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Re: Quietly move on. I used to see a certain lady who increased ...
completely lost 2836 reads
1 / 21

Here's my problem. There's this provider I've been seeing almost every week for 3 years. The first year and a half I saw her was great and her sessions were sexually explosive. The hour we spent together was always special and she made me feel good. She even gave me her private number and even invited me to come play at her private home a few times.

Fast forward to the present, it now feels to me, she's becoming "jaded" with the business, our sessions are not like it used to be...feels very businesslike. In the past I would call her and get a quick response the same day. Now it might take a few days to a week for her to return my calls. So I figured I would not call as often, and not return her calls promptly, she apparently does not like this one bit. My opinion on this is what's good for the goose is also good for the gander.

I'm ready to try other providers. She also got a 2nd phone number and increased her rates 100% in the Newyear. I thought this was a bad move  because of the BAD economy but never discussed this with her and I don't think she is getting new clients.  

So my question to the board is this, should I:

- Disappear into the sunset quietly and not call her ever again.

- Have a talk with her and tell this is not fun anymore for me and I want to move on.

- Or just put up with this and not see her as often, maybe once every 6 months or so.

Bostonguy57 48 Reviews 1425 reads
2 / 21

Personally I would simply move on. You are not her SO or her friend.  You are a guy who pays for sex and she is a woman who charges for it.  She really doesn't owe you any explanation for her actions and you certainly don't owe her any if you decide to look elsewhere for you sexual entertainment.

Some ladies handle the job better than others. She may not be as enthusiastic now as she was a year or two ago but there really isn't much you can do about that. In my opinion talking to her is only going to bring resentment on her part.

PaulFollowmeSimon 3130 reads
3 / 21

You just slip out the back, Jack
Make a new plan, Stan
You don't need to be coy, Roy
Just get yourself free
Hop on the bus, Gus
You don't need to discuss much
Just drop off the key, Lee
And get yourself free

h8traffic 84 Reviews 1622 reads
4 / 21

She upped her rate 100%, and if she wanted to keep seeing you at the old rate, she would have said something to that effect already.

Instead, she's put the ball in your court, and you have the choice of paying up (which you appear not to be comfortable with, and I don't fault you) or let some other guy pay her new going rate in your place.

3 years is a long time, especially in this biz.  If she wants to see you, wait for her to make the next move.  In the meantime, you might find someone new who has an even bigger spark!

HDDOC96 13 Reviews 1629 reads
5 / 21

you already said you were not happy with her performance/ attitude prior to her raising her rates 100%.  If you have been seeing her 3 yrs I would think you would be charged a lower rate for your show of loyalty. Either way why pay more for a service/provider you already admit to being unhappy with when there are so many wonderful ladies out there.  You dont state what the origional donation was but if it was increased 100% all at once i can only assume it is not worth the extra cash.

RoDunn 166 Reviews 1238 reads
6 / 21

This should be about no-strings attached fun. We should be able  to move on without having to engage in an uncomfortable conversation. You have been a loyal customer and it sounds like she now takes you for granted and no longer feels the need to treat you in a professional manner.

shudaknownbetter 1511 reads
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OK, it's not ok to tell a lady what to charge or to critique her business plan...  She's made that decision, for her own reasons.
We might wonder to ourselves if she may feel
A)  she can get the higher donation
B)  she only needs to work half as often
but that's not for us to say.

When I noticed a higher rate listed for my Fav lady, I asked her about it & she said "Silly, that's not for you."  And that was a much lower increase.

You have to either pony up or move on.  I never burn my bridges if I can help it...  You won't change her mind & will probably end up moving on anyway.  I'd quietly move on.  

steelhead1234 14 Reviews 1057 reads
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Could be that over the time you have known her your expectations have also changed? This is not a bad thing, just a fact of life. There are many, many,many beautiful women out there that will give you the experience you desire.
Go find the one..

Sexy Carolina See my TER Reviews 1677 reads
9 / 21

You don't OWE her anything

Enjoy your next conquest


Bootzie58 767 reads
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keystonekid 114 Reviews 1773 reads
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her rate 33% in 13 months.  Meanwhile, my disposable income has gone down.  Something wrong with this picture.

Despite how great our sessions were, I do not plan on seeing her again.

Hoss1215 4 Reviews 1658 reads
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Of course unless it is Miss Sexy. Then beg or borrow. hehe. Hiya Sexy

charlie445 3 Reviews 1378 reads
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I would have moved on when the rate changed 100%.

completely lost 1700 reads
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....but her rates for new clients has jumped up 100%. Lately though she has been calling, I guess business must be really slow.

Thanks you all for the advise, I will be moving on.

RoDunn 166 Reviews 1515 reads
15 / 21

That's how I initially read it - that rates for her new customers went up.  But given how your experience with her has changed, I would move on even if she offered me a discount.

Sexy Carolina See my TER Reviews 1944 reads
16 / 21

Today I saw a Gentleman for our first date.

After he was satisfied :) we lay there talking. We didn't get to do a few of my fav positions, I explained.

Like the Bunny Hop!
I told him we need to do it standing up.

He hadn't done THAT before. We laughed, and I said well if you come back, and I told him this in an unassuming way...we'll do those
things.  He replied, "Well if you'll have me!"
I'm like...sure I will. He shared with me his needs and I'm happy to show him my skills.
And that's what it's all about.

Hiya Hoss


Can I be the Devil with the Blue Dress  :)

You can call me Sexy Blue Devil

Zangari 1163 reads
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CL: I'm not trying to insult you, but a few items in your post jump out:

1.  You've seen this woman 'almost every week for the last 3 years'.  You've been very faithful, almost like a husband.

2. You're wounded when she doesn't return your calls the same day (like she used to),  Now it takes several days or even a week to hear from her.

3,  You describe her now as  'jaded with the business' and that  'our sessions are not like they used to be...feels very businesslike'.   Translation: she's tired of you.

4.  You describe yourself as  'Completely Lost' and need 'advice' about your 'problem'.  And you end with this: 'should I disappear into the sunset quietly.'
Let's be clear: You've been in love with this woman for a long time and now you're hurt that she's grown weary of you.  One can fall in love with a provider  just as easily as falling in love with the girl next door.  You cannot police the human heart.  You should move on, like most of your brothers have advised.  But one worry I have for you, CL: you seem to be in denial about what's going on here.  Take care.  --z

LadyJayLa See my TER Reviews 1793 reads
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You don't owe an explaination to her or anyone if you want to move on or if you want to see others..this isn't a "personal" thing  it's an enjoyment thing, and if your NOT getting the enjoyment you seek   why oh why would you stay and keep seeing her??? doesn't compute babe!
There are plenty of wonderful, attentive providers out there for you to see and spend your money on, instead of seeing a woman thats doing her nails as she's fucking you!!
Wise Up

newb12 1373 reads
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Biglittleguy 13 Reviews 1213 reads
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- Disappear into the sunset quietly and not call   her ever again.

- Have a talk with her and tell this is not fun anymore for me and I want to move on.

- Or just put up with this and not see her as often, maybe once every 6 months or so.

All of your options scream:  MOVE ON!!!!!!

You are not happy with the situation, it is time to move on.  You just need to pick the option that will help you let go of the relationship.

keystonekid 114 Reviews 1249 reads
21 / 21

More difficult to do nails while giving a BBBJ.

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