Newbie - FAQ

remember, penmanship countsteeth_smile
zisk 86 Reviews 5192 reads

some of the guys here have handwriting that is very hard to read, so take your time and write neatly.

Hi everyone
I am about to take the plunge. My first time in the hobby. So I am a little nervous.
Couple of questions
1. When I have finished how do I correctly write a review and link in to her.

2. I am going with a well reviewed independent girl should I be more worried about STDs with an independent then with a service.

I am linking to the girl I want. Not sure if im allowed doing so but here she is

Any input will help

(link removed by moderator)

-- Modified on 6/17/2008 6:27:01 PM

The Newbie Mod1239 reads

you will be required to enter all of her contact information and description.  Based on the information you enter (her name, phone number, email, website, etc.), TER staff will assign the review to an existing profile, or create a new profile for an unreviewed gal.


some of the guys here have handwriting that is very hard to read, so take your time and write neatly.

I think Zisk means spell correctly, use good grammar, and don't write one big long damn 50-line paragraph.

If you are using Firefox as a browser, it will spell-check your review as you type it.  If you use another browser that does not, here is a suggestion.  Type your review in a word processor file that has a spell-check function, then copy it into the review form.


zisk was just being a smart-ass; hence the smiley icon

but zisk does agree with swim's ideas on how to properly prepare a review. zisk tends to skip over reviews that are one big long paragraph or are difficult to decipher due to poor grammar.

DO NOT write the entire review using ALL LARGE CASE!!!

1. When you click on 'Submit a Review' you will first get a page explaining how to write the review, that will help alot. Then you will get a profile page with alot of fill in the blanks, you will see where to put the link. As for the body of the review, read some of her other reviews to get an idea of what is expected.

2. Several threads on this subject, one further down this page. Whether the lady is with an agency or indy makes no difference as to how she takes care of herself. If you are that worried about it, don't kiss her and do all oral with a cover.... Personally I hate CBJ and dental dams.

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