Newbie - FAQ

reviews and referencesregular_smile
beef24 4269 reads

I have been a ter member for some time now and have been with providers over the years also but I have couple questions that need attention:  1) did ter recently erase many reviews or do that occasionally.  some providers never seem to be in here and some think they are in here but are not...I've tried several different ways to search.  2)I'm not sure that I like for my work to be called.  most of the ladies I've seen in the past are no longer in the Bizzz and some that I have seen over th past couple years don't seem to want to be a with that said what does a provider really thing is the most important reference???  If it is a work reference what kind of questions would they ask your work place but yet keep it discreet???

Assuming that the woman is one of integrity (read the reviews; they're not hard to find), her call to your office most likely ring alarm bells, even if you're boinking the receptionist.  I can't speak for EXACTLY what she's looking to hear, but basically it's that you aren't working at the local precinct, and to verify that you're being honest.  Each lady has her own considerations when screening, and I challenge you to find one that will tell her exact methods.

I don't know the answer to 1), but as far as 2):

All of the ladies who have called my office have said, "Hi, this is (made-up name).  May I speak to (my name)".  As soon as the receptionist transfers the call, they hang up.  They merely want to verify that you actually work where you said you did.  One lady was a little more original in her approach.  She called and said, "Hi, I need to send a fax to (my name).  Can you give me his fax number please?".  Of course, she never faxed me anything.  But she did confirm that I worked at a legitimate place of business (not LE).

Most of them will look the company up in the phone book to verify that the number you gave them is a real business.

If you stick to well-reviewed TER providers, I really wouldn't worry about it.  They have a reputation at stake as well.  If any of them ever asked embarrassing questions to your place of work, you would see that in the reviews and message boards.

beef242809 reads

Thanks for that info and that does make sense...I do not have a direct line to me but it would still work I think.  I was just a bit concerned bout it so thanks again.

the provider was delisted for an infraction of the rules on TER.  Even when website info in no longer valid, your or other reviews will show up but when doing a search for them be sure to change the search function for "exclude bad websites" on top, to "NO"

Secondly, any provider worth seeing, will NOT call your work number, this is used for verification purposes only.  They will need another contact number (IE. Cell#) to call if needed.  If you do not have a cell phone, get a cheap one which you can refill with minutes via card - they are available everywhere now, at stores like Target, Walmart etc.

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