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Re: Why is this SO hard? Is my AGE going against me?
mistabeo 10 Reviews 1857 reads

yeah, your age isn't helping... and the fact that you don't have a work reference. your best bet is seeing an agency, since they're a bit more lenient.

gregnorman12908 reads

I am 19 and a student in college.

I am trying to find a woman with a lot of good reviews to help ensure it is not a sting. I am looking in the ATL area.

I've tried filling out the forms with my real name, etc... but I don't get replies I guess b/c I can't fill out "company name" and "company phone" etc.. b/c I am a student.


yeah, your age isn't helping... and the fact that you don't have a work reference. your best bet is seeing an agency, since they're a bit more lenient.

Hey, I totally understand your feeling, because I'm around your age, (well about couple of year diff), and almost in the same situation.

But keep on trying - become a VIP, and do a review research. Doing your homework is really worth it.

It might be your age.  Some ladies will only see older men because traditionally, older= more mature.  Why don't you send the lady of your choice a polite email explaining that you're a college student and don't have time to work a regular job?  Tell her about yourself, use spellcheck, and offer to give her whatever other assurances she needs to feel comfortable with you.

Once a lady agrees to meet you, please make sure to have read the following post!

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