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Theres nothing wrong with being young...teeth_smile
shaka700 1158 reads

I get that sometimes.

A lot of providers stereotype the under 35 crowd.

I think younger men actually have a lot less drama in their lives then some of the older hobbyists.

I think a lot of providers fear they may not meet our expectations of an appointment, which  for the most part is untrue.  

There are a lot of proviers though that see younger guys;just look through their websites for any age restrictions or call them and find out.

Seriously, I'm getting a lot of providers who say I'm too young for them. I'm in my lower 20's, so it's not a legal problem. Is there some stigma against younger clients that I don't know about? Are providers scared of me or something?

explain it to you.  First of all, try an agency real quick so that you can get rid of some of that pent up frustration, they don't tend to have the same age requirement issues.  The independent providers that you are encountering are businesswomen who provide a wonderful service.  Most of them have developed age requirements for their own reasons, but mainly so that they do not have to deal with the pitfalls of the young - immaturity, missed appointments, unrealistic expectations, no money, and general, well, youngness.

These are all generalities, and, for the sake of peace, I will fully accept that they do not apply to you; however, I bet you could think of ten of your friends right now and those generalities will apply to at least five of them.  The providers don't want to put up with it, and they don't have to.

Besides, you have youth, which allows you all kinds of things we older guys don't have anymore: at least let us have this.


BTW, you can search on this issue and find many posts regarding it just within the last month or two.  Read them, because most of them are from the ladies themselves.

Good luck

The veteran sitting around the fire telling the youngster about the fine art of seeing these ladies.  Kinda brings a tear to my eyes. Sniff


hahaha, actually I'm more like the blind leading the sightless. LOL.  :-D

Smelly Smegma1464 reads

disrespectful, or blow off appointments (no call no show), or are too aggressive etc.  Others say younger guys are immature.   I don't think age should be a factor.  If I were a gal, I'd prefer a 20 something to a 65 y.o.

due to my experiences (both personal and professional), I highly prefer older men.

I can relate to them better and can talk about certain things with older gentlemen that I can't with younger clients.

shaka7001159 reads

I get that sometimes.

A lot of providers stereotype the under 35 crowd.

I think younger men actually have a lot less drama in their lives then some of the older hobbyists.

I think a lot of providers fear they may not meet our expectations of an appointment, which  for the most part is untrue.  

There are a lot of proviers though that see younger guys;just look through their websites for any age restrictions or call them and find out.

Ms Priceless1258 reads

I have always been attracted to more expierienced Men, Plus most men dont really mature until 30....

 Dont take it personal,its just a lady's choice..I remember even in junior high, I always like the guys in high school... Its just a lady thing..

I just posted this a on a local Seattle board after a series of PM from newbies asking advice.

Lately I have had many emails from new(er) guys asking me questions and advice. I am always happy to help, we were all new once. And I am still learning with every encounter and experience.
But there seems to be some common issues here that I feel the need to address.

Respect and manners-This applies to all of us but especially the younger guys (under 35). Many ladies prefer to see men over a certain age. They do this for various reasons but I think it mostly comes down to respect and manners. I have received emails the last few months asking me things like "who is the best F*ck in town" or "who can F*ck me like a circus act", etc.

Many ladies don’t like younger guys because their manners aren't as good, they tend to treat them rougher and like a f*ck rather than like a lady who you can f*ck....get the difference. Be respectful; treat them like you would a wife or real GF in terms of being kind and respectful. They will show you a very good time if you are good to them in return.

Please remember the ladies are ladies first, treat them like you would treat your wife or girlfriend. Respect, manners, and courtesy-they all count. Don't worry the ladies will provide you the service(s) you seek. But attitude and approach go a long way to making her feel safe and comfortable with you.

After all would you go to a place to meet a total stranger and get naked just because they called you? Not me, these ladies are brave and take considerable risk each and every day.

Give them a reason to be comfortable with you by being a gentleman. Just because you are polite and kind is no reason to expect that the ladies will not get dirty with you, they will.

Pay attention to their cues; are they comfortable, relaxed, and aroused? Do you care? I don’t mean to say that you can’t have that sweaty, gritty, raunchy, nasty, wonderful, animalistic, monkey lovin’ you crave…you can. Just consider whether she is ready and comfortable with it.

