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The reply by hobbyist+truth=;( is turning it around in order to show...
xyz23 45 Reviews 636 reads
posted ridiculous the OP is. That's how I took it anyway. I think she made her point.  

Letting the OP stand and giving us an opportunity to comment on how wrong he is also serves to make a point. It's useful for newbies to know the attitude of the OP  is certainly out there. Knowing something is out there helps in making decisions about it and what you will do about it.

One more thing, since this is the Newbie Board the responses were civil and dealt more with the topic. That's useful too. That post on the Gen Dis board would have gotten the OP hammered.

I have been at the hobby for four weeks.  I have had fun, been scammed and almost fallen in love.  Here are some thoughts that I think everyone needs to know and keep in mind.  The Girls, Photos, General, What One Pays and finally what one pays.  BTW I am just a single guy with no affiliations.

If anyone new has something like this then they can avoid a lot of headaches and frustration.  I tried to put a little humor in it.  We can call it LOL

The Girl

• First and foremost clearly realize and position yourself because she plays by a different set of rules than you do.  Most often her rules will not rise to the quality of your rules.

• The world she lives in will probably never rise to the quality of the world you live in.95% of the girls you meet will have a body and attitude far greater than any one you have ever dated.  Don't worship her; remember what she is there for. Pick your jaw up and enjoy it!  

• No appointment is a "date" like you have known in the past; this is a business deal for a time-limited service, not your next girlfriend.  That is why there is the term GFE (girlfriend equivalent).

• Every girl has a sad story.  

• Every girl should see the light and deserves to be saved; that is not your are NOT Jesus Christ.  Odds .0001%.

• She is not going to move in with you.  If she wants to move in, finish and get the hell out by the closest door to you!  Never see her again!

• Every girl is charming; you are always "the unique special one" like the last 30 guys before you.  "Sweety" and honey are both sticky.

• If she wants over $225/hour and does not have any online reviews the real reason is not what she is telling you.

• Limit new girls you found by trolling the sites to $200/hr or less because it is a crap shoot with some low odds.....but it is fun!!


• Einstein's theory of the improbable eliminates the odds for any girl to look better than her photos.  

• Odds those are her untouched photos is one divided by infinity.

• Odds that the photos are not hers increases exponentially to how hot you think she is.

• The time since her photo was taken is not measured in an earth year; more like a year on Uranus which is where you want her to be.

• On a trolling site, if the photos are more professional than you can take then she is more "professional" than you can to take.

• Before you ever call run her pictures through the photo checking site to see if anyone else uses them.


• Joining and using the top two "review sites" will save you the cost of one girl every two months.  That is a free girl every other month!

• "Included in Full Service."  It is your absolute responsibility clearly define each item before any money is exchanged.  If she says she "does not do it" that can be usually fixed for a little more money.

• Never "loan" a girl money.  Donate it to a tax approved charity ...... the result is the same.  It is gone forever.

• Never do any first visit outcall at the home.  One looses all leverage.  Get a room somewhere.  There is a great reason for incall.

• Only have girls known to you and that you think you trust be outcall to your home.  Remember this is your house and the neighbors are always looking.

What One Pays

• The total moneys you shell out for each girl always exceeds the price of her service.

• The only way to control that excess cost above is to control yourself.

Finally, What Really Matters - Why A GOOD Agency Counts

• Minimize the stress in your mind of what you are doing.  

• Minimize your exposure.  

• Eliminate as many variables that you have no control over; let someone who really knows do that.  This is not your area of expertise.

• Minimize your total out of pocket cost..... not just the quoted price for the service.

The ultimate success of each event is solely based on how you feel; before, during and after. Not much else counts.

Just Remember This":

" She Is Not a Goddess - She is Real Tough Woman That Happens to Make You Feel Good.

From a hookers viewpoint I can turn everything you just said right back at you, the trick. If you are this jaded after only 4 weeks, you might as well quit, because you will turn into a miserable TRICK no hooker would want to see.

The Trick
• First and foremost clearly realize and position yourself because HE plays by a different set of rules than you do.  Most often HIS rules will not rise to the quality of your rules.  
• The world HE lives in will probably never rise to the quality of the world you live in.
• No appointment is a "date" like you have known in the past; this is a business deal for a time-limited service, not your next boyfriend.  

• Every TRICK has a sad story.  
• The TRICK is not going to move in with you.  If HE wants to move in, finish and get the hell out by the closest door to you!  Never see HIM again!  
• Every TRICK is charming; you are always "the unique special one" like the last 30 TRICKS before you.  "Sweety" and honey are both sticky.  
• If HE won't pay over $225/hour  the real reason is not what HE is telling you, he's just cheap.  

 Just Remember This":  
" HE is Not a KING- HE is just another guy looking to get laid because he can't without paying"  

-- Modified on 8/13/2014 10:35:00 AM

GaGambler869 reads

As for his many so called points, there are way too many of them to point out how many of them are just plain wrong.

This is just another example of why you should take anything posted on the internet with a grain of salt., or in this case, maybe an entire block.

