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Re: Now it's REALLY strange
Bozothecat 2825 reads
1 / 8

I've wanted to make an appointment with Cheri and Scott (see link), so I've been watching their reviews.  They have all been very good, but what makes me hesitate is the of the last four reviews, all four were by hobbyists who have only done one review -- of Cheri and Scott of course.  There is a 5th review by a hobbyist with several other reviews to his credit.  Still, the pattern of the last four reviewers having only reviewed the provider I wanted to see makes me a little nervous.

I'd appreciate any comments you may have.

little phil 37 Reviews 1312 reads
2 / 8

There's more homework that can be done here.  They have another profile, with one review, but the reviewer has lots of history.

She also has reviews alone.

It's not my thing, and she's not my type, but I think that there's plenty of info available to determine that they're the real deal.

JustATransGirl See my TER Reviews 1176 reads
3 / 8

I have a similar problem being a TS.  It's hard for a variety of reasons to get guys to do reviews other than on the single ladies.

Probably with the M/F couple their clients aren't regular hobbyists, but like with t-girls may be one time explorers who want to help them out after having a great time.

One time I had a date who had VIP access and I got to look at my reviewers. Mine are about 1/2 and 1/2 hobbysits with a few reviews under their belts, and first time reviewers trying to be nice.  Hence the "10" in the looks dept - who's he kidding... but it was a nice thought...

TS Jamie :-)

little phil 37 Reviews 896 reads
5 / 8

The problem report hasn't been approved.  Hmmm...

Bozothecat 1050 reads
6 / 8

A click on the link that I originally posted shows that it has been removed.  HOWEVER, when I entered just Cheri's name, plus 818 area code, in the Search Reviews page, Cheri and Scott popped up with a review that had been posted only under Cheri's name alone.  Moreover, there had been another one posted under Cheri's name alone that had been deleted.  The deleted one was quite negative.

I included the NEW link with this entry.
Modification: ACK!!  Even the NEW link has been pulled!

Obviously, they're now scrambling to cast their reviews in a less questionable light, and also to remove the very negative one under Cheri's name.  This alone tell me to stay far, far away.  What would change my mind is if they came onto this board to explain why they have made all of the changes to their reviews.  

-- Modified on 11/16/2007 7:10:03 AM

little phil 37 Reviews 1078 reads
8 / 8

I had submitted a problem report upon finding multiple profiles.  As I mentioned above, it hadn't been addressed for a few days.  This morning, all 3 profiles (2 as a couple, her alone) are gone.  So I check, and the problem report is approved.  Apparently, they found even more than what I reported.

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