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Reviewers question
ngrayson60 1928 reads
1 / 11

Should I be concerned when a provider has a few reviews from people that have only reviewed once. What are odds of le posting fake reviews in hopes to drive stings ?

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 566 reads
2 / 11

Didn't we just go over this with you a few days ago? Yes you should be concerned if the guys ony have one review. Could it be an LE sting? Yes, it's possible. Could it be a pimp? Yes, it's possible. Could it be a self review? Yes, it's possible. Could it be her friends? Yes, it's possible

Obviously it could be a lot of things. It also could be totally legit reviews, that just coincidentally came from first time reviewers, but a newbie shouldn't take chances like that. When we say, "see well reviewed providers," that means providers with several to many good reviews, written by reviewers with several to many reviews themselves. Different people will have different ideas of what is the magic number of reviews that makes for "well reviewed." No right or wrong answer there, but nobody will say that it's 3 reviews from first time reviewers. My personal idea is at least 6 reviews (with ratings of 7s or 8s or better, preferably 9s), and at least three of those should be written by reviewers with at least 5 reviews written themselves.

If you are still thinking about that Kali girl, I would avoid her, and seek out something better.
They are definitly out there!

swimtrekr 58 Reviews 693 reads
3 / 11

No one has calculated them.  But, you should be concerned.  Anytime a provider has only a couple reviews, and the reviewers only have one or two, that is not a good sign.  Perfectstorm gave you a lot of possibilities, so I'm not going to repeat them.  They are all good possibilities, but I think LE is probably the least likely.  The boys in blue tend to go after streetwalkers, not behind-closed-doors escorts.  I really do not think they have the time or manpower to sit down and write reviews and sit back and wait for the marks to respond to them.  They will post an ad on some escort ad site like backpage, and wait for the responses, then set up the sting in a motel room.

We have said it over and over, if you are just beginning your hobby life, look for well-reviewed providers, with plenty of reviews done by established reviewers.  What you described is definitely not in that category.  Keep looking.  On Preferred411, you can see in their profiles which providers are newbie friendly, that's a good place to look.  


Posted By: ngrayson60
Should I be concerned when a provider has a few reviews from people that have only reviewed once. What are odds of le posting fake reviews in hopes to drive stings ?

harborview 10 Reviews 600 reads
4 / 11

I won't go into details as to why or how I think this happens but I see many First Reviews that do not jibe with later reviews.   Maybe someone is gaming the system... since the first reviewer sets up the profile and maybe the provider gives services that are not offered to later customers.  

Nothing against first time reviewers...  but reviewers with several reviews hold more credibility.  As a Newbie (we all were once) you should select "well reviewed" ladies.  That is ladies with min 6 - 10 reviews and at least some by experienced reviewers.

I'm not saying you can't see low review count gals if you find them attractive but put them in your future list.  This is not Match dot com.  You don't have to stay with the same partner.  You get some more experience & let her gather another few reviews before you circle back.   If she does not get more reviews, then it's better you didn't see her anyways.  Really.  

Not that you shouldn't be concerned about LE but you are more likely to be hit with a scam.  

ngrayson60 629 reads
5 / 11

Just concerned as i have found a local provider who has gotten 7 *8 postive reviews but last couple looks like a few monts ago.

Naomi_Sweets See my TER Reviews 556 reads
6 / 11

If she has several good reviews thats a good sign.  As far as the gap in time, she might more repeat clientele instead of new guys and therefore they are not continuously reviewing her every visit.

swimtrekr 58 Reviews 713 reads
7 / 11

Have seen some hot ads from there.  It's a college town....hello.......


perfectstorm 19 Reviews 517 reads
8 / 11

Did you get your VIP now? Three days ago you were talking about a provider who you said had 3 reviews, 2 good and 1 so-so, but you didn't have VIP. What I saw was 2 so-so reviews and one bad one.

So now you are saying someone has 7-8 positive reviews. Ifyou actually have VIP and you are considering scores of 7 orbetter as positive, then the bext thing to look at are the reviewers. Out of her 7 to 8 reviews, are at least 4 of them written by reviewers with 3 or more reviews themselves. Is at least one of them written by someone with more than 5 reviews? If you can answer yes to all of that, then maybe she is alright. The fact that she didn't have reviews for s couple months wouldn't bother me if all the other answers are ok. As naomi said there can be valid reasons for not having recent reviews. I would be moreconcerned with bad reviews, too few reviews, or all reviews coming from first time reviewers. (or trying to read reviews without VIP, and assuming they are positive)

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 506 reads
9 / 11

I am making an assumption here so forgive me if I am wrong, but my assumption is based on your posts from a few days ago and your current post. It seems like you are looking for providers close to you because you don't want to travel. And it seems like your area is not a haven for good providers so you are settling for mediocre. I would suggest travelling and finding great providers rather than settling for mediocre. I am going to also assume you are somewhere around Racine, Wisconsin. (based on your post the other day) Now I don't know jack shit about Wisconsin, as I am about 5000 miles away, but a simple check on google maps tells me that Milwaukee is only 45 minutes away, and Chicago is only about 1.5 hours away. If I was in your shoes, I would definitely be thinking about heading to Milwaukee wgere there is a greater selection of good providers, or better yet Chicago where there is a huge selection of great providers.

Good luck and have fun. I hope your first experience turns out to be an awesome one, and not poor or mediocre.

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 361 reads
10 / 11

I would be happy to drive 2 hours. Shoot, I have to get on a plane sometimes to see providers. :)

ngrayson60 441 reads
11 / 11

Yes I got VIP, no p411 thought, can't afford currently... Several positive  reviews from people have review several others... All really good but one ( person even put she must of been having bad day or something) but not many reviews last couple months.

Posted By: ngrayson60
Should I be concerned when a provider has a few reviews from people that have only reviewed once. What are odds of le posting fake reviews in hopes to drive stings ?

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