Well except for what you and I post, we speak the gospel. lol

try again

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
From a hookers viewpoint I can turn everything you just said right back at you, the trick. If you are this jaded after only 4 weeks, you might as well quit, because you will turn into a miserable TRICK no hooker would want to see.  
 The Trick  
 • First and foremost clearly realize and position yourself because HE plays by a different set of rules than you do.  Most often HIS rules will not rise to the quality of your rules.  
 • The world HE lives in will probably never rise to the quality of the world you live in.  
 • No appointment is a "date" like you have known in the past; this is a business deal for a time-limited service, not your next boyfriend.    
 • Every TRICK has a sad story.    
 • The TRICK is not going to move in with you.  If HE wants to move in, finish and get the hell out by the closest door to you!  Never see HIM again!  
 • Every TRICK is charming; you are always "the unique special one" like the last 30 TRICKS before you.  "Sweety" and honey are both sticky.  
 • If HE won't pay over $225/hour  the real reason is not what HE is telling you, he's just cheap.  
  Just Remember This":  
 " HE is Not a KING- HE is just another guy looking to get laid because he can't without paying"  

-- Modified on 8/13/2014 10:35:00 AM

justinian5818 reads

I am puzzled by the original post by yourprotector1. As a Newbie, I am discouraged by the response by hbyist+truth.  I am disappointed in TER for not monitoring the board more closely.

The post by yourprotector1 makes generalizations about providers that are insensitive and far from funny.  I have to question why a post like that would not be removed from the board by a monitor. It was posted by someone who admittedly has very little experience.  As such he should not be allowed to give "advice" to Newbie's who look to this board for honest assessments about the hobby.  The mere fact that he would post such a message on a board designed to help ease new gentlemen into the hobby and that the message would be allowed to remain on this board, raises questions about the posters motives as well as questions as to the integrity of this forum.

The response to the post by hbyist+truth is equally troubling.  Referring to yourself as a hooker and suggesting that the only reason men get into this hobby is because they have to pay to get laid, is degrading to you as a provider and demonstrates that you are equally jaded as the original poster. Some of us can " get laid" without having to pay for it.  Providers take the guess work out of the basic need for intimacy by being available for men who cannot or do not want to be in a committed relationship.  Some men may, unfortunately, feel bad about themselves due to physical deformities or self esteem issues, and get to the point that they feel like they do need to pay for it.  That is not the providers business and your comments about "tricks" are, hopefully, not shared by the majority of providers.  Shame on the poster, the responder and TER for letting this post remain.  I may be a newbie and a basic member at this time but I hope my comments are not just laughed off as the rantings of a Newbie ridiculous the OP is. That's how I took it anyway. I think she made her point.  

Letting the OP stand and giving us an opportunity to comment on how wrong he is also serves to make a point. It's useful for newbies to know the attitude of the OP  is certainly out there. Knowing something is out there helps in making decisions about it and what you will do about it.

One more thing, since this is the Newbie Board the responses were civil and dealt more with the topic. That's useful too. That post on the Gen Dis board would have gotten the OP hammered.

But clearly for these two it was. And a great piece of advice you gave letting it stand. A guy like this will eventually, if not already, turn into a nightmare for most hookers to see.  

His advice is bad advice to any other newbie john and written with a nasty edge to it.  News flash newbies, if you want to be heard don't write like it appears you have issues with hookers and want to get one over on them.

justinian5673 reads

Actually, it was fairly simple figuring out what you were doing in your response.  What you missed in my reply was the fact that when you throw around words like hookers and tricks, it only serves to perpetuate the stigma that is associated with this type of arrangement.  Hookers and tricks, whores and johns or whatever you refer to them as are looked upon as dirty, reprehensible, disease spreading sex maniacs who are the responsible for all of societies wrongs.

Maybe I am naive as a Newbie, but in countries where sex work is not illegal, the stigma attached to providers as well as to hobbyists is not the same as it is here.  I'd like to see that change.  You seem almost proud to proclaim that you fuck for money. I don't think that everyone shares the same mindset.  Don't many providers point out that they are providing companionship and that money exchanged is for their time and not just for access to their sex organs?  If all you care about is financial gain in exchange for sex that is your business and I'm not here to judge you. However, you posted an obvious tit for tat response because you didn't like what the original poster said, and in doing so you made generalizations about the thought processes of providers, the same way the original poster made generalizations about the thought processes of men who engage in the hobby.

I'll make this easy for you to understand.  Instead of helping the original poster understand that he was wrong to make general statements about women, and offering advice to help him understand why, you took the easy way out and made generalizations about men.  Maybe you felt like you were being clever but all you did was cast men in the same negative light that the poster chose to cast women

GaGambler658 reads

and yes maybe you are just naïve as a newbie, as is your statement that in countries where sex work is not illegal the stigma is less. I spend at least a third of my time in countries where prostitution is legal, and the stigma of being a prostitute is quite the same as it is here.

Don't get hung up on the words hooker, john, trick et al. Wear them proudly. I am not ashamed to be a "john" nor do I need to sugar coat the fact that I pay women to have sex with me. I DO NOTY pay women for "time and companionship" if I wanted companionship, I would buy a dog. What I do pay for is NSA sex with a woman who is not going to want anything more from me, either financially or emotionally that what we agree upon up front.

