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Re: The lady's website is going to have her preferred method of contact. Follow . . .
redbeat 1 Reviews 1398 reads
1 / 15

This is a question for the ladies, though all opinions are welcome.

Here’s the scenario.

Normally when I meet a lady it’s been arranged well in advance so any phone calls on the day are just to confirm the location and time, and usually it’s with someone I know well so it’s all a very relaxed experience.

But what about when it’s someone new?

A lady I’ve never met, but someone I really want to meet, is touring in my town. She’s no email and her number only appears when her profile is activated so I can’t attempt to book a meeting in advance.

When the profile is active I try to ring her, a couple of calls over a few hours but each time I get voicemail. Now, of course, she may be busy with any number of things and I fully accept that she will only answer the phone when it’s convenient for her, quite rightly.

My question is how many phone calls is acceptable during her tour to indicate that I would very much like to meet her without going over the top?

Would a lady be put off with a number of missed calls from one number and be less inclined to make contact?

I’m sure when a popular lady checks her calls during a tour she may have any number of messages appear, will she call the first one back and if they agree to a meeting proceed from there and ignore the rest or will she ignore all missed calls as enough callers will get through to her anyway and be happy to go on from there?

(I know sometimes a lady will ring a number back once when she becomes available, the call costs her nothing and the receiver gets a missed call from her number so knows to ring her back, but this scenario is about when that doesn’t happen)

Essentially ladies if someone new tries to contact you, but keeps missing you, how many times do you think it’s acceptable for him to try to contact you before you’re put off and decide to ignore him?

mrfisher 108 Reviews 600 reads
2 / 15

if you don't get a response in 24 hours, move on.

Does she have a website?  If so, does her site suggest how to make contact?

Setting something up without email or text is always problematic

redbeat 1 Reviews 653 reads
3 / 15

The lady in question doesn't allow texting, though that may only apply to new clients I don't know, nor does she have a website or email listed.

If there was an alternative method of communication I would have used it, I obviously don't want her to think I'm a psycho ringing too often but I would like to see her before she moves on so was just looking for the opinion of the boards

EmmaBlairDC See my TER Reviews 598 reads
5 / 15

If it were me, and that were my system, I would probably never answer the phone when it rang.  I'd have it off most of the time and check voicemails periodically.  I might even try to do some light screening before calling someone back.  Missed calls with no messages would probably get ignored.

It sounds like this lady is super busy, so I would just leave a message and wait for her to get back to you.

keystonekid 114 Reviews 523 reads
6 / 15
redbeat 1 Reviews 578 reads
7 / 15

Thank you.

Yes I did leave a voicemail. I fully accept she may be busy, of course. My question is based around not having that information, from my end would more calls make her less likely to take a booking or do I just keep trying until I manage to get her when she's free to take the call?

My own practice is to make a couple of calls, leave a message and leave it at that but it's useful to get the provider's perspective and see how they handle it.

redbeat 1 Reviews 614 reads
9 / 15

Sadly the lady in question doesn't have a website and only appears to use a listings website so I can only try to contact her via the mobile number she provides on the day.

Normally the ladies I see have websites and email so we can arrange everything well in advance. In this case the lady is someone I'm curious to see but as you say probably time to move on.

EmmaBlairDC See my TER Reviews 471 reads
10 / 15

Oh, then yeah, I think three or four calls max.  There is a point after which too many calls seems stalker-y.  Maybe she's just busy.

DJ1985 21 Reviews 515 reads
11 / 15

You may be trying to contact a provider who is fairly high volume, they often book only by phone and on a first come first served basis. Try a couple times and if you don't get a response move on to someone else and try again later if you're still interested.

redbeat 1 Reviews 491 reads
12 / 15

Thank you.

I left it after three calls over the day, as you said the last thing I wanted was to come across all stalker-

Those are the breaks I suppose

stirsthepot 511 reads
13 / 15

this is one business phone calls aren't necessary  

Posted By: redbeat
This is a question for the ladies, though all opinions are welcome.  
 Here’s the scenario.  
 Normally when I meet a lady it’s been arranged well in advance so any phone calls on the day are just to confirm the location and time, and usually it’s with someone I know well so it’s all a very relaxed experience.  
 But what about when it’s someone new?  
 A lady I’ve never met, but someone I really want to meet, is touring in my town. She’s no email and her number only appears when her profile is activated so I can’t attempt to book a meeting in advance.  
 When the profile is active I try to ring her, a couple of calls over a few hours but each time I get voicemail. Now, of course, she may be busy with any number of things and I fully accept that she will only answer the phone when it’s convenient for her, quite rightly.  
 My question is how many phone calls is acceptable during her tour to indicate that I would very much like to meet her without going over the top?  
 Would a lady be put off with a number of missed calls from one number and be less inclined to make contact?  
 I’m sure when a popular lady checks her calls during a tour she may have any number of messages appear, will she call the first one back and if they agree to a meeting proceed from there and ignore the rest or will she ignore all missed calls as enough callers will get through to her anyway and be happy to go on from there?  
 (I know sometimes a lady will ring a number back once when she becomes available, the call costs her nothing and the receiver gets a missed call from her number so knows to ring her back, but this scenario is about when that doesn’t happen)  
 Essentially ladies if someone new tries to contact you, but keeps missing you, how many times do you think it’s acceptable for him to try to contact you before you’re put off and decide to ignore him?

impposter 49 Reviews 552 reads
14 / 15

I'm not sure what this means:

Posted By: redbeat
A lady I’ve never met, but someone I really want to meet, is touring in my town. She’s no email and her number only appears when her profile is activated so I can’t attempt to book a meeting in advance.
Profile or ad?  It seems like she changes her number frequently.  If possible, contact her on phone number #1 and establish your interest.  Hope for a reply.  Ask HER to contact YOU from her next ad/profile/number #2.  The next trip or tour, it might be #3.  Eventually, you might go from intro to schedule to actual meeting.  

Or have I misinterpreted the "her number only appears when her profile is activated" part?  

If you get tired of calling and waiting, move on to someone who does answer her phone or email.  (Don't worry about having a low threshold.

SolaLove See my TER Reviews 438 reads
15 / 15

Because I prefer email, and I tend to pre-book with no patience or interest in same day scheduling.  However, I do have a number listed.

This number gives very clear instructions that I will not return calls without the verification information required on my site, as well as a mention of when the best time to return the call would be.

Most calls I get are, "Hi.  I'd love to see you in (such and such town.)  My number is xxx-xxx-xxx."  In fact so many of the messages are like this that I'm considering removing the phone option entirely.

Guess what?  Uh, who are you?!?  Is your name Uncle LEO?  You didn't give me your references.  Are you a pal of Ted Bundy recently released on parole and looking for a good time?  You did not tell me when you would like to meet - perhaps I've already left town or will not be there until next week (it's amazing how often the pretty pics distract from the details of an ad.)  And you did not tell me if it was ok to call back and/or leave a message - I would prefer not to call you while you are having dinner with the family.  

Are there special instructions requested on her website contact page or in her ad?  Have you followed them?  If not - Try again!  Mention that you called before and would like to leave the additional information requested on her contact page.  If you have left everything requested already... I would not try again, though I don't think it would hurt.  TWO calls.  Any more and you will likely be seen as a very creepy fellow.


-- Modified on 9/26/2015 6:40:44 PM

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