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Re: newbie-Toftt
BigBangGeek 1311 reads

I'm short too.  I didn't know that mattered.  Oh, you meant height.  :)

A few weeks ago I was about to have my first experience with a provider. Due to circumstances it has been delayed. I am considering taking a chance(for the team). In this instance I will be contacting an agency. I do understand that there is a great possibility that this will result in a loss of funds.
My question is when you call an agency do they ask what type of girl you like, assuming they have a large selection, or do they just send someone to your meeting place? If I do get to choose do I have to request certain features or do they ask me? I am asking bcos I am short, and I am trying to avoid anyone more than 2 inches taller than me. I figure I should get a say, but being a noob I rather ask before I make a final decision.

tmtlr271540 reads


Dude, you should pick an agency that has reviews her on TER and you need VIP so you can read about the reviews and make sure they are crediable.

I've only used one agency and things went really well as they should have, but through other guys know the best agency's don't do bait/switch.

They should have a website where you can see which girls are available, plus they should have data on the girls as to size, height, weight, etc. Then you tell them who you want. Not the other way around unless the girl you pick isn't available that time or day. Then they will ask you to pick another or offer a lady that is available.

You DO NOT have to take what they will give. You are the paying customer and thus you get to choose.

One other thing is you might want to go to the top of this page and read the newbie manual along with the 101 tips for newbies. It might be well worth your time.

Good luck!...DB8

Excellent answer, but where do I find this 101 tips for newbies?

tmtlr271353 reads

When you are on the newbies board look up towards top and you will see "Acronyms, and newbies' manual". Click on this and then you will see lots of lines you can click on for very valuable info. The 101 tips is one of these lines. I read all these lines and even though my first time was scary, I followed the tips helped me know what to expect, how to treat the provider along with lots of valuable tips!

Good luck and let us know how your first, second...etc..times were!!...DB8

While hobbying (if you stay at it long enough) will ultimately prove to be a vastly rewarding and joyous experience, as you approach your first appointment you will feel extreme apprehension, anxiety, and nervousness.

To try and allay these feelings, you should attempt to set up as close to a "slam dunk" first session as possible. That means, READING AND RE-READING THE REVIEWS (you MUST get a VIP membership), understanding the history of the reviewer (i.e. does the hobbyist have multiple reviews and is it a hobbyist whose opinion I can trust) and most importantly understand what you can and can not expect from a session. When you walk into that first appointment you should have no doubt as to the physical stature of the lady, (since you indicated that the height of the lady is paramount to your decision making process) her donation requirements, what services you can expect from her, etc. There should be absolutely NO hidden surprises.

As I read your posting, to be perfectly blunt, I do not think you are ready to hobby. You already have it in your head that you "are prepared to take one for the team" and that "there is a great possibility" that you could lose funds. You are going to go into your first session with that thought process?? As I stated above, your first appointment (and prob. the next 5-10 until you get the hang of it) will be filled with such fear and dread in the simplicity of just meeting the ladies, getting to know them through initial conversation and ultimately understanding how to proceed to the main event of the session, that the last thing you need to be worried about is getting financially ripped off.  

Exhale and slow down. Do your research so there are NO surprises as to the type of lady that will appear before you. Remember, YOU are the paying customer and should have NO doubt as to what lady and service you are paying for. If you have any doubts then you have not done your homework and are not ready to enter the hobby.    

-- Modified on 2/10/2009 10:05:47 AM've offered some excellent suggestions here which the OP would do well to heed, but with all due respect, I think you're being a little overwrought here.  We're talking about seeing an escort, not landing the space shuttle.  

To the OP - read the reviews, be careful and go for it.  You might fall down a few times, but it gets easier the more times you go.

BigBangGeek1312 reads

I'm short too.  I didn't know that mattered.  Oh, you meant height.  :)

I was wondering where this thread went. I will just wait until I get some travel time, because there are is only 1 agency here that advertises online, and they don't have height or anything like that, only pictures.

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