The OP made a troll post, he got what he deserved. Let Jesus Christ and Ghandi "turn the other cheek" we might have to be "nice" here, but some posts and posters need to be told in no uncertain terms that their POV is unacceptable here.

JackDunphy617 reads

I dont view them that way at all. Many here use those terms as terms of endearment, much the same way a black man can call another black man a n*gger but people outside of the African-American community can not.

Others use the term(s) to poke fun at each other, while still others use it to take the sting out of the terms so that THEY own the terms and the TERMS do not own THEM.

You are a self proclaimed newbie that has much to learn. You may find this place is not for you. It is certainly not PC here, that is for sure.  

But instead of coming in and being judgmental towards some here already, take the time, read their posts in their totality, THEN make a more informed decision.

First impressions are often the wrongs ones, are they not? Only time will be able to let you see if yours is accurate or not.

JackDunphy817 reads

You do realize p4p is illegal right? So a board about an illegal activity isn't going to be monitored by Emily Post or Ann Landers. And nor do the majority here want it that way apparently.

No on is laughing off your comments and we do play nicer here than on the GD out of respect for TER's wishes and swimtrekr, the good guy host of this board, but that being said, you are going to have to get use to words like "tricks" and "hookers" if you plan on staying.  

This is def not PC paradise so if that is what you are looking for you, will be greatly disappointed.

And just a last piece of advice. No need to shame anyone here. Virtually EVERYONE here is doing something fked up in somebody's eyes, whether its cheating on a spouse/SO or breaking the law as stated before. Shame should be kept at church/synagogue, not on an anonymous fk board

JackDunphy950 reads

Sorry but the gals don't fall so neatly into your check boxes. I have lent girls money and NOT been burned, I have done outcall to my home and it was just peachy, not EVERY girl has a sad story, etc.

Christ, you sound like you have been doing this for 40 years you are so jaded. Even I am not this jaded.

The girls I have encountered, for the most part, are good, decent people who did things for their own reasons to make a living in a non-conventional manner.

No other group of people should have "never" or "every" attached to them as if they are some member of a monolithic group think organization and neither should p4p gals.

...newbie advice. Some of what you say (some not much) is useful. Most of it is less than useless.

GaGambler and hbyist+truth=;( got it covered. I really can't add much except please stop handing out bad advice. Spend your time here reading and learning. The quality of your experiences will greatly improve.

how many providers have you seen in 4 weeks?

They must have done a number on him too, though except for one he seems generally favorable to them.

You should know that you cannot divide the number one by infinity, simply because infinity is not a number.  Also, you put the odds of a girl "seeing the light and deserving to be saved" as one in a million.   I really don't think that you have  seen or interviewed a million ladies.   I know I haven't.  So brush up on your math and learn from some of the comments posted here.  You seem to have an opinion of the "girls" as you call them that is just not justified.

If I were to presume you were talking about me with the "every/all providers" comments, I would be quite offended.  Fortunately I realize this post says everything about you, and nothing about me.

This board is intended to give legitimate advice to newbies.  Perhaps you could have played it off as funny on the GD board... however you would have then most likely had your ass handed to you on a plate in response.


Not sure what "cringe-inducing" means but yes, sitting out a few plays would be good for this dude.

• "Included in Full Service."  It is your absolute responsibility clearly define each item before any money is exchanged.  If she says she "does not do it" that can be usually fixed for a little more money.  

I wish you the very best with this bullet point. Let us know you make out.

You have only been active for about a month.  You need a lot more experience before you start telling everyone how to go about their hobbying.  Suggest you re-evaluate your situation before making such general statements about everyone in general.  You did have some valid points, but a lot of opinions of your own which are not necessarily those of everyone in this enterprise.



Posted By: swimtrekr
You have only been active for about a month.  You need a lot more experience before you start telling everyone how to go about their hobbying.  Suggest you re-evaluate your situation before making such general statements about everyone in general.  You did have some valid points, but a lot of opinions of your own which are not necessarily those of everyone in this enterprise.  

depends on where you shop and specifically, how much you verify the quality of what you seek.  The 4 providers you have seen are not what many experienced hobbyists would consider GFE ladies.  Enjoy the low hanging fruit.

-- Modified on 8/13/2014 8:45:24 PM

right...we're all just sum sad sob story who needs saving...god forbid we're college educated, or proud and ambitious about what we do...and might actually have a life outside of this (shocker)

-- Modified on 8/13/2014 5:50:45 PM

Maybe seeing things this way turns him on. Maybe it's part of his fantasy lol. If so, then he needs to realize that it's just a fantasy

-- Modified on 8/13/2014 6:09:46 PM

This has to be the worst advice I have ever seen composed for newbies.

Sorry dude, but the hour that your spent composing your advice column was completely wasted.

Here is some advice that maybe you should take. Before you start giving advice to "Newbies", make sure that your not a Newbie. "been in the hobby for 4 weeks", seriously? and you think your qualified to give advice?

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