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Thanks for all the wonderful advice
SonjaDarling See my TER Reviews 2317 reads
1 / 14

I'm a former massage provider transferring into full service GFE. I had such a great time massaging but this is so much more natural for me, to be fully expressed and connected to my clients. The thing is, without a studio space I am left to figure out my location so I'm trying to figure out how to best handle setting up an incall location.  

Right now I'm bouncing around here and there in hotels, but I wonder how sustainable that is. Providers, do you prefer a permanent incall versus hotels? How have you figured out how to avoid detection in either scenario, etc? I'm in the Minneapolis area, so fairly sure this will differ by region but general advice is also welcome.

swimtrekr 58 Reviews 630 reads
2 / 14

I'll give you my 2 cents.  Some providers use a static incall, like an apartment, preferably in a large complex where traffic will not be real noticeable.  Some do as you do, bouncing around between hotels.  How sustainable that is depends on how many hotels are convenient to you.  You can't stay too long in any one place, as you probably know.  You might post on your local regional board and ask same question.

If you have not already done so, I suggest you read the self help center for pointers in other areas.

Good luck Sonja,

harborview 10 Reviews 802 reads
3 / 14

I've seen many FBSM providers who do indeed work from their living address.  But there are serious risks in doing so.  As a client I have only heresay knowledge but the scuttlebutt is providers with a "permanent" location really don't want to "own" it.  Typically is is some rented apartment just used for business, not connected with her residence.  If one owned a condo, used for prostitution, it might be forfiet as gains from illegal activities.  Sometimes gals share a multi-BR unit.  But the more traffic, the higher the risk.   Of course, a apartment would need to be furnished as well...  even at thrift shop prices, would be an added expense.  Apartments are changed at least annually...  sometimes shorter sub-lets are better.  Just saying.   A large complex with a lot if traffic through a common entrance...  no one knows where a guest is going.  Inside doors, so it's hard to track.  Neighbors who mind their own business are a big plus.  
A lot of gals have specific rules on how to enter, to keep a low profile...  like no phone calls outside the building...    

Truth is hotels have a lot of advantages...  I know some gals find hotels which find the boost to the occupancy valueable (don't ask, don't tell) though they've told me the manager sures "knows".  It takes time to find hotels which are best suited.  

Some Well Reviewed TER Providers are willing to be mentors either by phone / email or rarely in person.  ask right here & the lades will find you.  
Best Wishes, HV

-- Modified on 12/21/2014 5:55:51 PM

Tabu See my TER Reviews 556 reads
4 / 14

and I really enjoyed the experience, for the most part. I picked a busy building with intercom door access, so my clients could ring me when they arrived, and I would buzz the downstairs door to let them in.  

Most of the people were out at work during the day, so I rarely ran into anyone while I was there.  

The upside was being able to furnish it to my taste, be able to leave all my lingerie there, stock the kitchen with good quality wine and snacks... and feel comfortable and in control of my environment

DJ1985 21 Reviews 745 reads
5 / 14

Low traffic and good screening helps keep nosey neighbors at bay. Some hotel staff are trained to watch for prostituion so a revolving door is likely to raise suspicion. A few guys a day who aren't complete idiots when they come and go, usually go undetected and unquestioned raising less suspicion.
I'm a fan of the permanent incall if it's done correctly. An apartment or condo in a place where neighbors work, go to school or are otherwise to busy to care about your comings and goings is ideal. Most of the time when I go see someone at a permanent incall I never even see a neighbor, that's what you want.

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 639 reads
6 / 14

Here are a few things I've learned to consider for incall space.

Am I a last minute type, high volume, low volume, etc.
Do I want to take extra time getting to the hotel via public transportation, and also be away from home for a period of time - or should I just pay for valet? (I'm thinking Chicago, all areas differ of course. Valet out here can be anywhere from 40-65 per night.)
Do I want anyone besides me involved in my encounters with my boys?
Do I want anyone else involved in my decisions as to when I'm available, how long my date lasts, or if I extend?
How do I want the place to be when the client arrives?

Currently, I am looking for an incall space just for me, since I'm going back to work soon. I have been doing the hotel thing lately, and probably will through the winter since winter rates are a steal out here. A private incall is MUCH cheaper, and MUCH more convenient - for me at least. I shared with someone, but having any obligations to anyone else doesn't work for me with all of the moving parts. Also, my style is such that I want to be able to provide longer dates with my guys, with no cause for interruption or awkwardness. (Texts "Are you done yet? I have to come in, my client will be here soon.") Some ladies are great at that kind of coordination, but I personally start focusing on one thing, and it's too hard to manage another person's schedule AND be the perfect date. It's also almost impossible to extend, and if I need to extend, I have to stop and text someone, which looks odd and awkward to the guy.

While it's cheaper sharing incall space, it can also be cause to lose money. (Lost opportunity costs.) Let's say my shared incall isn't set up for longer dates. (Or longer dates cause the other girl to lose opportunity.) If I have a 2 hour evening appointment, and he wants to extend to an incall overnight, I'm out another $2,200 because my shared roommate has two appointments in the other room that night. So the $500/month I've saved in rent costs really cost me over $1,500 in one night.

Hotels - I book based on request, which I'm finding isn't the best option for me. The time spent coordinating hotel with rates that skyrocket at a day's notice during the summer and fall is tough. If I want a one hour appointment, and I'm dishing out $300 in travel, parking, and hotel rates, I make $100, not including supplies, refreshments, and meals for me.

