Newbie - FAQ

Gentlemen traveling the Texas area BEWARE !!!! especially Newbies
Tori Of ATL See my TER Reviews 3943 reads

As mentioned on the National Board here on TER there is a provider that will post your full name and contact information if you ever call her and do not book with her.


If you call her number you must book an appointment with her and you must follow through with the appointment. If she is unavailable for the time you are requesting then you must see her when she tells you to arrive!!! She will make your information private if you do not follow through with an appointment.

(*I thought it was a prank when I was first told about her but it is not*) She will post anything she has about you as well as anything she can find online or through her own “research”  

This should be understood without having to be stated….-BUT-… I will state the obvious:
This is not the “normal” behavior of an established provider. Most providers believe like I do … that our clients privacy is utmost in our list of priorities. (*I have also built my reputation and business on protecting the gentlemen who spend time with me*)

This is an isolated case of “Provider Gone BAD”  and should not be included in any hobbyists expectation of a providers behavior.

When a gentleman offers me a donation I understand that I will:
Protect all of the intimate details about time spent with him unless he requests that I share specifics with another provider…….
I will make suggestions and recommend tactics to help preserve the relationships that he is involved with in his personal life if I am made aware of specific behaviors which I feel might be detrimental to him.
I will be attentive to his sensitivity and to the individual lifestyle challenges that may be unique to him.

I will NEVER share anything that I may be privileged to as a result of our meeting with anyone except at his request. I will go to any extremes deemed necessary to keep this promise including (*but not limited to*) legal assistance to maintain my anonymity &/or confidentiality.

I’ll now return you to your regular forum of inquires and comments……
Kisses ~Tori

PS- Know your provider (*and her reputation*) the hobby is all about fun, not about threatening your lifestyle!!!!  

(website is listed below and her statement is clear)
"Once a prospect/client calls, they will have to book appointment eventually.  If client cannot book for the time requested, I will add an additional week for that person to call me back and book appointment.  Otherwise, he will be listed in the alerts section."

According her website, and her reviews (yes, she has 2), this lady is not FS and only provides nude massage.  Now I realise that a semi-legitimate masseuse in Houston, where spas and parlors are more likely than not to offer sex, can be frustrated by hobbyiest requesting more than she is will to offer.  However her response to this is way over the top.

Here is another of this whack job's gems:

Policy Concerning Service Information and Appointments:

I require all clients to view my website in the policy section.  After viewing policy, if you do not wish to book an appointment, please "do not call."  If prospect/client contacts me, and I don't have requested time available, he must choose another time.   If both our times conflict, I will then give prospect/client one week additional time to call back and rebook appointment.  Otherwise, I will then consider this a harrassment call and your name will become blacklisted in my No-Show/Alerts Section until matter is resolved.  However, an extra $20.00 (Dollar) penalty will apply for my inconvenience. Rules also apply to those contacting me via email.

Believe it or not guys, this isn't the craziest thing she says on her site.

Ok newbies, you're already asking about when to walk away.  Read this site in full, and you will get a crash course in bad vibes.  But by no means call or email her - she will think you are harrasing her and will charge you $20.

How this gal ever got approved to be a member of TER, even if it is free membership, and then be allowed to now post all her outings on TER is beyond me.

She is really proud of that page 8 link. lmao

There is no envelope the name.  The poster used an alias, and is likely a hobbyist having some fun.  I know that there are some other joke posts on this thread.

jazz32, sometimes aka

JEdgarHoover1941 reads

Words of Wisdom.

The last I heard there is no legal protection for Provider - Client Privilege. In other words anything you say to a Provider, can and will be used against you, in a court of law. Book em Danno.

-- Modified on 12/9/2006 2:09:49 PM

-- Modified on 12/9/2006 8:06:10 PM

I don’t consider calls inquiring about services or asking for information “harassment”
I’m just wondering if our darling Sensual Embrace has ever had to call requesting an estimate for a:
Painting job
Auto repair
Carpet replacement
Dental work
Hotel accommodations
Automobile Tires
Insect extermination
Lawn Care

Because if she has ever made such a call then by her own terms unless she uses the professional then she is guilty of harassment.

