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The pain of not hobbying...
kaius8 13 Reviews 8874 reads

As mentioned earlier, I have decided to hold off hobbying until my baby goes off to college.  The reason is that I can't risk catching STDs or destroying my marriage before my kid grows up. I think 18 years is a long time to wait, but for my baby, I'll do anything...

Let me express my pain of not hobbying.  As you all know, this hobby is addictive.  Once you start, you'll be thinking about it often.  It's indeed a great hobby, and I wish I knew about it before I got married.  TER is a truly remarkable resource. I keep thinking about the moments from my encounters, and all those fine providers that I will not be able to visit.  I am such a breast-fanatic.  During hot says in Los Angeles, girls dress particularly revealing.  When I see those nice jugs, I go crazy...  Yall hobbyiests are so lucky!!!!!    Thanks for listening to me vent.

Yeah, I've contemplated the pain, too.  It's just more emotionally distressing for me to wait.  The risks can be managed and you can have great fun with the right, smart provider.  I too have suffered the chronic stress from having been with an intelligent, sexy, professional who truly loves her work and making me feel like I'm the only guy on the planet she's ever fucked; I've also swirled in my pillow at home, like a kid in the grocery sugar isle,  from the wonderment and infatuation of at least one of the most stunning evenings of my life with one wonderful angel.  I lived in wonderland for nearly a week afterward....but the key to my sanity was found in the following: 1) talking to a couple of trusted friends who listen without judging and offer a gentle, alternative perspective when I confess that I'm diving off the edge emotionally, 2) severely delimit my internet activity for a week or so after a great encounter (especially if she has a site with pics), and 3) temperance- sounds puritanical, I know, but it's really about planning the enjoyment of pleasure rather than condemning yourself over having fun, and planning for spaces between your enjoyment of the hobby; a recovery interval heightens your next experience and distances your memory so that it all seems new again. I can tell you that with the right girl (her attitude makes all the difference), the pleasure can be worth the wait, in gold!!  I have two kids, a wife, a mortagage, and a dog.  Every day that I drive into my neighborhood I see middle aged men slumping behind their lawnmowers in the summer heat, painting the eaves, and looking oh so disillusioned with the American dream.  Don't wait, have some rules that you can implement now, and have some fun.  Either way, I respect your choice.  I just can't see the fun in waiting all those years just for the testosterone to plummet.  Sex can be smart, fun, and wonderfully safe with the right provider.

Great Advice!!

I am just "between relationships" and am using the "Hobby"
to keep current and make sure that I am prepared when I DO
meet someone that I would want to hook up with on a more or less regular basis.

I look atit as I do my other hobby - aviation. To stay proficient, you are required to fly a certain number of hours annually, have periodic check rides, and shoot a certain number of takeoffs and landings and in my case VOR/ILS approaches as well. Having the right instructor or check pilot makes a big difference.

Same with this hobby. A good provider can make a HUGE difference
in your life that is well worth the $$$ and time involved. If
you're like me, and you're putting yourself back into the dating scene, a good provider can be an enormous help in working with
you on both your sexual AND social skills, which will both have to be in top shape if you are going to compete.

My take is that you are a short time living and a long time dead.
Why WAIT until you are no longer able to enjoy your sexuality...
which whether you like it or not, is intimately involved with both your sense of self-worth and your approach to every other aspect of your life.

The sweet and generous provider I am working with is doing
FAR MORE for me than just giving me sex for money. She has gone shopping with me to help me update my wardrobe, she has coached me on what to say and what NOT to say when trying to meet someone,and when I have needed a "date" for certain functions, she has gone with me and been perfect company. Needless to say, I
view my "Playdates" with her as special, I pay her more than her
"published" rates, and I find myself always trying to do nice things for her..the occasional small gift,shopping, even running an errand or helping her with something at her place without
expecting sexual favors in return.

What do I get out of it? My self-esteem and confidence
are vastly improved. My people skills are orders of magnitude better than before I took up this hobby. I pay attention to my diet and was my provider who dragged me kicking and screaming to her health club and got me exercising! I am in every way a BETTER person for her having passed my way and I will be forever GRATEFUL.

However, don't look for me to review her. She's on the escort websites, but she asked me not to review as she had some bad experiences with reviews in the past. Her identity will be my secret.

When you consider that the alternative is therapy (vastly less fun and more expensive), you've got to consider your options...

Livingverylarge8496 reads

STDs? Destroying the marriage?  If you are smart and careful it is highly improbable that either will occur.  Why deny yourself?  No one lives forever.  Live life and enjoy and be there for your family and be good to yourself.  There's room for having both.

IMHO, that is.

Nothing is catchable from exploring the hooters or from a Russian experience.  Not a Doc, but just my gut.

I'm sure you mean what you say, but frankly, better men than you have tried and failed. However, I do wish you the best.

deemanw28417 reads

What is a "Russian Experience"?

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