Newbie - FAQ

This post....
ThePeopleRule 148 reads

is an example of why a lot of us are not married.

I recently joined this site because I do other things in my life and want quality over quanity, because it better suits my lifestyle. But I am finding excessive yapping and cannot get a yes or no question answered by the erotic review staff. Reviews are great. But it seems difficult to get a presence and I bet that it is filled with old providers, trying to keep young ones off (and no, I am not 20), or sugar daddies posting their objects, so they can have more themselves. Because it is excessive talking and overly confusing. A lot more confusing than an algebra class. But it is only providers. I can smell the cat litter. I still want to post, because the other sites have their problems too.

FakawiTribe348 reads

....and I still have no idea what you are talking about.

The thing about making a name for yourself is that you need to get reviews. Right now, it seems that you don't have any. My advice is keep pushing on because you will get there.

I, also, am not sure what you're talking about but maybe it's something here:

1. What, exactly, are the Qs you can't get answered by TER staff? Ask them here, on Newbie.

2. You can't get your posts posted quickly? Newbies are under moderation for a while. Your posts go into a holding pattern until someone at TER can see if it meets various criteria and doesn't break any rules. Then they release it to the forums. The delay can be 5 minutes, 5 hours or, sometimes but rarely, longer than that.

Once you've shown yourself to be a reliable poster, you can request to be excused from moderation and your posts will go up without delay.

3. New Providers, even those with experience and existing clients, find that it can take a while before they get their first TER Review and a Profile. The Profile does not exist until the first review is posted. Be patient. Ask for advice here on some things to try. Many guys don't even know about TER and won't know about posting reviews unless you mention it to them.

4. Here on the Newbie board, there are quite a few Providers who offer their help to those that ask for it. Search and read previous Threads on the topics you want to know about. Ask (nicely) if you need more clarification.  

5. We aren't mind readers. Explain things clearly and in sufficient detail so that we know what you're talking about.

Posted By: MelissainTampa
I recently joined this site because I do other things in my life and want quality over quanity, because it better suits my lifestyle. But I am finding excessive yapping and cannot get a yes or no question answered by the erotic review staff. Reviews are great. But it seems difficult to get a presence and I bet that it is filled with old providers, trying to keep young ones off (and no, I am not 20), or sugar daddies posting their objects, so they can have more themselves. Because it is excessive talking and overly confusing. A lot more confusing than an algebra class. But it is only providers. I can smell the cat litter. I still want to post, because the other sites have their problems too.
6. Algebra can become quite confusing when you get to the advanced topics. But you have to start with the basics.

-- Modified on 3/16/2016 10:50:02 PM

that the angle of the dangle is  proportional to the heat of the meat

...inversely proportional to the mass of the ass.

Other than "hooker math", of course.

Please do not tax my poor, blonde, granny GILF, hooker brain.  LOL.  



NOONER: (noun) A sexual encounter during lunch hour, especially one that is illicit.

Both providers & mongers. Be patient and you'll get the hang of things. Btw, there are very successful providers who NEVER post on the boards.  

Posted By: MelissainTampa
I recently joined this site because I do other things in my life and want quality over quanity, because it better suits my lifestyle. But I am finding excessive yapping and cannot get a yes or no question answered by the erotic review staff. Reviews are great. But it seems difficult to get a presence and I bet that it is filled with old providers, trying to keep young ones off (and no, I am not 20), or sugar daddies posting their objects, so they can have more themselves. Because it is excessive talking and overly confusing. A lot more confusing than an algebra class. But it is only providers. I can smell the cat litter. I still want to post, because the other sites have their problems too.

Not a chance in hell honey. LOL

Don't worry your pretty little head honey and keep posting.

Jacks on the case! LOL

Truly.  I didn't when I first started posting, either.  

It can feel like you're attending a party alone, know no one there, and everyone else already knows each other.  They're all making inside jokes and (probably unintentionally) making you feel left out of the conversation.  

As to "excessive yapping" well.... that's personal opinion, I suppose.  Sometimes the boards are quite dead.  Certain regional boards are pretty much always quiet.  I like active conversation, frequent threads,  back-and-forth banter between members.... it's not necessary to try to follow all of them.  Some will definitely give you a headache lol.  

If your posts aren't getting approved, that has to do with TER staff.  The TER moderators are NOT providers.  
So please don't start thinking that any provider is behind the scenes, refusing to approve anyone's posts.  That is just not the case. :-)

I did a quick check, and you have posted on this board just 8 times and the Florida board once.  Please don't give up so quickly!  
Other than lopaw's somewhat caustic remark (and she's a client, not a provider!) I did not read anyone being anything but completely friendly.  Just please give it some time.  :-)

Yes, they are quite a few "mature" category providers here, including myself. There are younger ones too, but we can always use more!  I welcome your presence!  
Please stick around and join more conversations!  We need MORE provider voices here, in my opinion.  

Hope you stick around!! :-)


NOONER: (noun) A sexual encounter during lunch hour, especially one that is illicit.

Thank you!!

Your post was full of compassion and encouragement!!!

a bit misconstrued. There are FAR many more young'uns here than us old ladies lol. I hope to god you are at least 18, good gracious lol.  

G xo

Posted By: MelissainTampa
I recently joined this site because I do other things in my life and want quality over quanity, because it better suits my lifestyle. But I am finding excessive yapping and cannot get a yes or no question answered by the erotic review staff. Reviews are great. But it seems difficult to get a presence and I bet that it is filled with old providers, trying to keep young ones off (and no, I am not 20), or sugar daddies posting their objects, so they can have more themselves. Because it is excessive talking and overly confusing. A lot more confusing than an algebra class. But it is only providers. I can smell the cat litter. I still want to post, because the other sites have their problems too.

website or escort mall information and let's see what happens.

ThePeopleRule149 reads

is an example of why a lot of us are not married.

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