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Re: OK, you don't drink, that's cool...
Dallas_texan 2329 reads
1 / 26

Ok, so, title says it all. I've seen 1 provider and it didn't go so well last year. I was so nervous I couldn't get things going. I know I can, I just didn't that day. She was SUPER HOT (Ember Simmers)and very sweet, but I couldn't do it. Was it because it was my 1st time? Crap I don't know! I do know the exact same thing happened to me in high school when it was my real 1st time!(Eventually got thru that) So my question is, how do I calm down and get things going? I have an appointment this week with another AMAZINGLY beautiful girl! And at least right now, I am so so excited about meeting her! I really don't wanna waste my money tho.(It's a lot,and worth every dime) so any advice anyone can help me with? Anything to prepare? Plz, any feedback would be appreciated

elainaamhurst See my TER Reviews 691 reads
2 / 26

Having a drink first, if you drink. Especially with the lady in question. Just some easy conversation and liquid courage might help. Go get a massage before hand to help you relax. I've had several guys who are the nervous types meet me at the bar/lobby coffee shop before, so that the initial meeting isn't in such a charged setting. It really seems to help.  

If you have a quick reset, maybe letting one go beforehand. That might calm your nerves.  

Pharmaceutical reinforcement? Not my first choice, but works for some.

Also, just being honest with her, and letting her know you are new and nervous, and may need/want her to take the lead.  

Good luck!! xo

hiddenhills 143 Reviews 622 reads
3 / 26

Who's good with newbies. Not always easy to find, but a well reviewed MILF may be the way to go. Everyone was a newbie , and experienced what your going through.  

Posted By: TheKennyP
Ok, so, title says it all. I've seen 1 provider and it didn't go so well last year. I was so nervous I couldn't get things going. I know I can, I just didn't that day. She was SUPER HOT (Ember Simmers)and very sweet, but I couldn't do it. Was it because it was my 1st time? Crap I don't know! I do know the exact same thing happened to me in high school when it was my real 1st time!(Eventually got thru that) So my question is, how do I calm down and get things going? I have an appointment this week with another AMAZINGLY beautiful girl! And at least right now, I am so so excited about meeting her! I really don't wanna waste my money tho.(It's a lot,and worth every dime) so any advice anyone can help me with? Anything to prepare? Plz, any feedback would be appreciated
-- Modified on 1/25/2016 2:47:38 AM

JackDunphy 554 reads
4 / 26

Maybe the issue is that ember doesn't do the GFE thing. Now as a compliment to her, she is very upfront about this and if you know that going is, she is incredible in other ways. Her honesty with me at least about her menu was refreshing. Sometimes I want the GFE thing other times no. Ember was perfect for what I was looking for.

So maybe you need a girl who will offer all the foreplay you may need. Give yourself more time if you can afford to and maybe that will relax you more. It tells me choosing the right girl in your case is very important.

Do your due diligence and make sure you check with the gals reviewers. Your lack of experience is also something that is hurting you but that will take care of itself over time so try an be patient.

Many peeps struggle with p4p at the beginning, I know I did, till I found the right method and pre-session checklist to almost guarantee a good time.

Good luck bro.

Dallas_texan 505 reads
5 / 26

Wow! What great advice from everyone!! So so much appreciated! I almost put in my post that the lack of GFE was prolly a huge part of it. I know I love and need to kiss my woman. It's just something I love. And yes Ember was so cool! She handled things like a champ. And very sweet! I sure wanted to do do lots of things to her I couldn't that's for sure!
And to the first lady who asked about me drinking, I don't drink so that's out the window. I live everyone's ideas and I appreciate it all.  
I'm hoping this next time, since I've already been they this once, that'll help as well. This next girl I'm seeing, even if I can't do my thing, I can assure y'all, I will sit there and enjoy every inch of her body! Even if it's just admiring it! I'm certain to enjoy it! She is SUPER SEXXXY and beautiful!! Not sure if I can or want to mention her name b4 I see her :) But will if it's ok. Guess I'll learn that stuff eventually  
Anyway, thanks everyone for all the advice! I'll take some of this knowledge and use it!

JackDunphy 422 reads
6 / 26

That can freak her out. Discretion is huge here and peeps need to know you can be trusted.

