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Re: You had a bad experience with a bad provider...
crosby87 3 Reviews 1162 reads

thanks for the input. Yeah, showering is something I am big on. In fact, I would love to shower with a provider sometime. I guess I just need to chalk that up as a bad experience and hope that any future ones are better.  While I know this is EXACTLY why this site is here, I get nervous at the prospect of spending good money for something that could turn out bad again. But, like i said, that's why this site is here.
Thanks again

While I am new to this site, I have "lurked" on numerous other hobby sites for years. Due to a lack of experience / nervousness I have seldom been involved in the hobby and never posted my limited experiences.  I have had a handful of experiences at strip clubs  but only ONE with an actual escort provider MANY years ago.  The one experience was NOT good and has made me even more self-conscience and nervous about trying again. Here are the issues I have and am curious if any others have the same or similar issues;  First of all, I am on the heavier side.  While I was once as large as 330lbs, I have lost a good bit of weght and am currently 5'11" and 280 with very large shoulders. Even though I was lighter than this when I had my first encounter, the provider, apparently, didn't like me and did not even allow me to touch her. In fact, she made me keep my hands under my ass while she rode me.  As I started to cum, I raised my legs to stop her thrusts because I wanted things to last a bit longer.  At this point, I was admonished and told that if I did not put my legs back down she would leave without finishing me off. What choice did I have? Anyway, this has given me trepidations about returning to a provider.  While I am not looking for a "non-business" relationship, it would be nice for the provider to act like they are enjoying your company as well and NOT make you feel like a freakish monster when they walk in. I mean, I am not unattactive but still need to loose some weight. The other issue is that while I do have a normal size penis when erect, my penis is abnormally small when flacid due to a incorrectly performed surgical procedure when I was 6 yrs. old. It does not look abnormal and, again, is of normal size when hard. However, this OBVIOUSLY makes me very self-conscience if I am not hard before undressing and / or after the deed is done.
While all of this is a bit embarassing to admit, I am looking to see if others have any of the same issues and how you work around them with your provider(s).  I realize that these issues are mostly simply due to being too self-conscience but that first experience did not help things at all.

I realize your question was posed to other hobbiests, so I hope you don't mind if I chime in. First, I'm sorry that happened to you. My advice to you would be when you narrow down the providers you would like to see, read through their reviews to see if they are what you're looking for. Reviews that consistantly state she was affectionate, kissing etc..  As far as your penis in it's flacid state. You'd be surprised how many 'not a shower but a grower' penises there are out there. Lots! As for the weight. Some providers like large men. I do. My ex husband was 320 and 6'. I'm 4'11 and 115 lol. Mutt and Jeff. Good luck to you.

I appreciate your response...
Too bad you're not in my neck of the woods ;-)
Anyway, while I do have these hangups, it has never caused in issue in bed.  I once had a dancer at a strip club BEG me to meet her after work because of what I did to her in the VIP.  So while that was a VERY positive experience, the one with the escort was so bad that it has made me shy away from calling anymore. Again, thanks for your input!

Similar things have happened to a lot of us and this is part of why TER is such a valuable tool. A good lady will do all she can to make you feel comfortable and give you pleasure. Use the search and review capabilities here to find a gal that suits your preferences.
As a big guy myself I can assure you that it should not be an issue most of the time but there are some things to keep in mind. Be sure to shower either right before or as soon as you arrive at an appointment. We big guys sweat a lot and it's important to be fresh if you want a lady's best effort. Also be aware that not every girl is able to perform in every position with larger men. Everyone is built a little differently and that is just a fact of human nature. That being said, no worthwhile provider will ever make you feel badly about your size.
You are not going to get over your insecurities after just one date but if you do your research and stick with good ladies you will become a bit more relaxed with every appointment.

-- Modified on 12/23/2007 9:33:16 AM

thanks for the input. Yeah, showering is something I am big on. In fact, I would love to shower with a provider sometime. I guess I just need to chalk that up as a bad experience and hope that any future ones are better.  While I know this is EXACTLY why this site is here, I get nervous at the prospect of spending good money for something that could turn out bad again. But, like i said, that's why this site is here.
Thanks again

I've been there my friend.

I think BG provides a great deal of good advice here. I'm similar weight to you about 280 6'0". Actually there are girls that like that better, alot don't some do. LA , Miami, NY is tougher, people are used to better looking folks in these markets (and I'm in one of them  . .) What you need is a provider with a stripper mentality. I've had GOOD strippers talk so much s*** to me I thought they loved me (ok I didn't...but it's about how you FEEL..) In fact, one of my better exeperiences was in a VIP. The difference being is you can feel the girls out at a strip club, this is a lot pricier, and while FS is almost a certainty, your not gonna find the girl that is a good BS'er as fast.

I had a bad experience myself recently, and I've been in the hobby in different facets for almost 10 years. I also thought it was my weight (picked up my first girl in Vegas at 17). I'm also in the Inland Empire in So. Cal, and the market is dry out here for lack of a better word.

All I can say is ride it out and let me know how it goes. . That's what I'm doing.


-- Modified on 12/25/2007 2:27:51 AM

I completley agree with you about the strippers... I have had NUMEROUS encounters in VIP rooms and have never been disappointed.  In fact, for years I hoped to find a stripper that worked on the side outside of the club.  I don't think that Atlanta (where I'm from) is as bad as the other places you mention but I am still a bit nervous due to the first encounter.  Any chance that folks out there can suggest anybody in the ATL that they feel really comfortable with, etc...

We can't make recommendations here on the newbie board. You should ask this question on the Atlanta board. Best of luck!

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