Newbie - FAQ

Sounds like you haven't done anything wrong!
UncleJazz 1574 reads

You have to remember independents are solo operators.  The better ones will post there schedule on their site, but most don't.   It could be that she is on vacation, or off line because her kids are out of school on spring break.

Reliable agencies, that is ones with many gals, with many reviews can be a good option.  They don't always provide the lady you want, but in most cases you do meet a lady.


kickserve2405 reads


 I used the search feature, but didn't find anything covering this.  This week I've sent emails to two independent providers basically saying I saw their site and wanted to meet them.  (I heeded the board's advice and did not mention any taboos.)  I haven't heard anything back.  

 I get a ton of emails, so I know I don't respond to some for a few days, but at this point, is this basically a no-go?  I don't think I said anything scarey, but perhaps they're too busy (they had good reviews after all) or on spring break.  I'd rather have heard a reply even a negative one so I dont' have to worry about these emails being collected somewhere and coming back to haunt me!  

 Anyway, would it better to contact people, esp. independents, via phone?  If so, is it the rule, that you'll get a voice mail?  Leaving a mesg. is safe?

 Are agencies more responsive?  Do you typically reach a person when you call?

Thanks again for your time and help.

Still a newbie and still no references!

discreetofca2417 reads

Ditto. Catch 22 - cant get a providers attention without a review, cant get a review without a provider. Massage Parlor a last ditch effort, but one I am starting to consider...

UncleJazz1575 reads

You have to remember independents are solo operators.  The better ones will post there schedule on their site, but most don't.   It could be that she is on vacation, or off line because her kids are out of school on spring break.

Reliable agencies, that is ones with many gals, with many reviews can be a good option.  They don't always provide the lady you want, but in most cases you do meet a lady.


I think that most SPs have a whole lot of email to sift through every day. But if you are a Newbie without references then it could very well be more time before they reply. When in your position I found the "no references barrier" difficult to overcome at first.

If it doesnt work out - I strongly believe that verification sites (p411, datecheck, RS2K, etc.) are the best way to get started in this hobby presently.

I would not call as a Newbie. If not a verification site, then I recommend you look at providers with websites. Usually they will inform you there whether or not they even accept Newbies, and if so how best to approach them for an appointment.

Good luck!

Did you follow the instructions on how to contact them?  Did they have a contact form on their site and did you fill it out?  It could that because you are new, but if you don't hear back in a couple of days, I'd move on.

try sending a second message. If you don't hear back after that, move on to someone else.

Agencies are often a good way for a newbie to get started, but many providers won't accept reference from an agency. Some will.

kicker..when making an initial contact and I'm assuming that she is the one you really want and aren't fishing, I find it very useful to include your rs2k info, date and time that you'd like to get together.  This lets the lady know right up front that you are a serious client and not someone enamored by her pic.  Some providers actually want you to go to their websight first to give that same information.
Yes, agencies are much more responsive as either they pick-up immediately or within 5-10 mins they will return your call.  This is their only job as well as taking info, booking your visit and takinbgany special request thatyou may have.
Good luck

State a specific time and date that you want to meet, in other words, make it real to them.

Providers get tons of time wasting calls from guys who want to chat first, but often these are guys just getting their jollies and the gals have no patience for that.

Setting a time and date makes the appointment real for them and will attract their attention more than anything else.

I got no reply from someone I tried to contact prior to traveling, and again when I was in the area. I gave a specific date and time, and reference contact as well.

I've never heard from her. For some, I guess if they decide against the meet, or are already booked, whatever, can't be bothered with the courtesy of a reply. It can happen, no matter what you do.

SterlingandCooper1707 reads

this is going to be my first time in the hobby, but I was able to make an appointment a couple weeks in advance without a referral. I was more nervous in sending the email than asking a girl out, but I got lucky and got a reply within 24 hours. I did look for reviews that mentioned responsiveness, etc. I go on thursday. I can't wait!

All of that said, not getting responses from people is part of life. People get busy, maybe a provider has enough regular business, maybe she's out of town, etc. I think guys have to keep in mind that its not a reflection on us personally and keep plugging along.

rofr1483 reads

This is a good tip; I did write I'd like to meet later next week; I suppose I could be more specific.

and provide your rs2k or preferred411 info.  This takes all the guess work out of it for her.  She will know your serious.

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