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Re: When they put on the cuffs...
Raggaemon 2 Reviews 4354 reads
1 / 29

I saw a provider listing on CraigsList where she gives her "all inclusive flat rate" along with pictures and a phone number.

I called the provider to find out what she means by "all inclusive" and she repeated her rate and said it includes anal.

If this was LE would they use terms like that? I didn't make any references to sex acts or fees, all I asked was, what does your ad mean by all inclusive?

SinsOfTheFlesh See my TER Reviews 1977 reads
2 / 29

You can always tell that it is LE by looking for the tell tale ring of powder around their mouth when you get there. Usually, a breathalyzer will reveal donought breath too.

Raggaemon 2 Reviews 1298 reads
3 / 29

I thought this was a place I could ask questions without being made fun of???

charlie445 3 Reviews 1936 reads
4 / 29
HaleyOrlando See my TER Reviews 2205 reads
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and they will be recording it for evidence. I don't think LE would mention any sex act over the phone like that but I didn't hear your question to her either.

If I were you I would stay away from craigslist.

This lady is very stupid to talk like that on the phone and I wonder what she says in person.Never ask that question again as you leave yourself wideopen to LE. Also any reputable provider would have hung up on you real quick.

Do the VIP deal and do some reading before you make your next phonecall.

Stay Safe
Kisses Haley

DC. 51 Reviews 2300 reads
6 / 29

stayed with well reviewed ladies, you wouldn't have had to ask what was included in the first place.

As far as it being LE, it doesn't sound like it at all.  LE would have been more interested in getting you there as soon as possible because they are not going to bust you over the phone.  They want you there, and then it really won't matter what you say - once you walk into a sting, you walk out with bracelets.

Good luck

Sinful1 See my TER Reviews 2301 reads
7 / 29

Use common sense.  How many posts have you seen here where they recommend you see a "well reviewed" provider?  I am sure dozens.

If you want to take a chance and TOFTT, you do so at your own risk.

Raggaemon 2 Reviews 2033 reads
8 / 29

Let me clarify OK?

I NEVER said a word about rates or services, all I said was that I saw her ad and wanted to know what "all inclusive" meant. The provider is the one who repeated her published rate and mentioned that it also included anal. I was asked if I could see her today but my car is in repair, she said she'd come to me if I wanted her to but I had some work to get done so I asked if I could call her again soon, she said that is OK.

I figure that LE would never say anything about money or sex acts, I know they'd try to get that from me but I never said anything about those things at all, ONLY SHE DID.

I also doubt that LE would offer to do an outcall or am I mistaken?

Am I to think that CL has nobody trustworthy in their listings?

EroticLicker 1869 reads
9 / 29

Can I just say something here?  I know I'm new, and from EVERYTHING I've read over, all of you seem like wonderful helpful people with vast amounts of wisdom to your credit.  I'd love to be a VIP myself, and wish I had a seperate bank account that wouldn't trace a name like this to the billing to do it.  Taking cash out and comming up with a reason for that isn't that very hard to do really.

But to suggest getting the VIP to avoid things like this, seems a bit out of the way.  I can understand the point to promote the site itself and having VIP memebers, that's pretty sound business to me, but some of us just can't do that, and I've been in other forum types, not like adult in here, but for example, I'm an African cichlid breeder, and I help SO many people out with fish questions, I should be a Dr.  

While I handle some REALLY dumb questions out there in that subject, at the same time I know and remember what it was like when I first started out knowing nothing.  I had to ask and learn, and with this, I really felt that this is what a board like this was help us newer people solve problems and do what is right.  I'm out here scanning the hard work you all have done with reviews, for what I can see as a basic member, to find my first visit.  You all have been helpful so far, but come on, we can't solve things like this on our own.

keystonekid 114 Reviews 1701 reads
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And, how many posts about staying off of CL.  Geez....

JoeFollowmeFriday-714 2352 reads
11 / 29

If LE mentions anal on the phone or via any means they are the ass-holes.

Thank you

-- Modified on 9/2/2008 6:13:34 PM

zisk 86 Reviews 1749 reads
12 / 29

Any ad LE places on CL will always state:

"This is an offer of prostitution. Any money exchanged will result in immediate arrest. Anything else that may occur is a matter of choice between two legal adults: an officer of the law and a prosecuting attorney. Responding to this ad constitutes acceptance of these terms."

