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Re:Your determination to NOT have a cell phone will preclude many providers.
GoingEasy 22 Reviews 3506 reads
1 / 10

I do not have a cell phone.  (Please don't try to advise me to get a cell phone - in my family my wife and teen children would get it before me, and I don't want to have one but hide it).  I use Hotel phones and pay phones with a calling card.  I have tried:
#82 as I begin the call
9 then #82 then the rest at Hotels where 9 is used to get out
9-1   then #82  before dialing the 800 number
1 then the #82 then the 800 number
the 800 number then the #82 before giving my pin
the 800 number then pin numbers, then #82 before dialing the provider's number
800 then pins then area code of provider, then #82, then the rest of the number
and finally, I have tried dialing the whole number and then put #82 at the end.

Nothing has worked, and I have been hung up on by some very desirable providers.

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.  If anyone who uses a calling card would just tell me how they do it, it would be helpful.
Sincerely,  AfterTheBall

rockhard 140 Reviews 2746 reads
2 / 10

There are many ways around needing a number to show up on Caller ID.
There are places you can rent a cell phone for just one day, but be prepared to pay a hell of a lot more than if you just bought a pay as you go phone....

You can also use a public pay phone without a calling card, just take a lot of change. Most pay phoned don't have their numbers blocked. IF you had a cell phone with caller ID, you'd know instantly if you called yourself from the pay phone to the cell phone. But since you're allergic to having a cell phone, you can also call a friend that has caller ID and ask if it shows up.
Some girls may want to call you back for security.
You can wait around the pay phone to get the call back. You will look really suspicious if you hang out at a pay phone. But if you go to a very large hotel, they usually have meeting rooms upstairs or down stairs where you can use the pay phones, wait around and not be so obiviously suspicious.

OR borrow a good friend's cell phone for a day..  

There are some girls out there that spend a lot of money to have the sophisticated caller ID system and it shows the name of the person registetred to the phone number if you unblock it. And in some cases you can get a system that will show the name even if it's blocked...
it's happened to me a few times when I called from a work phone that was supposed to have the number blocked.


MiserablyMyopic 3072 reads
3 / 10

I'm not going to give you a long dissertation in hopes of changing your mind. I am merely going to say that you represent the very definition of the word "problematic" to most providers and therefore they are and will continue to pass you over for a client with quick, easy, mobile communications.

GoingEasy 22 Reviews 3119 reads
4 / 10

You are right about that.  I had an appointment made with a woman I have dreamed about, and when I said I don't have a cell phone, she said "Oh, you don't?" in a tone of voice that I knew she would never return another call of mine, and she didn't.

Thanks for the replies.  It sounds like there is not way to unblock a call when using a calling card.  

If a person is using a cell phone, what is the procedure?  Just dial  #82 and then the phone number?
If anyone else has any ideas, I am all ears.

rockhard 140 Reviews 2730 reads
5 / 10

other ideas?

In every major city, there are places you can cheaply buy stolen cell phones...

You might want to change the band of calling card you use, I think a few companies do show the routing number but if the person redials that number it won't go through.
Why you're so insistent on using a calling card is perplexing.

Go buy a Tracfone...
Even Rite Aid sells Trac phones. Tons of stores sell the air time cards.

or buy it online
There are Trac phones for $20


member60107 4 Reviews 2531 reads
6 / 10

I was in the same boat as you and tried with no success at setting appointments.  I purchased a no frill phone for $10 using Virgin Mobil @ .18 a minute.  Secret hobby, secret phone.  

No phone records and you can track your minutes on the phone or online.  The phone can be locked and the history can be easily deleted.  You can top up your minutes with a credit card online or buy a $20 card and punch the code into the phone.  I perfer to top up online.

Before the secret phone, batting 0%.  After the phone, batting 1.000 and feeling foolish for waiting so long to get one.

Gothicman 2204 reads
7 / 10

You dial #82 then the 10 diget phoe number.

Now that you seem willing to get a cellphone, I suggest a throwaway model. Good ones can be purchased from kiosks in shopping malls easily. Just be sure that minimal personal information is exchanged. Buy minutes as you need them and keep the phone in a secure spot in your desk or locker at work. The only limitation of throwaways is their range, but if you stay within a city environment there should be no problems.
Stay away from using the cell phone of a good friend. Good friends talk and they may end up giving up information that you do not want coming out.

GoingEasy 22 Reviews 2691 reads
8 / 10

Thank You !! everybody.  This is a cool web site, and I am taking notes like crazy.  I guess the solution is to get a cell phone, and hide it at work.  That will keep it simple.  I already buy special bras for a favorite provider, and keep them at work.
Thanks for the help, fellas.

moe_shemp_larry 1832 reads
9 / 10

WOW ... guess i'm VERY different!  like Clint Eastwood in that movie, doesn't matter to me if you've got a cell or not b/c i do not have a cell either.  there ARE other ways of making contact besides a cell phone, which i consider to be a total nuisance.
but!  ok, ok already ... i am just weird--NOT critical of others having cells, okay?  *smile* (if you've got one, yes, i'd like the number when we're planning a playtime)

irageek 30 Reviews 2235 reads
10 / 10
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