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Re: Is Canada considered international?
djay1986 30 Reviews 997 reads
1 / 12

I purchased a Walmart card to buy a p411 membership and when registering the card on the Walmart website they couldn't verify my info. Walmart?? Has anyone had any problems using their personal credit card on p411 or ter for that matter?


jelloman42 10 Reviews 354 reads
2 / 12

...but then I'm single and independent and not worried about paper trails...

impposter 49 Reviews 367 reads
3 / 12

Posted By: djay1986
I purchased a Walmart card to buy a p411 membership and when registering the card on the Walmart website they couldn't verify my info. Walmart?? Has anyone had any problems using their personal credit card on p411 or ter for that matter?
We know that international payments to Europe (TER) are often blocked or require your direct approval due to laws regarding foreign payments, homeland security, money laundering, etc.  

P411 is in Canada, right? Is it possible that your Walmart pre-paid card is flagging it as an international transfer

jelloman42 10 Reviews 305 reads
4 / 12
ad4saf8 10 Reviews 302 reads
5 / 12

Are you a resident of Canada? Are you eligible to vote in local & national elections in Canada?

Unless your answer to those questions is yes, yes, Canada is considered international.

quantavore 298 reads
6 / 12

Check the card information - some are labelled "For use in the United States only." That could be the issue.

12pointbuck75 18 Reviews 351 reads
8 / 12

Bank America can be an asshole about using it in Canada for drugs, 411 or anything

bombastarz 26 Reviews 318 reads
9 / 12

I just go to my local Starbucks, pay for a gift card with cash, and then give TER the number and pin.  Never had a problem and have done it many times over the past year.

dodge55 192 Reviews 345 reads
11 / 12

Works great, all the instructions are on the 411 website. But a money order at a currency exchange with cash, write your account number on it and drop it in the mail.  Takes a few days to get there, I've done this 3 years running with no prob.  Of course, if it got lost in the mail, you're screwed - it's not like I put my return address on the envelope.

OldRanger 62 Reviews 329 reads
12 / 12

Did the same thing and no problem.
I too forgot the return address label.
My banks did not even charge for the money order./

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