Its all part of the learning process.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 370 reads
7 / 26

I don't drink much myself.  I presume you're not a weed type of guy either.

So, what to do to get this nervous energy out of your system?

Try a bunch of strenuous exercise a few hours before the session.  Then go home, drink lots of water to rehydrate, and take a nap.  You should awake refreshed and with the nervousness toned down by getting it out of your system with the exercise.

It's worth a try, anyways

Dallas_texan 336 reads
8 / 26

I like it! Gotta do something! Because this is happening one way or another!! Thank u!

TwoMints 732 reads
9 / 26

Maybe consider seeing someone that isn't quite so hot.  

The first super hot lady I saw intimidated me a bit. I've gotten over it, but I usually prefer ladies that I could at least imagine that I would have a shot at with in RL.
Posted By: TheKennyP
Ok, so, title says it all. I've seen 1 provider and it didn't go so well last year. I was so nervous I couldn't get things going. I know I can, I just didn't that day. She was SUPER HOT (Ember Simmers)and very sweet, but I couldn't do it. Was it because it was my 1st time? Crap I don't know! I do know the exact same thing happened to me in high school when it was my real 1st time!(Eventually got thru that) So my question is, how do I calm down and get things going? I have an appointment this week with another AMAZINGLY beautiful girl! And at least right now, I am so so excited about meeting her! I really don't wanna waste my money tho.(It's a lot,and worth every dime) so any advice anyone can help me with? Anything to prepare? Plz, any feedback would be appreciated
-- Modified on 1/25/2016 4:36:48 PM

JackDunphy 457 reads
10 / 26

I think a more experienced, average or slightly above average, looking Indy, or the cute but not super hot GND type, might be his best road to take until he settles in a little bit.

elainaamhurst See my TER Reviews 408 reads
11 / 26

There is certainly nothing wrong with not drinking! I'm sure I'm not alone in saying that I prefer a client who is stone cold sober vs the sloppy drunk sort. If alcohol isn't you thing, you could still go for a nice cup of chamomile or mint tea with the lady before hand to break the ice. Most nice hotel lobbies have a coffee shop of some sort, and that can be much less intimidating than upstairs.  

Exercise is also a great suggestion!!

And yes, be sure you do your research, and make sure the provider offers a true GFE if that is what you need. Some ladies just aren't that into it, while others of us eat it up. We each have our own style, so don't be afraid to ask. Hopefully the lady will be upfront with you about her limitations.  

Good luck! And let us know how it goes! xoxoxo

keystonekid 114 Reviews 596 reads
12 / 26

better at getting you to relax just enough to have a wonderful time.

Some guys prefer a certain diet 48-72 hours before, plenty of rest, well-hydrated, etc. Don't bring work troubles to your meet.

Zangari 531 reads
13 / 26

Playing in the sugarbowl for a few years, I've forgotten about some of the amazing bullshit you guys put up with.  You throw a fat wad of cash to a girl who maybe spends one hour with you...and she doesn't kiss you.  Because you're not good enough.  Because she's saving that for her boyfriend.  Let her loser boyfriend take care of her.  

 To the OP:  you definitely want a GFE provider & don't book anyone who doesn't do that.  And to the rest of you: why would you ever see a girl that doesn't do GFE.  Particularly you, Jack.  The man who drives the hard bargain would settle for something like that.  Any SB who told me 'no kissing' would get kicked out of my hotel room.  "Here's some gas money, get out". At least the provider in question clearly states 'No GFE' on her web page.  What amazes me is that you guys play along.  Stop calling girls like that.  She'll either open her menu or find something else to do with her life.  OMG.   --

Zangari 446 reads
14 / 26

Posted By: TwoMints
Maybe consider seeing someone that isn't quite so hot.  
 Are you fucking kidding me.  That's your advice to this newbie.  How about this: stop booking these prima donnas who don't do GFE.  

 Advice to all of you: stop being pussy-whipped Johns.  My brothers, my brothers--what has happened to you.  Women don't respect weakness.  I just want to shake you.  --z  

-- Modified on 1/25/2016 8:10:56 PM

Dallas_texan 351 reads
15 / 26

Thanks to everyone! All great advice. And believe me when I say, I will not ever book a non GFE again! I loved the one guys advice, although rather harsh, to not book any non GFE ladies. Yes we're dropping lots of money and they should at least kiss u. But to each is her own I reckon. I will take a lot of y'all's tips and work them in my next booking. And I'll certainly keep y'all updated. Thanks again guys and gals

JackDunphy 416 reads
16 / 26

Thanks for informing us all here, on a board devoted to people new to p4p, that they "should stop thinking about it."