WalkLikeAnEgyptian 2167 reads
13 / 29

They're hanging out in the donut shop
They sing and dance (oh whey oh)
Spin the clubs cruise down the block

All the Japanese with their yen
The party boys call the Kremlin
And the Chinese know (oh whey oh)
They walk the line like Egyptian

All the cops in the donut shop say
Ay oh whey oh, ay oh whey oh
Walk like an Egyptian
Walk like an Egyptian

-- Modified on 9/2/2008 8:59:22 PM

-- Modified on 9/2/2008 9:21:10 PM

Sinful1 See my TER Reviews 1809 reads
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BOATER39 1 Reviews 1749 reads
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Sorry, for the replies, it makes me wonder about this group.

Understand, they support each other as a way of jusification.

Craigslist can be more dangerous especially for a newbie. But, you can do very well if you do your homework on the site and save a lot.

If you send me  private mail I will help you all I can.

EroticLicker 1370 reads
16 / 29

You are logged in, but you only have a basic membership. This feature is available only to VIP members. Learn More

I'd love to listen to your wisdom, but I gotta pay for that too?  LMAO.  I think now the whole motto of the world is, "when you new and first starting out with anything, grab your ankles, you're going to get the shaft one way or another"  Pay and take your chances based on limited review information available, or pay here, hope that you picked right.  Roll the dice either way lol.

MarkusKetterman 150 Reviews 1596 reads
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You can be reasonably sure that a lady is not LE if she has at least several reviews from TER members who have reviewed ten ladies or more, and if her reviews are very recent. If the lady has multiple pages of reviews covering a year or more and if she requires references from established providers, you are 99% safe. I have found a few gems on craigslist, but I never see anyone without a good review history.... sometimes you've gotta let the big head do some of the thinking... good luck - Gregory

Trygger 28 Reviews 2445 reads
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The humorous replies aren't so much directed at you as the common misconception that one can tell a sting beforehand (search for the term "LE check" and see).  We see it too often and it is very naive.  If it were true, no one would get busted.  There are certain things that send up a flag, but there will be plenty of false positives.

If all you are worried about is LE, but you don't care if it is poor service or a complete ripoff or robbery, the you don't need VIP.  If she has at least ten reviews over a period of 6 months then it is very unlikely to be a sting.  Still possible, just very unlikely.

It would not be a significant issue in the prosecution if LE told you what they are selling in a phone call and you later showed up to consummate the agreement.  The fact that you called her and asked about services and rates, and then showed up after finding out they were illegal, indicates your predisposition to commit the crime.

The fact that she offered to come to you right away makes it unlikely (but again, not impossible) that she is LE.  Regardless, until you get some experience under your belt, it's best to steer clear of unreviewed ladies on CL.

bballs 40 Reviews 2033 reads
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although she could simply be naive enough to have provided that answer to a complete stranger over the phone, this is probably not a good sign about her common sense/experience in keeping safe from LE inquiries, which means her location/operation may already be compromised - you may be walking into a hornet's nest if you proceed

SolaLove See my TER Reviews 1843 reads
20 / 29

She offered sexual services for money.  If you accept you are playing an illegal game.  It doesn't matter if SHE said it or YOU said it.  Your simply showing up with money is acceptance of money for sex trade.

LE will certainly talk about money and sex acts, a cautious provider will not.  Consider that visiting a cautious provider will keep YOU safer in the long run.

LE has done outcall in the past, though it is much rarer.

As to CL... boy oh boy... good luck and don't get hurt!
Honestly with that site I worry more about the dangerous pimps and ROBs than LE, the site is rampant with both.

There is NOTHING you can do to be 100% sure.  Your best bet is to go on a regioinal board and ask if anyone has met this lady yet.  It's possible you'll receive PM's indicating that she is indeed legit.

Good luck!

Blackbeltxxx 13 Reviews 1819 reads
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If she doesn't have any reviews, walk away. Don't fall for a pretty picture.  Do your homework and you will virtually eliminate the problem of LE.  That is what this site is for.

BTW, the police can lie and say anything to get you.

generous_simon44 6 Reviews 2212 reads
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Erotic Licker, just go to your neighborhood drugstore, grocery store, Walmart, etc and buy a gift card - then set up a Yahoo acct with your "name" and "address", and pay for the VIP with the gift card, and reference your "anonymous" e-mail address.

