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Re:You shouldn't apologize and she shouldn't feel offended...
jjackflash 2011 reads

Actually, I thought your responses were funny, hence the "LOL" was attached to your "trademark" slogan, not anything that I had to say.  While you started the thread under the guise of trying to educate us hobbyists (and you may have had some sincerity in it), you were immediately moderated for "advertising".  Cleverly, you responded several more times to the thread (sometimes "responding" to no one, just posting) with very little to say, but all the while "promoting" yourself just the right way so as to not get smacked again for "advertising".  Honey, if your dignity and class hang on whether or not one uses the terms you want them to, then "miserable" applies to you.

I can assure you, "miserable" doesn't describe me babe.  Perhaps "hypocrite" describes you?  One thing you got right is that I could use a massage.  Preferably one with a "happy ending" (since this is the Newbie Board, I'll clarify...HANDJOB!!).  Your dignity and class don't bug me in the least, but that high horse of yours, well...Have a wonderful day :-)

Oh by the way, my little trademark slogan is (and has been for a long time), "I call it the way I see it!"  If that bugs you then please let me know, and I'll contact someone else for my massage.

I am a professional Massage Therapist offering full body release massage.  I offer nothing more, nothing less.  Please be respectful of that when contacting providers like myself.  There are, in fact, some men who simply want to relax without the "escort" experience!  I am attractive, healthy, educated and sane!  I provide outcall to

(edited by the moderator)
Ok, you have now crossed over into posting an ad.  I'm sure you provide a good, reliable service, and hope your clients do post reviews, but as was explained on the last thread on this board, ad posts are not allowed on the Newbie Board.

-- Modified on 4/8/2007 5:52:02 PM

Strictly just my opinion but I would not even classify you as a provider, you are a massage therapist. To me there is a big difference in the two. Again, just my .02 cents.

Personally, I think the HJ is an underrated art form.

Some of the most intense orgasms I've ever experienced have been as a result of a fantastic hand job, especially as it comes during or at the end of a nice massage.

I was not implying she did not belong here, she just seems to have a problem with what guys say when contacting 'providers like her'. Maybe if she referred to herself as massage therapist instead of provider there would be less confusion. Just a thought.

Nothing in her post indicates that she is promoting herself in a deceptive manner. If she provides a sex service she is in fact a provider. Actually, I have to side with her in this case. Lots of guys read a FBSM lady's ads yet still show up trying to get more even when the ad or website clearly states that full service is not available. I can understand her frustration.

-- Modified on 4/9/2007 5:25:14 AM

Thank you very much for understanding.  Although SOME may see me as a "provider" I am not least not to the degree that many here are.  I do not provide intercourse or oral sex or even nudity.  Seems to be plenty of that here...I am an exception which is why my ad is stated as "Relax without the escort experience"  To each his own...I'm not here to judge only to clarify. Again, I say what I mean and mean what I say.  Thanks again for understanding :)

Check the BOSTON boards for my posting.

First of all...I DO refer to myself as a Professional Massage Therapist.  But given the forum I am in to post ads  here...I use the term "provider" (quite losely) To read my actual ad you will see I am quite specific.  I say what I mean and mean what I say and find it difficult to deal with men who simply assume that is not the case.  Second of all...I prefer you not cheapify things by calling it a HJ.  Your body is a whole unit...I don't break it up into "parts"  I work your muscles...they release...I work your "midsection" it also releases.  We're adults, right?!  Dignity and class.

I do agree that the physiology (to say nothing of the psychology) of a FBSM session is very involved and when done well, a regular work of art.

I only used the common venacular for reasons of expediancy.

I will stick to the acronym, FBSM from now on in deference to the reasons you give.

jjackflash2258 reads

...after all "she means what she says and says what she means"!!!LOL  

Your words "cheapified" nothing.

HANDJOB, TUGJOB, JACK OFF.  If she feels that these words "cheapify" what she does, then she's in the wrong line of work.

-- Modified on 4/10/2007 9:53:04 AM

I'm glad you seem to think your response is funny ("LOL")  but really all it does is show how miserable you truly are...expressed in hte form of negative sarcasm.  Perhaps YOU need a massage!  The fact remains, I mean what I say and say what I mean and many people stick with me for that reason. Using terms fit for an adolescent boy is not my style.  Dignity, class and respect are...if that bugs you...TOO DAMN BAD :)  Have a wonderful day.

jjackflash2012 reads

Actually, I thought your responses were funny, hence the "LOL" was attached to your "trademark" slogan, not anything that I had to say.  While you started the thread under the guise of trying to educate us hobbyists (and you may have had some sincerity in it), you were immediately moderated for "advertising".  Cleverly, you responded several more times to the thread (sometimes "responding" to no one, just posting) with very little to say, but all the while "promoting" yourself just the right way so as to not get smacked again for "advertising".  Honey, if your dignity and class hang on whether or not one uses the terms you want them to, then "miserable" applies to you.

