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Re: It depends on the city. For example, the hotels near O'Hare northwest of Chicago....
lessdoitagain 29 Reviews 2395 reads
1 / 25

I was wondering why so many ladies work out of airports instead of large cities?  Is it due to nicer and cheaper hotels or maybe more clientele?  I know that it can be more convenient as far as transportation but many ladies drive and so working out of an airport wouldn't help them but many still work in these locations.  I hear about more LE busts in airport locations and not as many in city centers. Just wondering.

LondonBay See my TER Reviews 802 reads
2 / 25

I think Hotels by the airport are more convenient especially for ladies that tour!

hiddenhills 143 Reviews 662 reads
3 / 25

I'm guessing since all your reviews are from Baltimore, but in my experience, the cities that I play in, airport hotels are seldom used, even by touring providers.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 430 reads
4 / 25

And they are convenient to get to and park at.

I like to watch the planes land and take off too

Fancy8888 See my TER Reviews 608 reads
5 / 25

Posted By: lessdoitagain
I was wondering why so many ladies work out of airports instead of large cities?  Is it due to nicer and cheaper hotels or maybe more clientele?  I know that it can be more convenient as far as transportation but many ladies drive and so working out of an airport wouldn't help them but many still work in these locations.  I hear about more LE busts in airport locations and not as many in city centers. Just wondering.
All levels escorts prostitution for hourly services.

-- Modified on 4/21/2016 7:37:58 AM

emorf4077 65 Reviews 433 reads
6 / 25

Airport hotels are frequented by lower tiered touring ladies. The elite girls stay in the heart of the city where most professionals work. Also, the airport hotels make parking difficult if you're not a registered guest to discourage locals from parking there for free while away.

GaGambler 387 reads
7 / 25

In most cities where I have either lived in or traveled to, most providers do NOT set up shop in the airport hotels. Very few cities have centrally located airports, most of them have the airports a good ten miles or more from either the up, down or mid town areas of any major metroplex.

lessdoitagain 29 Reviews 271 reads
8 / 25

I love having appointments in the city hotels because they are much LARGER than the airport hotels and there is generally so much chaos going on with all of the tourists and business people that it is easy to slip in and out without being noticed.  I know that many complain about parking in the city centers but anyone who lives in a city knows this going in.  The airport hotels are much smaller, don't have the foot traffic that the cities do and much more difficult to blend in.  The few times I have visited the airport hotels I had to walk pass the front desk and interact with the person behind it.  In the city the front desks in most of the hotels are far from the front door and I can get to the lifts or stairs without having to deal with the clerks at the front desks.

JackDunphy 341 reads
9 / 25

VERY few touring girls will stay at the airport but locals will see out of towners and local guys their as traffic/parking/congestion is all usually less problematic there than it is in a city's downtown area.

And hotel rates usually much cheaper too.

TennGambler 19 Reviews 273 reads
10 / 25

I know generally where the elevators are located with respect to the entrance. Don't want to walk around looking for elevators and definitely don't need to be asking someone.
Also I always carry a small shoulder bag( man purse ) so I like I am conducting business of some kind.  

5:30 here, Time for a Scotch!

lopaw 29 Reviews 403 reads
11 / 25 the fact that some airport area hotels offer rooms by the hour. Since they cater to travelers who may have layovers for a few hours, some offer that option at a great discounted price. For a gal who doesn't need the room for a while day or more, it can be an attractive option.

GaGambler 225 reads
12 / 25

In the three major cities I have lived in over the last decade or so, Dallas, Houston and Atlanta there are virtually no women who host out close to the airport, maybe a handful of BP girls, but almost zero "upscale" women host close to the airport in any of these cities, local or touring.

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 255 reads
13 / 25

I've seen a touring escort in an airport hotel and of course the listed donation was what is was.  So I can understand that she can amortize the hotel cost over many clients.

But I also see ads for locals who work out of hotel rooms.  Since I have only done incalls to private residences I haven't done a local hotel incall.  Who pays for the hotel room?

mrfisher 108 Reviews 276 reads
14 / 25

If outcall, meaning she comes to you, then you pay or have her at your apartment, etc.

If incall, meaning you go to her, then she pays for the hotel or sees you at her apartment, etc.

If she does not make it clear, then that is an example of a question that can and should be asked prior to the meeting.

I recall one time setting up an appointment to meet a gal at a hotel assuming that she was going to get the room, but when I got there she answered her phone saying:  "have you got the room yet?"  Needless to say, I wasn't happy about that, and now make sure this is made very clear

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 242 reads
15 / 25

Right.  It's a much more expensive date if you have to pay the donation and then also the hotel bill.

Posted By: mrfisher
I recall one time setting up an appointment to meet a gal at a hotel assuming that she was going to get the room, but when I got there she answered her phone saying:  "have you got the room yet?"  Needless to say, I wasn't happy about that, and now make sure this is made very clear.
-- Modified on 4/23/2016 12:31:06 PM

harborview 10 Reviews 334 reads
16 / 25

a few wink at it if provider & clients are discreet...  low volume.  But no hotel can withstand public pressure if it becomes widely known.

Fancy8888 See my TER Reviews 383 reads
17 / 25

Posted By: lessdoitagain
I was wondering why so many ladies work out of airports instead of large cities?  Is it due to nicer and cheaper hotels or maybe more clientele?  I know that it can be more convenient as far as transportation but many ladies drive and so working out of an airport wouldn't help them but many still work in these locations.  I hear about more LE busts in airport locations and not as many in city centers. Just wondering.
No hotels want prostitution.All levels escorts are prostitution.That's why clients and escorts have to worry about cops

-- Modified on 4/24/2016 6:55:04 AM

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 347 reads
18 / 25

Using the hotel's Internet and logging into TER is a dead giveaway. And yes, they can tell.  

Posted By: Fancy8888
Posted By: lessdoitagain
I was wondering why so many ladies work out of airports instead of large cities?  Is it due to nicer and cheaper hotels or maybe more clientele?  I know that it can be more convenient as far as transportation but many ladies drive and so working out of an airport wouldn't help them but many still work in these locations.  I hear about more LE busts in airport locations and not as many in city centers. Just wondering.
No hotels want prostitution.All levels escorts are prostitution.That's why clients and escorts have to worry about cops

-- Modified on 4/24/2016 6:55:04 AM

swimtrekr 58 Reviews 374 reads
19 / 25

directly connected to the airport.  My city, like many others, has plenty of hotels within 2-4 miles of the airport.  They are not for the convenience of escorts, but for the convenience of business people who travel a lot for their jobs.  

Most of the busts in my city are nowhere near the airport, at least not the ones that make the papers.


MasterZen 33 Reviews 275 reads
21 / 25

of searching for a link on google, etc.. They can't find out.

Fancy8888 See my TER Reviews 280 reads
22 / 25

Posted By: mrfisher
are notorious for LE activity.  
It's does matter what and states ILLEGAL BUSINESS

swimtrekr 58 Reviews 283 reads
23 / 25

on hotels in certain areas, i e, airport areas.


MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 211 reads
24 / 25

In fact every time I've visited Baltimore, I stay in Inner Harbor.

Steph xoxo

MinnWendigo65 7 Reviews 202 reads
25 / 25

In addition, most decent metro areas with good hotels (i.e., the ones that attract an upscale clientele) have airport shuttles.  Those places will tolerate a discreet presence if it's not waved in their faces.

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