Patience-I know we want what we want, when we want it. But the ladies and the boards will be here tomorrow and the day after that. Take your time and learn before you take the plunge.

If you don't know how to research a lady, ask. We are happy to help. Post on the board a research question. DO YOUR RESEARCH!!!!

You can expect your experience with your escort to be similar to the experiences that you will find in her reviews. READ HER REVIEWS, that way you don't have to ask, "Does she kiss?", "does she provide BBBJ, CIM" or whatever.

You should have a good idea what to expect before you ever pick up the phone or send your first email. If there is something special you seek and it isn't in her reviews what do you do?

Do other reviewers state that she was open to role play, fantasy fulfillment, outfit requests, etc. If so, then your lady is probably open to your request(s).

Get informed-Read her website!!!! All of it. Read it again if you are thinking of contacting her. She will tell you what she expects of you in terms of behavior and protocol. If she doesn't use standard protocols (have you been patient and done research, if so you should know what this means). Some sites have newbie instruction manuals. Ask others how to find them if you can't find them with Google.

My biggest point is that these providers do provide but they are women and people first, dynamic beautiful sexy people. Not an object for you to use and discard. Yes you will enjoy them and then you will part ways, as it should be. But treat them nicely and they will take care of you in ways you never imagined.

So when can you ask the direct question you have been dying to ask, how about when everyone is naked, completely naked. Feel free to speak freely. But in general, you should know the answer before there is ever a knock on the door, do your research..

If I sound like a White Knight, maybe I am…but I have a diatribe for the less than professional providers out there too. For the providers who are there to take your money and get you out the door with as little human contact as possible, for the providers who see us as ATMs, who up sell, disengage and don’t respect their client’s time, desires or feelings… but I digress.

not attracted to younger guys. I find them to be arrogant and egotistical with little respect for me. No, not all are like this, but enough have been since I started working to where I feel comfortable screening against age. There are a number of ladies out there who will see younger guys. I'd be more likely to see you though, even being younger, if you had a list of solid references with reputable providers who would vouch that you were a good client who treated the ladies with respect.

-- Modified on 4/29/2008 4:27:50 PM

I just said this same thing to a reply on the erotic highway
Most of my Gentlemen are in their late 40s and 50s. By choice (mine that is) I prefer not to see Gents under 40 actually.
When you learned how to ride a bike, were you any good at it? I am sure you thought you were, but looking back you know it took practice and time to get better. Sex is a lot like riding a bike and then again it isn't. One speed or a 21speed, they all have tires brakes and handlebars, ride one you can ride them all. Woman are not like bicycles, we are all different in every way,in bed as well... and older experienced men know this. They have been in one or more long term relationships and have learned the art of A True Sensual Tryst. it's not just or even mostly about the sex, but the passion and Sensuality of the whole experience.
I understand you feel frustrated but really, as the lady, if I am not interested in seeing younger men, thats my choice and you just have to accept it.  Here in the Sensuality department...More mature guys Rule!! Don't worry you too will be there one day (sooner than you think too!!)


-- Modified on 4/29/2008 8:41:29 PM

I have found that once you have a few conversations with someone, young or older it is easy to judge compatibility. I always start by saying i'm no 10 so don't expect a barbie doll meeting you. I have seen many young newbies who have been ripped off on CL. Some have reviewed me here and gave me a 6 for looks: what would you expect a 20 something guy to give an over 45 woman.Now for performance I have gotten 9's and my only 10. All the young men I have seen have been perfect gentlemen. Thats why spending time on the phone is so important for both of you. I have to say an agency is best for a young newbie but be sure it is a reputable one. You could check CL or BackPage and then see if their well reviewed here. Some ladies aren't as hard to meet from there. Good luck and stay safe   Kisses Haley

Do you tour? You seem like the right person to pop a newbie's cherry.

I don't travel but am so glad you like me. Check out my reviews and website and that might give you more interest. I am a mature lady and do see many newbies who seem to always be taken by me right from the start. I think it's the tongue in the mouth welcome kiss that does it.
As I am a little new about this form of open advertisement i'm a little shy on the travel scene but some day you might see a post on your local forum:  Mature Affectionate very Kissable leggy lady is on her way to your area : I'm a very genuine GFE and i'm on the prowl for new friends. Now don't forget who I am    Kisses Haley

To gauge what each provider in your area is going to do. Many women have an age limit because they are only attracted to older men and want to enjoy themselves as well.

