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Re: I wouldn't worry about it
pollini 384 reads

Thank you, everyone, for all the great feedback! You have allayed my concerns. I really appreciate it!

pollini2410 reads

I'm a newbie and have talked to a few providers who are absolutely gorgeous and are considered 9s or 10s. I'm not in the best shape and am a little overweight, so I'm a little intimidated and think I'll be self-conscious in their presence. Does this matter at all or is it a nonissue? In other words, do top providers want and expect only ripped guys who look like male models or is this just my own issue that I need to forget about? And should I bring it up with the providers before seeing them? Thanks!

I imagine ripped male models don't need to pay, and aren't the primary market for this.

In my very limited experience, your money and return service matter more than your looks.  And the self-consciousness fades away when they're getting in bed with you.

If it is getting the better of you when you first meet, definitely bring it up.  They know what they're doing and can probably help you get past it.

...we'd all be broke. Shit, I don't even expect the guys I date in my personal life to be model-esque.

Or the second cousin once removed from such?
If that's what you are looking for, then I'm your man!

providing a paid service. As long as you pay them their requested rate and are pleasant and respectful it shouldn't matter if you look like jabba the hut.  Unless you are grotesquely overweight or have some sort of physical disability I don't see a need to mention anything in advance. But if your being out of shape is such a huge psychological issue, maybe it would make you feel better to disclose it ahead of time.

Previous answers have given you some good info.  They do not expect us to have abs like Matthew Maconaghey (sp, sorry), they just want us to respect them and have a good time.  If you cannot get past your lack of a perfect body, join a gym and work on improving it.  Otherwise, you might need to find another hobby.

Sorry if I was a little blunt, but that's life.


loveandwar436 reads

and I never had any real problems with girls in or out of the hobby. You would be surprised how far self confidence and little bit of charm will take you with pretty girls in the real world , and how far just being clean and respectful will with the girls in this one .
   I know it's hard to believe sometimes but if you just treat them well most of them just want you to have a good time . Remember  this is just about having some fun at the end of the day so just relax and try not to overthink things .

-- Modified on 10/5/2014 2:41:39 PM

JackDunphy366 reads

The girls only care about your money, how you treat them and if you are verifiable. That's it. It's a business for them.

The whole point of all of this is to remove the looks, body, status, etc it usually takes to be with a girl you lust after.  As long as you can swing the donation, don't make her uncomfortable, and can be polite, a provider who takes any pride in her job should make you feel like you're imagining a male model does - desired and pleased.  The stories I've heard from more than a few providers is that the overly good-looking guys are a PITA from a hobby perspective - demanding, entitled, and not always living up their looks in the performance department.  If you're self-conscious, look for a girl who will take the lead, keep the lights low, and just enjoy the ride!

My first GFE provider, a wonderful human being indeed, noted in a very tactful manner that I would be healthier and happier if I lost "10-15" pounds. A month later she sent me the link below, two weeks before the book was even released. It is written by a doctor and introduces the idea of food as medicine.

I read the book and it made sense to me, so I completely changed the way I thought about food. I had already begun going to the gym and it soon became a habit. As I lost weight and got stronger, I increased my workouts. I got a heart rate monitor and used that to monitor and then increase intensity. A month into my lifestyle change and I had gone from 196 to 176 pounds and  I met my ATF, another great and wonderful person.

She was (and remains) very encouraging every time I saw her and I think that helped a lot, but once I got down in the 160's and could do a lot more in the gym, that progress became its own reward. I am 146-150 pounds now and in the best shape of my life at age 53. My sex drive is higher than it has been in years (higher testosterone levels from working out and very little visceral fat), but even more importantly, I am physically able to do a lot more, including sex and some of the more difficult positions. My energy level and self confidence have increased, too, of course.

I also agree that providers will treat you well if you treat them well, regardless of your physique.

My story mirrors yours.
I entered the hobby last year.
Motivated me to get off my butt and back in shape.
Lost 60 lbs and have done several triathlons since.
Life is good.
Congratulations on your success, and keep up the good work!

Cheetara456 reads

there is just more of you to devour! As long as you are pleasant, respectful, and hygienic most providers will be just fine with a bigger guy

pollini385 reads

Thank you, everyone, for all the great feedback! You have allayed my concerns. I really appreciate it!

EroticBlanket451 reads

I'm as thin and nerdy as they get, most women are not attracted to me, I go to the gym and I'm the thinnest most out of shape person there, but I still look kind of OK with my shirt off, got some tone and muscle, white as a sheet, not the best skin, but I've found personality is the most important quality. The providers just kind of get past looks pretty quick and go with your energy. If you have something to say, say it, and I'm sure you do. If anything, most like talking as just going for the jones gets boring for them after a while. A lot of girls just like sex but overall you both have your personalities so you just go with it. Everybody gets nervous when they see someone nervous, so just put yourself out there and they'll love that. Even if they're like "Woah" they still realize they're there for a service and you're helping their livelihood, so a lot of stuff just doesn't matter. Enjoy yourself.

BigDudeLotsToLove549 reads

All parties involved know what this is.  It has never come up and I surprisingly haven't been self-conscious at all, though I thought I would be.

I have to also say the hobby has been motivating on the weight loss front.  I've lost 20 lbs since I started

I am in kinda in your same shoes. I recently had a very well reviewed provider ask about my personal/professional life and for pics of me before agreeing to see me. It brought out every insecurity that I have about the hobby and myself.  

Ultimately I look in the mirror and do not see a troll, so I figure who gives a crap is someone thinks it matters, there are tons that do not care.

pollini318 reads

So did you pass on that provider and go with someone else?

I've seen one provider's website ask for height and weight in the information requested. It doesn't say anything about being in shape, healthy BMI, or anything like that. I wonder if it's to check against what's on your driver's license or state ID if they run a background check, or if it's to see if you're too big for her. Any thoughts?

In context, she asked about me and seemed to be interested in making a connection with me. Considering her high reviews, I am not too concerned about it and will go with the fantasy that it is like we are meeting on a dating site and she is truly interested in me as a person. I won't send a pic, but I can certainly point to some of them on the web. I would rather her find pics of me on the web in the event that anything does go bad in the blackmail department, I can have some sort of plausible deniability by having public pictures out there that match, as opposed to a pic of me buck ass naked holding up a sign that says, "Want to bang a hooker!!!" Private pictures didn't work out real good for Oscar DeLa Hoya.

I am still going with it. I am a pragmatist and figure I want to have a great time, whether she is a total nympho who is doing this because she loves it, or a great actress who is pretending, then I want her best and if she cannot give that because she is not into me, then I do not want it. I want to believe she is gagging for all the right reasons, and not because of disgust on what she is doing. ;)  By gagging, I mean using it to pick her teeth, I am pretty narrow.  I can picture my review now, "10 looks, 6 performance. She pulled out my member then started laughing hysterically before vomiting on me. Then she cried and drank a lot before spitting out the words, 'wow, you{gag} hot. Then she put a bag over me ..... I will definitely repeat as she didn't run out of the room screaming like the others"

Maybe some day down the road I will tap into some repressed emotion about the homecoming queen who rejected me. If that day ever comes, I will post an ad that says, "hot chick wanted to dress like a homecoming queen while I scream, LOOK AT ME AND SAY MY NAME, while we do it"

Being courteous, respectful and clean, will make you much more attractive to the ladies than looks will.  You sound like a nice guy.  Just be yourself and you should be fine :

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