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Re: She is destroying her reputation in this thread.
RD15 2327 reads
1 / 40

Hi everyone! New here trying to get into the hobby. I plan one reviewing the girls after I had the date, but the problem is I don't know their rates. I've read that I shouldn't talk about the donation at all so how do I go about getting their rate information. I have a few girls that I want to make an appt with, but none haave their rates on their ads

DJ1985 21 Reviews 575 reads
2 / 40

If you are looking at the well reviewed ladies you, as a newbie, should be looking at you shouldn't have any trouble finding their rates. Look at their websites or their TER profiles and you will find them. If you don't yet have VIP get it, VIP is one of the best ways for you to research providers to find ones offering what you are looking for.
If you can't find rates because you are looking at all the pretty unreviewed faces to choose from on BP, you are setting yourself up for trouble. LE stings, bait and switch, ripoffs and cash and dash are all things you can find when you don't do proper research.

Arovet 62 Reviews 591 reads
3 / 40

Like Julia said, ask where...or just ask. Nothing wrong with asking for the rate, any more than asking a lawyer's hourly rate. I've asked, never a problem.

xyz23 45 Reviews 513 reads
5 / 40

...When the rates are not clearly posted anywhere what do you suggest he do about finding out what they are?

keystonekid 114 Reviews 430 reads
7 / 40

both a lady's profile (rate info among other info you need to make an informed decission) as well as the juicy details in the review itself.  I for one rely more on the juicy details than the profile.  The profile is established by the first reviewer and can sometimes be inaccurate regarding services offered.

If a lady's website says "contact me" regarding rates, you might mention in your inquiry that "according to your TER profile, your donation for 1 hr. of your time is X."  Never ask how much she charges for a BBBJ or FS.

-- Modified on 10/11/2014 11:16:56 AM

Jstgttnstrtd 18 Reviews 547 reads
8 / 40

actually putting a guy on a real blacklist for doing this would be extreme and an abuse of those lists - which should only be used to help ladies avoid the TRULY bad apples.

GaGambler 521 reads
10 / 40
JackDunphy 421 reads
11 / 40

Just looked on your site and couldn't find the info anywhere. Should I just guess? Then you would blast me that I "shorted" the envelope if I guessed wrong right? Which, ironically, would land me on a BL. See the point honey?

How about you go for human next time and if some guy that dares make the unforgivable mistake of asking what your rate is you simply respond back with the info or provide a link to your rates page?

Honestly sweetie, is this all that difficult a concept? Your clients are a lot like your teeth. Treat them badly or ignore them and they'll go away

GaGambler 560 reads
12 / 40

Once you see just how BSC she is, all will become clear as to her meaning about Blacklisting a guy just for asking a simple question.

JackDunphy 424 reads
13 / 40
DamienScott 492 reads
14 / 40

Of course you do. Who would expect anything else? Newbie makes a mistake? BL his ass! Awesome

xyz23 45 Reviews 225 reads
15 / 40
Nicoleta See my TER Reviews 435 reads
16 / 40
Nicoleta See my TER Reviews 463 reads
17 / 40
JackDunphy 326 reads
20 / 40
Nicoleta See my TER Reviews 320 reads
21 / 40

There is no name, just a number and the word "Ignore."  
Like I wish I was in your ignore list, so you would stop chasing me with your other versions, all over the site ;-) but that would be less fun, right?.. See you soon! Well, my school break is finished, I have a paper due, and won't be posting much until probably Christmas break muahhh xoxoxo

Nicoleta See my TER Reviews 378 reads
22 / 40

Are you that dumb or it's your new Halloween character?

Panthera12 353 reads
24 / 40

Besides that, it looks like you are the stalker who is stalking an honest reviewer. You should know when to STFU and stop digging.

GaGambler 390 reads
25 / 40

I hope the GD board is next on your list of places to spread your charm, wit, and good will towards all. lol

BTW "stalking" would imply that I followed you here, when the exact opposite is true, I have been posting on this board for longer than you have been a hooker, all I did was point out the facts, people can draw their own conclusions, and just like on the Chicago board, the vote appears to be unanimous against you.

JackDunphy 255 reads
26 / 40

Is this a matter of national security? And you wonder why you have the rep you have?

JackDunphy 362 reads
27 / 40

She is combative, will not give out simple requests for pricing, confuses terms like black list and DNS, gets into arguments with potential clients, calls you a stalker, etc etc etc. she is a disaster.  

You are correct. Out of respect for swim and TER she needs to bring all her issues to the GD. This is my last post on this thread. It's not getting thru to her.

HandleWithCare 532 reads
28 / 40

Let's see, 2.5 hours would be 2.5 X the 1 hour rate, or 750.

But the 1.5 hour rate is 400, which isn't 1.5 X the 1 hour rate.  Hmmm.  Maybe I need another formula.

