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Re:About multiple reviews of same provider
apetrov3 11 Reviews 1755 reads

from my understanding, if the 2nd meeting was within 6 months of the 1st meeting, the new review will not be posted & you will not be credited.

If you see a provider a second time and do a new review do you get credited for that or does it just update the older one? I guess my main question is, if I see a girl again is there any point in re-reviewing her?

from my understanding, if the 2nd meeting was within 6 months of the 1st meeting, the new review will not be posted & you will not be credited.

If you have ever reviewed her before the new review will replace the older one.  No VIP credit will be issued.

Is there any point in re-reviewing her?
Has her service or looks changed considerably since last time?  Let us know.
If you are the altruistic sort, a new review brings her name to the top of the search list temporarily, potentially bringing her clients that may not have noticed her otherwise.

Your call...

definitely has it's place on TER because you may see her again and service is much better / or much worse etc... this is particularly true of reviews for newer and younger ladies who improve with age and experience...

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