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Re: Is it against the rules to.....
justtoopersonal 1056 reads

I believe it is against the spirit if not the rules.  
I know I don't like to get too specific on the private details and initially caused my reviews to be rejected.  The correct abreviations must be used.  I consider it an honor to write a nice review of a lady I've had fun with.
You could ask clients if they are TER members...  then ask one to write an honest review.  Once you have a couple of reviews that show you are an reliable provider, everything will flow.        

TER cross checks IP addresses so shills & fake reviews are found out (& participants banned)...  Do not let a reviewer use your computer.  

nastydiva2990 reads

I'm dying for a review on TER.  Would it be against the rules to offer an invitation of free services in exchange for a TER review?  If so, where do you guys suggest I post the offer (regional board?).  Or, do you think offer would cause others to doubt the review.  Especially considering I would know I'm being observed.  Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks in advance!

While it is not specifically covered in TER's review rules, I am VERY sure that if TER ever got wind of you exchanging a freebie for a review, it would be rejected, and both you and and your client would be subject to banishment!!!

Please do not sell yourself short!!!  There is no reason for you to give it away!!!

You have an OK site, that has no link issues for posting on TER.  There is nothing wrong with advertising a TER member's discount to attract business, and hopefully get that first review.

Remember, if you want to see TER members in your area, you have to advertise on TER!!!  Why not?!?  It is free!!!  Post something like this on the NY regional board, where you have yet to post:

LI Ebony Diva seeking to please, visit my site for details!!!  I'm sure that business will start up.

Wishing you the best,


please see earlier thread asking about this exact thing.  Good luck and be patient.

justtoopersonal1057 reads

I believe it is against the spirit if not the rules.  
I know I don't like to get too specific on the private details and initially caused my reviews to be rejected.  The correct abreviations must be used.  I consider it an honor to write a nice review of a lady I've had fun with.
You could ask clients if they are TER members...  then ask one to write an honest review.  Once you have a couple of reviews that show you are an reliable provider, everything will flow.        

TER cross checks IP addresses so shills & fake reviews are found out (& participants banned)...  Do not let a reviewer use your computer.  

That is one review I would be happy to write.

-- Modified on 4/8/2008 11:19:55 AM

nastydiva1251 reads

Alright, thanks for the info.  I figured that would be a way to attract clients, but I did want to make sure.  I kind of feel silly now, but I do understand what you're saying.  But, I'm glad I said something because you mentioned maybe giving discounts instead of "freebies" :)  I think that's a great idea and I will try offering it in the NY board.

PS...Thanks for the offer to come to Seattle.

MsDiva.....I wouldn't offer discounts in return for a review. That taints the integrity of the review. If it became known he wrote it because he received a discount, how could anyone trust that the review is honest?  

Like Sexy Jazz said, perhaps offer discounts to TER members.....but the discount is for belonging to this site, NOT to receive a review in return.


nastydiva1694 reads

Thanks for the response Meow, but now I'm more confused.  I took Jazz's advice and posted the offer in NY (my regional board).  I realized that my orignal offer was flawed, so I did add that I wanted several TER members to take part.  I'm hoping that would elminate some of the doubt and bias that allowing only one member to particpate would create.  
My assumption was the integrity of the review would rely more on the reviewer (considering they are apart of the same community I am trying to become apart of) than myself.  If I was offering this to people outside of the board, I could understand.  But, considering members have paid their dues to the site, I don't see how a PERSONAL discount should be for the benefit of the board.  My discount is a benefit of the board in itself.  The fact that I would offer this shows that I believe in the board and what it's particpants can help me accomplish and learn. And the benefit they recieve is obvious.  
I'm pretty much putting my livelihood in the hands of a few people in hopes it will show my potential to the entire group.  
I apologize if this has created a stir.  But, it suffices to say, as a "newbie" I make mistakes.  If anyone is in objection or offended by my posting, I apologize.  Anyone who is interested or able to provide constructive critism, let me know.  I think it's a good idea, and with tweaks, it may provide a venue for the many girls who are working hard trying to become legitimized (ironic) in this business.'s only an agreement between consenting two adults :)

It sucks like sweaty balls, but just keep providing good services and asking for reviews politely.  I usually say something like "You certainly don't have to, but I would appreciate a review."  My website has links to review sites.

Also, this hobby attracts fellows who want to maintain their anonyminity-- in other words, reviewing might draw unwanted attention.

Keep the faith!

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