This just in...."thinking about it" allows them to game plan and ask questions like the OP did in order for them to enjoy the hobby more and stay out of a jail cell.

Your advice has been most helpful.

Please try to refrain from "helping" us all in the future. ;)

We got this.

JackDunphy 364 reads
17 / 26

Here's a wild idea...

I'll see the gals that interest me with the menu options offered that I find acceptable.

And you can stop telling people how to hobby.


hbyist+truth=;( 363 reads
18 / 26

Being polite and direct and decisive is appreciated.

hbyist+truth=;( 301 reads
19 / 26

And instead of telling the john that she lies, and softens the blow by saying all manner of crap.  

For newbies, always remember YMMV and if you are not up to par, a hooker, any hooker no matter how hot or how not is not obliged to do squat if hygiene is bad or suspect.

GaGambler 413 reads
20 / 26

Some guys get so excited all they have to do is get in the same room with a hottie and it's all they can do not to blow their load in their pants.

The advice to see perhaps a more "matronly" woman is not without it's merits for a nervous newbie with PE issues. It's not what you or I, or Jack for that matter would do, but the OP is exploring for options, this is certainly one of them.

There is a time to slap a guy and tell him to "man up" this is not the time or place to be doing so.

Zangari 404 reads
21 / 26

Posted By: JackDunphy
This just in...."thinking about it" allows them to game plan and ask questions like the OP did in order for them to enjoy the hobby more and stay out of a jail cell --snip--

 It's pretty clear one of us didn't read the thread, which has absolutely NOTHING to do with "staying out of a jail cell".   For you, "thinking about it" means randomly typing whatever pops into your head.  We'll issue a Silver Alert on you.  I'm sure the cops will find you walking along the interstate in your pajamas.  
Posted By: JackDunphy
  Please try to refrain from "helping" us all in the future. ;)  We got this.
 You 'got' this.  Just like you 'got' a hooker who won't even kiss you.  Nice play, Romeo.  --z

Zangari 403 reads
22 / 26

Posted By: GaGambler
Some guys get so excited all they have to do is get in the same room with a hottie.. The advice to see perhaps a more "matronly" woman is not without it's merits for a nervous newbie with PE issues... There is a time to slap a guy and tell him to "man up" this is not the time or place to be doing so.
 Before  the OP hooks up with Granny, maybe he should try an attractive GFE provider. That might be a better play.  This board is for newbies, but they're not virgins at the high school prom. These guys are now swimming in the shark tank of the sex trade, just like you & me.  --z

Zangari 369 reads
23 / 26

Posted By: JackDunphy
Here's a wild idea...  I'll see the gals that interest me with the menu options offered that I find acceptable.  And you can stop telling people how to hobby.  Deal?
 Here we are at the poker table, Dunphy, and you just blinked.  And now I'm taking all your money.  Let's check this idiotic bluff of yours:  
Posted By: JackDunphy
ember doesn't do the GFE thing.. Her honesty...was refreshing. Sometimes I want the GFE thing other times no.
 What bullshit above.  Translation: you're a lonely John, who's willing to pay $$$ for a girl who thinks she's so far above you...that she won't even kiss you.  I checked her photos--cute girl. And I'd kick her out of my hotel room in 10 seconds if she pulled that on me.  In fairness to her, she clearly states 'no GFE' on her web page.  What a sad thread this has become.  --z

SouthBone 7 Reviews 281 reads
25 / 26

FWIW Im new and had/have the same issue. For me its an adrenaline rush that has been the problem.  However I will say my best performance was with a provider that was not quite what I was expecting but still good looking and I think that took the nervous edge off. Also the more you do this the easier it just will be. Im still trying different things out to find out what works for me and what doesnt. I also think when I repeat things will go alot smoother since I wont have to ask any stupid questions and know exactly what she looks like. I still wish I took the plunge into this hobby sooner, after lurking on here for 2 years Ive seen alot of nice providers come and go and having VIP I realize all the fun I really missed out on.

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