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There's a difference? 8o) eom
mrfisher 108 Reviews 1145 reads


I know there is strong disagreement regarding tipping. But for those that do, how do you do it?

Tipping before the fact is easy enough by putting the extra $ in the original envelope. But what if you weren't automatically planning on tipping, and the experience was just so rewarding that at the end you now want to tip. How do you pass along the extra funds afterward?

When I do tip it is NEVER before the appointment actually happens. Not even with a regular. What is the point? After the appointment has ended, as the lady is getting ready to leave, I will fold the bills and either put them on top of the envelope, place them near her purse or even just hand it to her as we hug good bye. At that point the lady knows I'm not LE and I know it's not a sting so the paranoia protocol is not a concern.

Admittedly I rarely tip, but the times I have I just added a bit on top of the envelope, which was still lying where I put it at the beginning of the appointment.

When in doubt...double the donation. Giggle giggle.

but .... that's like another 10 bucks!

I just had an incredible escort experience and felt compelled to tip. My companion was absolutely clear that a tip was not required or expected. But when I did give it, she clearly appreciated the gesture. It made her feel appreciated. My God, these women work really hard. And although we shell out a small fortune to see them, they don't really earn so much given the difficulty and risk of the work. If she can buy herself something special with the tip, more power to her.

I'm considering going to one in the D.R. myself (first time) and was about to book it tomorrow.

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