill, she will deal with it as she sees fit.  YOU need to take control of your own life and get YOURSELF tested if you are so concerned.  As you say "something is not right here", anyone who is supposedly sick for 3 whole weeks and chooses not to see a doctor about it has issues do deal with that are far more serious than whether or not the provider in question gets tested.

Al Swearengen8576 reads

You pointed it out yourself.  Providers should always check references.  This poor woman has got to be kicking herself black and blue for not insisting on references from you.

I'm sure they didnt see a provider at all.. as of late, with new site and changes, they should've renamed this board STDS for newbies.

checking references doesn't help on diseases as many go undetected by the host for months. Best to use safety precautions.

GaGambler7565 reads

Yeah, but how do you screen for stupidity? I bet the reason he has not checked with his doctor is that his doctor probably refuses to see this moron too. sheesh what a self absorbed idiot!!

Al Swearengen8659 reads

I didn't mean she should have checked references for diseases.  I meant that if this guy had ever seen any other provider before, his self absorbed personality would have been an obvious red flag to pass on so no one should have to endure this.

zzz7778949 reads

nchs71, I think your sore throat is just a sign that shows your body is weak and recovering from the good time that you had with the provider.  Because I always feel weaker and also almost always have a little bit sore throat the following day after I jerk off.  So I think probably it's normal since you are not the only one.  I think what you need to do right now is to sleep earlier and get enough sleep, not getting too tierd during the day, and no jerk off until the sore throat goes away for a while because your body is recovering.  It's better that you get rid of the sore thoat as soon as possible because the sore thorat can cause breathing problems if it stays with you too long. For example, like asthma
Don't lock yourself up in the house the whole day, go out in the afternoon and some exercise may help you recover too.  And you need to go to a doctor for your cold too.

zzz7778961 reads

one more thing.  just go to the doctor and take the STD test again so you can know that you don't have STDs and you don't have to worry about the provider's results.

nchs719015 reads

who ever said I didn't go to the doctor. I have been to the doctor 3 times with all the tests. done. I have all neg. at the present time.

And everything is negative, then you really have nothing to worry about.  Remember there are MANY Other things out there that can cause you to be sick rather than just STD's.  Personally, when I masterbate too much, I leave a rather bad rash on my penis that looks pretty bad.  A little Neosporin ointment takes care of it over a few days.

There are other things rather than STD's that cause sicknesses.

Basically, you did not get an STD from her.  You might have caught some other virus from her or anywhere else.  Have you lived in a bubble for your entire life?  Have you ever been sick another time?  

drink some tea dude! eom

nchs717402 reads

i want to warn all newbies that diseases can be transmitted by bbbj. since being with this woman i have had the following symptoms, nasuea, dirreah,lip sores, sore throat, sweating. i am still being tested. but i am going through hell, this is not stress it is illness. hopefully not hiv.

GaGambler8547 reads

I wish he'd drink the Kool aid instead, and leave us alone. I'm sick of his whining.

You could have been nervous which can cause to lower your amunne system. You may have kissed her which could have transferred a cold. I highly doubt you have a STD but if your paranoid go get checked out.

He has been checked for STDs, several times.  Each time he is told he is clean.  He is still whining and complaining, however.

I recommend he stop seeing providers and save his money for a new hobby.

nchs716478 reads

man i sure get a lot of greif for seeing a provider for the first time and getting ill. i would think others would want to stay away from her. i have not been cleared of all std's yet hiv hangs in the balance.

You are so full of it (I'm too polite to say what "it" is, but I think everybody here knows to what I am referring).  Your symptoms appeared far too soon for an STD.  Your symptoms do not, together, equate to an STD.  You have stated, in past messages, that your STD tests have come back clean, yet now you say otherwise.  HIV also won't manifest this quickly, and cause these health problems.

You know what your problem is?  I'm willing to bet large sums it's plain and simple stress.  You are so nervous that you are causing these problems.  Nobody forced you to let this lady give you a BBBJ.  You could have stopped it immediately, yet you didn't.  You need to stop this hobby and move on!

