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Re: post-op TS
sleepydasher 1451 reads

Only see well reviewed women and you should be safe

Does anybody else wonder if the provider they are seeing (or going to see) is a post-op TS?  Is there anyway to verify that the provider you are thinking of seeing has always been a woman?

sleepydasher1452 reads

Only see well reviewed women and you should be safe

I guess if you can't tell, it shouldn't matter.  I think it would freak me out if I knew, but don't you remember your parents telling you that vegetables were candy when you were little, so you'd eat them?  It's probably the same thing...

GaGambler1236 reads

As long as that vegetable wasn't a big fat zucchini. Yeecch lmao Come to think of it, I always hated squash as a kid.

I hold the opinion that green should be limited to money, carpeting and that funny container in the back of the fridge.  I'm still veggie impaired, in spite of my parents best efforts.

They just kept telling me that they were good for me, as if that's what I cared about.

Popeye was more effective than they were.

men have an "adam's apple", women don't, and there is nothing a plastic surgeon can do to change that.

I met a post op transexual once and their doctor (from Thailand, natch) shaved their Adam's apple so that you would never know.

As for the session, it was not so hot.  Even though anatomically a woman, there was something about the spirit that was still very male, and I just could not get into it, although I was very fond of the person.

Something about the energy...
I once put out an ad to meet a woman because I wanted to have my first woman to woman experience.  I got a response from a very beautiful red head who looked like a woman. When we met, she sounded like a woman, but I kept feeling that man vibe.. especially when she kept glancing at my cleavage.  But I wanted to kiss a woman, so at the end of our date, I went in for the kiss.. and sure enough..
I told that it feels like I'm kissing one of my good male friends, which is when she admitted to me that she was a post op transexual.  She used to be a hetero sexual man, now she was a lesbian.
In looks, voice, and body parts she was a woman.  But I felt like I was on a date with a man.  And definitely could tell with the kiss.
Male energy... I don't think there's anything you can do about it.

Everyone has them. It's all in the musculature in the chin and neck that pronounce them more.
Ever see Sandra Bullock? Hell...I WOULD do her!!! lol

DoctorFollowmeMD1307 reads

A slight projection at the front of the throat formed by the largest cartilage of the larynx - usualy more prominent in men than women.

Thank You

SaucyJack1473 reads

I couldn't / wouldn't be easily "fooled", so I don't worry about it.  If I was to find out later, then I would be impressed at the work that was done and not angry.

dreamweaver71320 reads

Not implying that Post-Op TS's are evil but geesh of all the things to worry about...

-- Modified on 10/5/2007 9:02:34 AM

When she get undressed do a close up inspection of the vagina. The surgery is good but not that good. Anyway if I was not sure I would ask them and the voice is usually a give away.

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