Let's try 1.67 X the 1.5 hour rate, since 2.5 is 1.67 (rounded) X 1.5.  That gives a 2.5 hour rate of 668.

WTF?  Maybe I should use the 2 hour rate as a basis, i.e. 1.25 X 500.  Which gives a 2.5 hour rate of 625.

Given the choice of these options, I think I'd take 625, as it's lowest.  But if I guess wrong, you may blacklist me!

What's a gentleman to do?!?

I know... find a provider who publishes her rates, and who doesn't blacklist a guy for asking an honest question about them.

Jstgttnstrtd 18 Reviews 415 reads
29 / 40

so I can understand why you wouldn't have this on your site.
However, it is very dangerous to assume you will be on the same page with the math if you leave this to him.  I had this EXACT scenario.  I wanted a 2.5 hour date with a lovely lady I'd seen before, and added the cost for an extra 1/2 hour to the stated 2 hour rate, based on the cost of the 1/2 hour before that (i.e., the difference from her 1.5 hour date rate and 2 hour date rate). My logic was completely correct.  However, AFTER the date, she called me thinking I'd shorted her by $20 or so.  Put a bit of a damper on the glow I had after our session.  Overall it was fine, and she was fine because the date was fun for both of us, but I didn't enjoy having her think I'd shorted her.

So, now I will always seek 100% agreement re the rate for a date - if there is any opportunity for confusion, I will seek clarification.

DamienScott 368 reads
31 / 40

Gone until Christmas? GaG what's the odds on that? I say off the board. She says you're her stalker. Damn I'm jealous. Got some work to do on my end lol

Posted By: Nicoleta
There is no name, just a number and the word "Ignore."  
 Like I wish I was in your ignore list, so you would stop chasing me with your other versions, all over the site ;-) but that would be less fun, right?.. See you soon! Well, my school break is finished, I have a paper due, and won't be posting much until probably Christmas break muahhh xoxoxo  

DamienScott 415 reads
32 / 40

In this thread???? She's shown her ass in 3-4 threads on the Chicago board. What a disaster but fun to watch!!!

Posted By: JackDunphy
She is combative, will not give out simple requests for pricing, confuses terms like black list and DNS, gets into arguments with potential clients, calls you a stalker, etc etc etc. she is a disaster.  
 You are correct. Out of respect for swim and TER she needs to bring all her issues to the GD. This is my last post on this thread. It's not getting thru to her.

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 328 reads
33 / 40
MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 512 reads
34 / 40

I finds some inquiries annoying. But I'd NEVER blacklist a guy over something like this. WOW, with me, if I thought the guys was just making a little mistake, he's get a one sentence reply back from me: "Please visit my website".


-- Modified on 10/12/2014 6:03:26 PM

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 503 reads
35 / 40

Every woman here handles matters her way but I've had something just like that happen over a VERY small amount like $20 bucks. I didn't mention it until the gentleman wanted to see me again.

I diplomatically let him know what my donation was for the date, saying there must have been a tiny miscommunication last time.  Everything was great and he thanked me for letting him know. I said don't sweat last time I just knew he'd want to know what the donation was this our upcoming date.

I'd NEVER call a gentleman over that kind of thing.

Steph xoxo

Jstgttnstrtd 18 Reviews 347 reads
36 / 40

no problem, that she'd had a great time (in more graphic terms).  But being accused of shorting wasn't fun.  Reputation is everything - for both sides in this hobby.  And these dates are a lot of $, so, well, it just didn't sit well with me... made me feel as if she thought I was being cheap too (when this was the most I'd paid for a date up to that point). I wish she'd taken a second to think over the calculation a bit more before calling me.  2.5 hrs was not something she advertised or had offered before, but since we'd seen each other before, and the calculation seemed straight forward to me, I didn't bother to confirm with her (and she wasn't concerned with confirming the amount beforehand either).  I'm guessing that she probably just rounded all figures to the next $50 or $100 in her mind, so that when I left a different increment she thought I must have been short.  Oh well, live and learn!!

And I do think that you had the right approach to this Steph, not making a big deal of it, but clarifying before the next date.

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 427 reads
37 / 40

and her "customer service" skills were lacking. The goal is to have our P4P friends feel GOOD about their decision.

Shoot, when this happened to me, *I* apologized for not being clear so he would NOT feel like I thought he did anything wrong.

I'm sorry this happened because like I said when you got the call, no more "warm and fuzzies" for you!



!_! 281 reads
38 / 40

How many whores blacklist a client just for asking rates? That's just stupid.

!_! 253 reads
39 / 40
HangingwithBears 288 reads
40 / 40

Even so, based on the attitude displayed, I'd go for the 0-hour rate.

-- Modified on 10/16/2014 2:43:08 PM

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