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Re:Too young to be a Hobbiest?
WildTurkey-101 141 Reviews 2424 reads

Nobody ever said it was always fair. LOL This topic has been discussed many times, not just age but if a provider is not comfortable seeing you for any reason. The way I look at it - If she is not comfortable or you are not her 'type' then you probably will not have that good a time anyway and you will leave feeling cheated, but minus your money. So I would just shrug it off and be glad you found out before spending your money.

I recently contacted a provider and tried to set up a meeting. She ask me my age and I told her, she then said that I was too young and hung up on me. I'm 28 years old, and I wasn't aware there was an age requirement. It's most likely her personal preference, but I was wondering if this was common. Thanks for your help.


That was rather rude to just hang up on you like that. It is just her preference, however in reading many ladies websites it is not uncommon to find they prefer to see only hobbyists over 30 or 35yrs. old. Again, it is just their preference and you just move on to the next.

Thanks for the advise! She actually hung up on me twice! I felt cheated before I even met her. And she even had a lot of good reviews too! But I'm 28 and that's that. Nothing I can do about it, and it just feels a little unfair. I'll spend my $$$$ elsewear =)

Nobody ever said it was always fair. LOL This topic has been discussed many times, not just age but if a provider is not comfortable seeing you for any reason. The way I look at it - If she is not comfortable or you are not her 'type' then you probably will not have that good a time anyway and you will leave feeling cheated, but minus your money. So I would just shrug it off and be glad you found out before spending your money.

Beans40001380 reads

i am 25 years old, been seeing since 22, not often though. thats weird, usually they like young guys in my experience lol.

This has not been my experience so far, except one time.  Most providers I saw were actually *glad* to see someone in his early 20's (my age), and in all cases, I was younger than the provider.  They were very friendly, and really seemed into delivering the service.  I'm guessing it's the stereotype about young men having more stamina, or just a chance of pace from seeing mostly middle-aged men.  In fact, some older providers (read: 30's and up) might even get a kick out of being with someone 10 years younger.  Only one time a provider was cold and distant with me, and I think it was because of my age.  But with only one time, who cares.  I reviewed her accordingly and moved on.

It is probably just a personal preference - we all have em.  Her attitude stunk though, and she may be cutting off future business in responding to potential clients like that - her loss.
It is quite common - on both ends of the age spectrum.

Many providers feel that men under thirty will try to be wiseasses and/or end up falling in love with them (I know, I know, you don't have to point out the obvious.)

The trick is to convince them that you are not one of those kinds of guys.

Talk about how you respect the person and look forward to a lovely experience, etc.  You just might convince someone.

One more hint:  Read the providers website cover to cover and refer to it in your email.  They spend a lot of time and put a lot of thought into their sites and when someone reflects that in their communication, it really makes an impression.

Thank you for all the advice you gave me =) They were a lot of help and I feel much better now. Very much appreciated!

Some women don't like to see young men because they often aren't business like, professional and respectful.  Sometimes they think it's a game or a joke.  Or they have an atttitude as if they are picking up a woman at a bar.

They also can be fickle and unpredictable.  Maybe they will show up at an appointment, maybe they won't.  Maybe they will cancel at the last minute maybe they won't.   Also some have a tendency to ask inappropriate questions or use vulgar language.

All young men don't behave this way but enough do that it's not worth the effort at times and it's simpler to just have a policy of no one under 35.

(And if some woman said she doesn't see younger men because they might fall in love with her she was probably saying it to be nice, lol.)

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