-- Modified on 5/3/2005 5:00:27 PM

Enderr6300 reads

Isn't it obvious after the post about four weeks? He's (she's?) full of b.s. and has concocted a phony storey to scare newbies away, and from the tone being written with, it seems like it's because the person doesn't agree with people doing this, so they feel justified and self-righteous in doing so...

nchs718706 reads

no i don't care what anybody does, i just have been ill, and so has the provider come to find out. there are some very good escorts that do care about their health and yours and some that don't.

Oh, so now the provider, who had nothing wrong with her (you said this in at least one of your rants, er posts) is sick too?  Maybe YOU passed on something to HER?  Or are you just changing your story so you can continue your ranting, er posting?

NYAttorney7057 reads

If nchs71's posts bother you, don't read them. Why bash someone who, for whatever reason, is in pain?

Isn't it obvious that some people, particularly newbies, are not (yet) hobbyists, and some people are not meant to be? Some people go to a provider because they are lonely and feel desperate for human contact. We are not all liberated in mind, body and philosophical outlook.  Imagine the stress of that person's first meeting. Then imagine you fell ill the next day. How would you react?  It's easy to say in hindsight "well you shouldn't have gone." We shouldn't have gone to Iraq either. But that doesn't change the fact that we're there now.

nchs71, I am not a doctor, but having lived with one for 46 years, I can say some things that I feel comfortably correct about.  Any disease, STD or otherwise, has an incubation period: a viral cell, retro-virus, bacterium, or fungus spore, enters your body and begins to multiply. You do not exhibit symptoms until that first cell, bacterium etc. has multiplied many millions of times over and reached a critical mass which overwhelms your body's immune system's ability to fight it.

This process can be shorter or longer depending upon the disease and growth conditions specific to each disease. That being said, there are a very remarkably few illnesses that have an incubation period under 24 hours. Think about it, a disease with that kind of turn-around time would almost invariably cause an epidemic.

If an STD had an incubation period as short as 24 hours, and it caused the symptoms you claim, there would not be a doctor in this country that was unaware of it. It would be a plague. If you have seen three doctors and they have not diagnosed you with an STD, then you can be fairly confident that they are right.

On the other hand, FWIW, a four-week long sore throat sounds to me a lot like mononucleosis.  Have your doctors tested you for that (I would be surprised if they haven't)?  You can get that almost anywhere, and you could have caught it a few days before meeting your provider (you could have given it to her, consider that possibility).

FWIW, there is another diagnosis I might offer (again realizing I'm not a doctor, and have no claim to any special knowledge on the subject). Every one of your symptoms, the nausea, the diarrhea, the sore throat, etc. is compatable with excess stress. Perhaps, you are feeling guilty or embarassed with having been to a provider for the first time? The self-induced stress might be causing the problem.  And, unlike a physical ailment, that could manifest itself within 24 hours.  Not meaning to be indelicate, but maybe you need to talk with someone about it?  Do not get me wrong, I am not saying the problem is in your head, but maybe your head is causing the problem?

Oh, and masturbating too much has nothing to do with it.

nchs716227 reads

you have been very kind with your response. my encounter was on a wed, and friday i was in the ER with the sore throat, thats what the doc said, that was way too soon. but my consern is after one month still with symptoms. also the provider had lost weight from her pictures and while she used a condom during sex she let me cim during oral. also i had no reference as a first timer and she did not ask me anything. and her prices have been going down. so i think she is sick. now you make some good points on the amount of time till illness. i will know for sure in a week. i wonder if this provider did turn out to have it weather or not a post warning others would be allowed on the city discussion board

nchs716954 reads

my symptoms continue with nausea and dirrehea and sore throat, docs can't find anything else. i am very concerned with no answers.

I think you already have your answer - "docs can'find anything else."  They can't give you a disease causing this as no single disease would match all your complaints - save one:  psychological stress.  You WANT something to be wrong, so you are mind is causing it to be so.

You need to save your money and never, ever hobby again.  Also, I advise you quit posting here.  I for one am sick of your baseless complaints.  Find a civvie girlfriend and move on in life.

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