I answer my phone as a part of my “service” …. It is included in the salary I claim every year. (*I am just wondering how much this “AMERICAN” claims on her taxes… since she is so busy telling the world how everything should be*)

What was that old saying…. Oh yeah, people who live in glass houses   Kisses ~Tori

sorry for the modify- long Saturday !!!

-- Modified on 12/9/2006 7:50:07 PM

JEdgarHoover1787 reads

The services for dental work, auto repair, you so stated are legal and legitimate. As far as I know, and I wish it wasn't the case, but engaging in the practice of exchanging "  " favors for money is unlawful in fifty states excluding some counties in Nevada.  

Frankly I admire the ingenuity of this young entrepreneur in the Lone Star State. Due to the unlawful nature of the "hobby" I am sure this attracts a nefarious crowd, flakes, rude people, and scoundrels. If I have a problem, with a Auto Repair shop I can go to consumer affairs etc. If I cancel my appointment, with my Dentist he can charge me for missing an appointment. If I fail to pay my painting contractor he can sue me civil court.

In summary, in legal and legitimate businesses one has legal and rational courses of action, but in the hobby, what is a provider to do. Thank goodness, for the TER and lovely bellezas such as you, that do bring honesty and integrity to this most needed of services.

-- Modified on 12/10/2006 12:52:48 AM

Not to be mean, nasty or even apear rude but..... this isn't the 70's or 80's. Being a provider has evolved.

My business is total legal. I am a consultant. I consult in relaxation & de-stressing. I am NEVER compensated for any “favors” or more specifically: I am never compensated in any manner for sexual favors. However, as a consenting adult and a citizen of the US, anything I may choose to do with another consenting adult that is a US citizen is a freedom I exercise often.

Furthermore, “outing” a hobbyist, in my opinion, is not an admirable trait of an entrepreneur. In fact it is a violation of everything a provider stands for.

Just to bring you up to speed, most established and reputable providers do have cancellation fees if a gentleman becomes excessive and manages to convince a provider to reschedule after canceling or “no-show” …-AND-… most have it within their means to collect such fees. And they do so without violating an unspoken agreement of privacy.

I would no more applaud a provider for outing a gentleman she feels is harassing her than I would congratulate a client for invading a providers privacy… it is an unspoken agreement between mature adults who play in the ADULT community. What she is doing, in my opinion is just asking for trouble and making herself a target (*but based on everything she has posted on her website….. outing hobbyists might not be the most insane idea she has managed to present*)

I agree with the suggestion made by one provider earlier, just keep her number handy and pass it along to every drunk that calls after 2AM and every sleezo that is obviously calling just to waste their time. I think one wacko deserves another…. Let them stick together.

Anyone still wondering and scratching their head as to why other providers don’t feel the same way this obviously ill woman does… here is one simple explanation. I personally screen…. Effective screening reduces cancellations and no shows. As for the boozos who call just to get attention and an easy jerk off…. Simply hang up.

No offense to anyone but there is a professional side to this business and a few of us actually try to maintain our standards while staying within the realm of professionalism....…  
Know your provider (*and her reputation*)   Kisses ~Tori

JEdgarHoover5710 reads

and things have changed. I am delighted to know one can pay a consultant fee to soften this old curmudgeon's heart. In my day, we use your charms to nab politicians and keep them in line. By the way Bellisma, you were neither rude, or nasty you were simply stating facts and I applaud you for that. I learned something.

I am however still from the Old School and do not like it when others are mean to ladies even ones from the sensual embrace. Sending mean and false messages to the sensual embrace, there is no need for that. Two wrongs never make a right, except in reference to Jimmy Hoffa. I'm kidding.

Boy, I am sure glad somehow around here can keep a secret.

If thousands of hobbiest with go phones called her she would be swamped.

-- Modified on 12/10/2006 6:09:11 PM

that never goes out of favor. Let the lady be. We do not know the circumstances that compelled her to do such things but vengence either through phone calls or mean spirited words is not an answer.

There are too many fine ladies who would welcome our company and that is where I rather spend my time on.  

-- Modified on 12/11/2006 12:02:47 AM

I wish I thought to take the high road more often.

I do however take issue with "the circumstances that compelled her to do such things"
NOTHING could excuse this behavoir.

general discussion board. Mr. Fisher said it. Give credit where credit is due. I do agree with the issue you stated, its perplexing.

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