Think also - Hotels @ $200/night, (after parking, travel, etc.) you get six nights for $1,200 vs 30 nights @ $1,200

The most lucrative that I've done is a fully private incall space that I rented for $1,200 last year. It was huge (not in the city) and super convenient. Think about it. If I can take three one hour incalls more because of the private location, I've paid my rent for that incall just because I had it available.

I also think of returning clients. Is a client going to return to a bad neighborhood, (drunk people walking on the streets, neighbors fighting, people asking him for money on his way in,) or return to an entry way that is loud and creaking the entire way up the stairs? Will I be able to take very obese or disabled persons if there is no elevator, only stairs? Are the neighbors out on their porches all the time? Is there a door person who watches your every move? How is parking in the area? Is there a possibility that the client may have to park a distance away and walk through shady areas? Is it by public transportation?

All of these things are good questions. While it's difficult to find everything you want, I think paying a couple hundred extra dollars per month to make your place as welcoming as possible will attract, even if a few, more clients, have them more likely to return, and paying your rent - all while you can feel comfortable, safe, and proud when they walk in.

Remember this, too... shared incalls... while I've had some great roommates, business partnership adds a whole new dynamic to your schedule. I've found it's somewhat of a business partnership. That person depends on you, and you depend on them. I've developed some cool friendships, but I would rather develop them on my own time. Working relationships are hard, especially if the two of you have different styles. (I.e. you're messy, they're super clean. They want to know everything, you want your privacy, etc etc.)


-- Modified on 12/22/2014 7:33:41 AM

-- Modified on 12/22/2014 7:35:45 AM

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 526 reads
8 / 14

The nicest guys can turn shady. Even normal guys can be overtaken with their feelings, see things they want to see, instead of what is real, and get very upset when they are shown the truth - that it is still business in the sense that when the money stops flowing, the relationship ends.

There are also people who pass screening with flying colors, are highly regarded, but it takes one moment for them to turn ugly. Same can happen with other providers, so just protect yourself by not giving too much info. to too many people.

numpty88 14 Reviews 620 reads
9 / 14

I imagine one of the things LEO would ask hotels keep an eye on is locals renting hotel rooms.  Getting a license or ID from another area can turn your repeat hotel stays into "business traveller working from local branch" instead of "local tries to hide activity".  Could also ask about using the hotel's conference room if you want to reinforce the business aspect.  If they want to see your corporate card just say you stopped using it as you get better deals on your own.

I've been discriminated against for being a local when arranging rooms for family & friends who are visiting.  Had to go into great detail of who I am and who's going to be staying before they'd allow it, and even then I think they were only halfway agreeable.  Granted, it was a military town with a reputation for cheating at hotels...and all the drama that goes with it.

Curious if anyone has tried (and use an alias to respond if needed) using privately rented places from Vacation Rentals by Owner at or similar?  I've found some great deals in amazing locations and they're fully furnished.  Usually pay cash to the owner but they do take credit cards.  Need to plan in advance though, as they have very few last minute deals like a hotel would.

SonjaDarling See my TER Reviews 540 reads
10 / 14

I really appreciate all of your insights. I am of course looking to balance keeping costs low and experience high, so this has made me think an apartment of my own would be the way to go. I'll probably use hotels for a few more months but even after a month or two of doing that I feel like it can't go on forever. Complicating factor is that hotels make me hot :-p  

Thanks again, this is such a great community of support!

harborview 10 Reviews 519 reads
11 / 14

Posted By: numpty88
I imagine one of the things LEO would ask hotels keep an eye on is locals renting hotel rooms.  
My response above is based of a couple of local gals who said their prefered hotel "winked" at her useage so long as she keeps a low profile.  "Don't ask, don't tell".  I'm sure that NO hotel can withstand public scrutiny or LE attention...  & if push comes to shove the gals will be persona-non-grata.
Posted By: numpty88
 Curious if anyone has tried (and use an alias to respond if needed) using privately rented places from Vacation Rentals by Owner at or similar?  I've found some great deals in amazing locations and they're fully furnished.  Usually pay cash to the owner but they do take credit cards.  Need to plan in advance though, as they have very few last minute deals like a hotel would.
Cash is much preferable for both parties...  just get reciepts...  providers ussually have cash they don't want to put through their accounts.   (Reciepts:  A gut I knew paid his child support with cash from his moonlighting job...  3 years later got hauled into court.  NO reciepts!)

harborview 10 Reviews 398 reads
13 / 14

Posted By: ontheprowl14

Never trust an ex...

Stay_thirsty_my_friend 290 reads
14 / 14

I have been in this hobby now for several years.  Did incall ONE time out of hundreds.  I found it totally creepy and could not relax.

Never felt like I knew who had access, boyfriend, manager, others.   The way I like to see a girl best is outcall.  If you are in a city that has a demand of that, it is one answer.

I used to rent a hotel in my own town using a passport as the ID.  Worked in the area, was going to meet old friends and didnt want to drink  and drive.  I found most hotels just wanted to rent rooms.  Honestly it's a room with a bed in it.  They know someone's with someone.

It's a tough call and a lot depends on what tier or price range you can get.  Hotels are hard for one hour random appointments.  I see some girls that will get room for some "upcharge".

Good luck and always be safe

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