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Re: on the mark, and I'll add...
dermont109 1 Reviews 1417 reads

I don't know maybe I am just simple.  I stay with the ladies who are well reviewed. Because of that I really don't worry about a bad experience, I might get just a so-so experience but everyone can have a bad day.  I don't have a lot of experience but if I did have a bad experience chances are it was because I TOFTT, and oh well you know... unless she ripped me off or had me beat-up (which has never happened) I would report her as a rip-off. So I guess it would take a lot to get me to post a negative review because it is highly unlikely to happen...

Just my thoughts

Is the following at all a reasonable fear that might inhibit one from including honest but negative info in a review?

You write an honest review that includes some negative information about a provider, who in retaliation just happens to let slip "anonymously" into the Internet void some of the personal information she gathered during verification.

Yes, I fully realize that well-reviewed, well-regarded providers here aren't going to do this. Just wonder if this fear might be holding back even some constructive criticism?

Good news is that I haven't really had any significant negative experiences yet -- thanks to the opportunity to do good research ahead of time, thanks to TER!

AltruisticAntithesis1293 reads

However; getting another appointment or receiving a "White listing" from that particular provider could prove wishful thinking.;-)

While theoretically that might happen [I can't think of any cases off the top of my head] she has more to lose if you decide to retaliate and out her or reveal her location.

I think it's important that you be honest in your reviews.  Even if the session didn't go well, don't be gratuitously mean, consider your role in it, don't speculate on her motivations or personal circumstances, don't call her names.  Stick to the facts and your feelings about them.

Overall, the worst experiences I've had were bland at most.  In my one negative experience, she left the biz before I could write my review.

Unfortunately, I have seen a few cases on the discussion boards where a gentleman has reported that following a poor review, the lady retaliated against him, and he was now asking advice on what to do.

So yes, it can happen. This is why some gentlemen do not give a lady their TER handle, and why they keep their e-mail address different from their TER handle. So that their reviews can be submited anonymously and the provider is less likely to know who submitted the review. Also, since TER gives you up to 90 days following an encounter to review it, some gentlemen, if they have a less than glowing experience, will wait a few weeks before writing about it to make it more difficult for a lady to try to retaliate for a poor review.

myfavoriteDILF!!!1748 reads most instances, the reviewer requests that TER take down the negative review so as to get the retaliation to stop.  Sooo, one should consider several things after a poor session before submitting the negative review.  Topping the list would be: how stable is this person?  Can I handle the retaliation?  What personal info does she have?  How might she come after me?  How committed am I to "getting the truth" out there for the benefit of the others?  

Having seen some of the stuff I've seen, it can be a tough decision.

The ladies have a lot to work with, as they should to help protect themselves.  Most well-reviewed ladies are well deserving of their positive reviews.  In fact, I don't mind seeing 1 or 2 slightly negative or YMMV reviews attached to an otherwise stellar Profile Page.  That way, I feel as though I'm seeing a more honest body of reviews.  And it suggests that the provider is not the type to go apeshit over a bad review to the extent that everyone and their dog was threatened in order to get it pulled.

Bottom line:  if you go see someone who only has 4-6 reviews (all exceptional) and you get hit with a total nutjob who's service is shit, then you better think through the considerations that I outlined b4 submitting the negative review.  It's great if you're able to submit the honest review.  But if the stakes are too high, then no review is the way to go.

TER is a nice tool to work with, but it's not perfect.

goosebbv1809 reads

Rule #1 Never give them your TER name bro.  That way u can be honest.
Rule #2 Be Honest
Rule # 3 See Rule 1 & 2

myfavoriteDILF!!!1472 reads

...This doesn't really apply to me, but to some other TER members, who've received threats.  I'm not even using my TER username on the boards, much less am I about to give it out to a provider.  And I've not submitted a review since spring of 2005!  Why, b/c I'm happy seeing my 2 ATF's!

However, that being said... DON'T THINK FOR A SECOND THAT THEY CAN'T FIGURE OUT WHO YOU ARE JUST B/C YOU WITHHELD YOUR TER NAME, bro!!!  So, be honest if you can stand the retaliation.  If not, then at least know that you're not alone.  And don't kid yourself as to who's controlling the business.

I don't know maybe I am just simple.  I stay with the ladies who are well reviewed. Because of that I really don't worry about a bad experience, I might get just a so-so experience but everyone can have a bad day.  I don't have a lot of experience but if I did have a bad experience chances are it was because I TOFTT, and oh well you know... unless she ripped me off or had me beat-up (which has never happened) I would report her as a rip-off. So I guess it would take a lot to get me to post a negative review because it is highly unlikely to happen...

Just my thoughts

While my scores tend to be lower than most gentlemen, I am always straight forward and honest in my reviews. That I think is imperative to the validity of the entire TER review system.

I have had providers on a few occasions question why they received the scores/comments they did. (they sent me private messages through the TER E-mail system) I explain to them that those were my actual thoughts upon leaving the session... A lot of times the providers are not happy with me, but so be it. My review was honest.

You CAN NOT worry about negative feedback and criticism from a provider. As long as your review was HONEST, straight forward and was a genuine reflection of your session, you must have the conviction to write as such.

It does no one any good for a hobbyist to be afraid of retaliation from a provider and thus  give countless 10's and 9's to every lady they see. These reviews and scores tell me nothing about a session and in my opinion do more harm than good to the validity of the review system.  

If you are that concerned over negative feedback from a provider who doesnt like your review, then dont give out your TER Handle.  

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