I can assure you, "miserable" doesn't describe me babe.  Perhaps "hypocrite" describes you?  One thing you got right is that I could use a massage.  Preferably one with a "happy ending" (since this is the Newbie Board, I'll clarify...HANDJOB!!).  Your dignity and class don't bug me in the least, but that high horse of yours, well...Have a wonderful day :-)

Oh by the way, my little trademark slogan is (and has been for a long time), "I call it the way I see it!"  If that bugs you then please let me know, and I'll contact someone else for my massage. certainly are a funny guy!  Let me assure you that I am quite new at these boards and am still "learning the ropes"  I also posted on the Boston boards...and once told not to post on the newbie board, I stopped!  Anything else posted here by me since then has been in response to comments made to my initial posting.  I have no hidden agenda!  You've just rambled on and on about absolutely nothing...for the sole purpose of insulting me.  I do not have a "trademark slogan"  and you probably shouldn't either because it's foolishness!  I referred to you as "miserable" because "content & happy" people don't use their time & energy to make comments designed to insult others they don't even know?! You are apparently used to HANDJOBS...I give something better and have enough class to NOT use terms that would typically come out of the mouth of a teenage boy. Maybe you are one..who knows.  It's unfortunate we've had to have this negative type of communication.  You know nothing about me and if you did, your tone would be quite different.  Oh well, that's the way it goes I guess.  I wish you well.

jjackflash1441 reads

First of all, I've yet to insult you.  Perhaps you should change your name to "Touchy" Therapy as you are reading more into this.  BTW, I still haven't insulted you.  If you will recall, I merely posted in response to Mr. Fisher's white knight apology letting him and this board know what I thought about his unnecessary apology and your take on the use of certain words that you felt lowered your dignity.  If you didn't like the fact that I was "having a little fun" with your post, perhaps you should've considered that maybe we hobbyists didn't like your all-to-serious attitude.  While I can dish out, I can also take it.  Can you?  Just so you know, I'm a content and happy 40-year old.  I only hobby occasionally b/c I'm married.  Most of the handjobs that I'm used to are sadly self administered.  But that's the reality; if things were perfect I wouldn't be on this site at all (and neither would you).  BTW, as it's been said by others on this site it bears repeating from time to time especially to those who don't seem to remember:  This is a fucks for bucks site!

I appreciate everything you're saying...I really do.  Although you say you did not insult me...your tone and comments were somewhat insulting.  I can take it...I can dish it out...although I'd rather not do either because that's not why I'm here.  If the point of my posting didn't apply to you then it probably would have been best to "let it go"  I am not TOO serious and unfortunately much gets lost when reading only words without the benefit of seeing facial expressions or really knowing the person doing the typing.  I'm actually quite the happy go lucky person,  but I don't feel as though I should have to be made to feel like I've created a problem because I've stated my boundaries. I don't judge anyone and appreciate not being judged.  To each his own.  I realize everyone has their own personal reasons for being here...I ask no questions because it's none of my business.  I only came here for MY own reasons and because I've gotten a few unpleasant responses in the past, I felt it necessary to state my boundaries....that's all. You refer to this site as  "fuck for bucks" but there ARE OTHER "providers" NOT providing sex.  I guess we all know what we want...if what I offer is not what one is looking for then they can simply move on.  However, there are many men that are looking for what I offer and I'm here for THEM.  I have obtained only 2 clients from this site (only posted twice)but several more from another means of advertising and they've all been incredibly respectful of my boundaries because they are able to enjoy it for what it is and they know if they want "more" they can get that elsewhere.  It IS OK to enjoy BOTH! So, like you, I am here looking for someone who can be cool with what I want.  There is no reason to continue this bantar.  I'm sure you're a wonderful man and it's unfortunate that things have gotten so touchy.  In closing, I wish you well and I hope you find all that you're looking for here.  Thanks for your time.

I have been seeing a professional massage/tantra therapist for years now - at first, hand release was the only thing offered but over the course of six years, we have shared oral sex along with BDSM play.
While her website says massage only, YMMV for some ladies - no exceptions.
I would of course honor the lady's wishes, and never kiss and tell about additional forms of play that we engage in - that is between us.  And, when meeting and contacting new providers, would naturally respect their limits and wishes.

There is a HUGE difference between a tantric provider and a massage therapist!  Tantric focuses on sexuality...Massage therapy is more focused on health & service offers complete relaxation...WITHOUT anything you would expect from an escort.  I'm sure after establishing a relationship with some therapist things may happen that go beyond a massage...that is up to each therapist and should never be assumed by the client that the possibility is open for ALL therapist.  To assume anything is always a bad idea! I have boundaries.  I feel if one is looking for simple relaxation and to be pampered then I am what they would want...if you want more...I'm not the one to call.  It's that simple.  Many men cannot wrap their brains around the concept of lying nakid in front of a woman and just allowing themselves to relax...and nothing more.  But there are also many men who can.  That is what I seek :)

just saying, it can happen - I totally respect your point and your stance, I suppose in the end what I am saying is "NEVER SAY NEVER"

Hmmm...I suppose "never say never" does apply in some cases but I feel if one has a clear definition as to what they are and what they are not...the boundaries will stay clear and unmoved....regardless of how often they are tested.  If I wanted to offer more than massage with release then I would define myself as something else.  It's quite simple, for me anyways.  I've been tempted by the most charming men...I've been offered MANY things for "more" but I stood my ground because I knew that once I crossed the line...I'd became something "else"...something I was not willing to become.  Now...on a lighter note...come have a massage with me!!  (big grin here!)

The old and wise saying " Everything and everyone has a price."  At some point in time , as you have admitted, you have already been tempted, and will no doubt be again. It may depend on your current mind set as to whether the temptation is too strong to resist. I would think you turn to the dark side obi wan before too long.

lol, very cute obi wan comment :)   Let me rephrase...I've had many TRY to tempt me but I never gave in ;)

if you ever get into Chicago area... PM me.... would be glad to meet you!

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