I prefer to see gentlemen who are 30 or over, however, I have had several clients younger than that and a few that were 24-25 range.

Personally, it all depends on how mature you are in your initial correspondence. Providing all the pertinent information and avoiding the pitfalls of trying to talk dirty to a girl are just some of them.

For example:

"Hi Rae, I saw your ad on Eros and I am very interested in setting up a date with you.

Name:               John Doe
Cell #              555-555-5555
City:               Atlanta
Booking city:       Augusta
Date of request:    May 3
Time                Afternoon
Length of Appt.     90 Minutes

References: Since I haven't done this before I do not have any provider references but here is my work information. If you need anything further please let me know.

Work Place          Lowes Home Store
Phone               000-000-0000
Position/Title      Manager

Thank you for your consideration and I really hope I get to meet you soon."

This person sounds extremely sincere. He sounds like he really took the time to read my website and get his information into order before he contacted me. He did not use vulgar language or request any specific sexual acts. He provided enough screening information for me to adequately screen him even without a provider reference. However, if he HAD a provider reference I would accept that as well.

I would see this gentlemen based on the information he has given me because he sounds intelligent, excited to see me, and he's obviously spent considerable time making sure he answered all the pertinent questions on my website. The one thing you DO NOT SEE on my form is age. I do not discriminate because of age. Sure, I prefer to see men who are a little older but to be honest the only thing I discriminate on is intelligence.

Hence the next gentlemen I will use for a no no guide:

"rae, what's up hottie I wanna fuk u so bad 2nite can you cum over? heres my # 999-999-9999. call me soon."

Um, no. Sorry. Not going to happen.

So you see, while many women do discriminate against younger men most of us do not. It's your maturity level that we are against. Be courteous, thorough in your communication and make sure you give her the information that she requests.

Have Fun and Play Safe.

~Rae Monroe  

Nothing wrong with that.  But this an age where you have likely just graduated from college, starting your career, and s/b persuing relationships on the civvie side that lead to a hopefully happy marriage, rather than engaging in the hobby, which is best suited for us cynical middle-agers who never closed the deal, or are suffering through sexless marriages.  Your $ at this age are better invested in looking towards grad school, and as for scoring, better to hit the clubs while you are in your prime...

Heh, I was a little frustrated when I wrote that. Let me try this now that I'm calmer, (and no, it didn't take 2 days to calm down, just a visit to a woman I see every now and again.)

I wrote this because I got turned down the last 5 times because I was too young. 2 of those times I was asked for my age before I was asked for references.

Anyway, I'm wondering if there's some way to get past this "you're too young" thing.

How to get past the "way too young" roadblock?  Let me explain.

First of all, I'd like to dispel a common myth.  For some reason, many people here on TER believe that young (read: 20-something) guys are all good-looking pick-up artists who can find casual sex anytime they want.  It's certainly not true for me, and from the way you described, might not be true for you either.  Yet the myth persists.

As Dixie_Chicken pointed out, go to an agency ASAP.  Agency women don't get to choose based on age, and while it's not the best thing, you can use it to your advantage.  (Treat those women with respect, of course)  I'm in my 20's too, and that's how I got started.  You should do the same.  For the next few years, focus on agencies, and save independents for when you're older.  Many independents will not see men under 30.  Trust me, it'll spare you the frustration; I'm speaking from experience.  Just don't turn to Craigslist out of desperation to cure that itch below your stomach.

It seems like more and more young guys are getting into the hubby.  One provider I spoke to agreed with me on this.  She said it was probably due to all the frustrations with the dating scene.  Either way, they're a part of a vast untapped market.  So if providers choose to expand into that market, it means more profits.  Like it or not, the market is changing.  However, with one exception, providers I met seemed pleased to see a young client.  (Or they faked it really nicely, in which case, oh well.)

Since I mentioned picking up women, let me also reiterate that sex is never really free.  The only sex that's truly free is in a prison shower.  Not only that, it's even paid for by taxpayers.  (Just my attempt to imitate Highandtight from the Chicago board.)

-- Modified on 5/1/2008 8:58:32 PM

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