We are not all trying to "sell the site", but the info I have gotten from reading the VIP comments have made all the difference in the world on who I pick to see!

SolaLove See my TER Reviews 2626 reads
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Boy, many of these gents go back to the days where your only options were to hit the streets or call some agency out of the yellow pages or weekly magazines.

Perhaps if you had ever experienced those options you would appreciate the information you are given even WITH only the basic membership!  For the information and assurance that is gleaned with the VIP membership... it is invaluable to many, quite a bargain compared with getting bait-and-switched, robbed, arrested...

There is very little "rolling the dice" if you use this site properly.  Your poor-me attitude won't go far here.  You'll only "get the shaft one way or another" here if YOU elect for that to happen.


jon1st 17 Reviews 2311 reads
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I am a new member and feel the need to chime in. if spending the minor amount of money a vip membership costs is an issue for you.  I would reccomend another hobby.  The CL horror stories are legendary and lengthly.  If you show up and get robbed there goes any savings, and if you walk into a LE arena  I am sure a decent attorney will want at least a 5k retainer to get you out of hot water.   I am a numbers man by trade.  There are plenty of ways to buy a membership under the radar.  prepaid credit cards come to mind, but hey that just me. Good Luck

NaomiBanks See my TER Reviews 2237 reads
25 / 29

If your top concern is saving a buck or two and you're willing to take the risk, then that's your decision. Nobody has a magic ball and can tell you if someone is LE, that's a chance that you're obviously taking so please don't get angry when people point out the dangers of using CL to find a provider. Hobbying is just like anything else- you have the choice to go cheap, medium level or high end. And there are positives and negatives associated with each choice.

EroticLicker 1377 reads
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Thanks simon, and that's classy of you to say, considering I did say just be direct, but the message I was getting wasn't about the money, but promoting this site with that money.  I'm glad to see you understood my point that MONEY isn't the issue, it's a matter of privacy!!  I like your ideas and the idea that followed, and I think I'll try that.  I was getting a distinct impression this site was only about making money from people when I'd found other sites that posted reviews in public, with no reason to lie, and gotten the same information.  Since I joined this site first, and most responses were helpful, I'd give loyalty to here first of course, but not when people push you to buy things.  That seems rather desperate but that's just me and I'm NEW and don't know jack yet about this hobby.

Raggaemon 2 Reviews 1896 reads
27 / 29

Thanks for the feedback, especially Trygger.

The only provider I've ever seen so far has her reviews listed here on TER. I'm no fool, I simply am rather new at this and I want to learn BEFORE doing.

Notice that I did not make an attempt to go out right away to see the provider because I had my suspicions which I the reason I came here to ask questions.

What's interesting is that I actually came across a provider on Craigslist who has a lengthy set of reviews here too, I guess there can always be exceptions right? I'm not interested in playing trial & error trust me.

Raggaemon 2 Reviews 2085 reads
28 / 29

Angry? no ... surprised by a reply from someone who treated the question condescendingly, as I said I'm appreciative of the feedback for the most part.

Thanks for your commentary on price=quality but if you'll forgive me all I asked about was a specific provider ad and subsequent phone conversation, I pretty much assume that there can be a close relationship between cost of service and quality of service, but even that depends on what the hobbyist wants, right?

OK ... again I appreciate the feedback.

pathfindersd 1377 reads
29 / 29

Disclaimer, read lots of sources before you make a conculsion. ATTN moderators If I have errored in this posting (IE links), please let me know so I don't do it again, but I htink this should be OK. thanks

Me, get arrested for prostitution? How could it happen to me? I'm a . . . . .nude (or exotic) dancer - dominatrix - porn actress - or, I only do massage or work for an escort service . . . I'm not a prostitute! So, how could I get arrested?
See this link on

This just gave me a serious wake up call about this subject.  Wow read all these as there are many inconstancy in some of these, and wiser to error of the side of precustion in my opinion. I guess its just a judgment call.I just was looking for advise on the law and this is some of the stuff found. I hope you read the article above it's very good, and has some helpful advice. Also this pages give you a board idea of what the courts consider illegal, although somethings appear to be poor advice still, and Im going with the info in the article above. You don't have to guilt of something for someone to cahrge you with a crime. They can always lie if they want to.
Be wise.

Look at the the news articles about Craig's list.,0,6491915.story

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