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Re: I doubt any provider would want that kind of hassle with her clients....
Earnest 19 Reviews 2161 reads

Okay, maybe I was wrong to ascribe a motive.  My point is that I have seen several ladies on the boards complaining that it is impossible to get something changed on their profiles.  I've seen both providers and hobbyists complain that "TER never updates the profiles," etc.

Well, I have not been around here for long, but I've submitted at least 15 problem reports when I have seen information on TER profiles that is verifiably wrong.  Only one was rejected.

If a provider knows that something on her profile is wrong, she can submit a problem report herself.  If she pleads helplessness, I do not believe that she really wants the change to occur.

While remaining discreet about the question, when reading a review, can I assume that the reviewer walked away from the appointment having paid only what was listed in the "rates" section?  Or, when I see the provider, can I expect negotiation after arrival?

I have found most TER providers will state a flat fee to the hobbyist up front (either via E-mail, over the phone, or its listed clearly on her website, etc.) and that's the price paid. Period. There is no up-selling on her part.

On the flip side, one of the WORST things a hobbyist can do is try to negotiate a lower price with a provider. It's classless. If you can not pay the price stated to you in advance, see a different provider.

Finally, I would NOT go by a review to determine what the rate is to be paid. If its not stated on her website, ask the provider before you visit. She may have raised her rates or is now offering a special. The rates listed in the reviews may or may not reflect the current situation.

The only extra money that you should pay beyond her hourly rate is a tip (completely  discretionary on your part)

Anyone who tries to negotiate prices with me will get the dial tone.

Do not contact a provider if you can't afford her rates.

When I used to post on CL, some guys complained that  $150 for 1 hr was too much...and tried to negotiate.

Trying to negotiate a provider's rates at the time of meeting...will only get you turned away.

I don't think he is intending to negotiate the denotation down, but is concerned about her negotiating up!!!

Fortunately, upselling is ALMOST a thing of the past.  I can remember years ago hosting a woman who expected that my putting out $$1/2 entitled me to her sitting with me in her underwear.  If I hoped for anything else, it would cost more, much more.

These days, if you find a provider via TER, you can usually expect to receive her GFE services provided at the listed price.  But keep in mind, some service, like Greek, are not GFE, and come with a premium payment.

Indeed, now that there are systems in place for the hobby to run smoothly and professionally, the price listed by the lady is generally the all-inclusive price. If you go with well-reviewed gals, there shouldn't be any upselling or asking for more money during the session. It is equally important that both the provider and hobbyist show some class and respect and refrain from mentioning money in any way during the date.

Often, the price listed in her TER profile is the price she started at (many of us raise our donation once we are well-reviewed and well-known in the community). Some guys choose to tip, and list the combined total of the hourly rate plus their added tip on the profile. Sometimes it may reflect a one-time special or a grandfathered rate. And sometimes the price listed there is just plain wrong and has not ever been the correct donation. I wouldn't recommend suing this as your primary source for providers' rate info. Your best bet is to look at a lady's actual website and ads, and on the rare occasion you don't find it listed there, ask discreetly via email or phone (whichever she prefers) how much of a donation you should consider making, or "how many roses shall I bring you," etc. However, be sure that you only bring this up if it is not listed anywhere on her personal site or her ad page.

Most ladies will have their donation prominently listed, per hour or half hour. It tends to be the donation for a length of time, and everything (as Jazz said, things like anal/greek are often an exception) is included within that time period. Some gals still use ala carte pricing, but this is becoming more and more scarce. By reading her reviews in advance (for content, not just the number scores)you should know whether a given provider tried the upsell, as this ruins the mood for most guys and will certainly be reflected in his review if it happened.

Stick with quality ladies with good review histories, and hold to the rule of not mentioning money or negotiating price or service, and you should be treated with the same respect you give.

edit to add link

-- Modified on 9/25/2007 1:41:38 PM

Here are some things I have experienced in relation to price that seem to contradict some earlier comments:

1. I have been asked what I am looking to spend upon inquiring what the donation is.  

2. I have been asked how much I have if my response to "I charge $300 for 1/2 hour" is anything but "well golly gee I'll be right over!"  In other words, the provider will start out trying to sell me the car at sticker price, but will come down if I express an initial "ouch".

3. I admit that I do suggest a negotiation from time to time.  Depending on the time of day and day of week, you can sometime get a sense of how business has been.  In other words, some times of day are slower than others, and during those times the willingness to negotiate is higher.

Then of course there are many times when the rate is just fine.

Out of curiosity, what type of gals do you prefer? As far as price range, advertising venue, review status. For myself, I don't offer specials, and I would rather see less gents at a higher rate. I would never negotiate, both for discretion/legality, and because I feel it's extremely demeaning and shows lack of class and respect. Of course everyone has their own experience, and one can't really generalize too much about this hobby, but for myself and the ladies I associate with, our donations are reasonable, and I'd rather lose the appointment than discuss money and barter over my body. Ruins the fantasy (for me! and I'd assume it would for a lot of guys as well) Just my .02~


I don't think it would ruin my fantasy, because I could trick myself into believing that I'm so great that she wants to see me, even if the money isn't right.  See, I've got a vivid imagination.

My problem with negotiating rates is that I'm buying a service. With no pre-defined measurement, I fear getting less for paying less.  It's not like I'm buying an 8 oz. steak, and the restaurant has a deal at certain times.  I'd know if they tried to give me 6 oz.

On top of that, it's my hope that by respecting the woman, I'll get her best performance.  If I'm just looking to bust a nut, either of my hands usually can fill the need.  If I'm spending money, I want the best performance I can afford.

Here are some things I have experienced in relation to price that seem to contradict some earlier comments:

1. I have been asked what I am looking to spend upon inquiring what the donation is.  

2. I have been asked how much I have if my response to "I charge $300 for 1/2 hour" is anything but "well golly gee I'll be right over!"  In other words, the provider will start out trying to sell me the car at sticker price, but will come down if I express an initial "ouch".

3. I admit that I do suggest a negotiation from time to time.  Depending on the time of day and day of week, you can sometime get a sense of how business has been.  In other words, some times of day are slower than others, and during those times the willingness to negotiate is higher.

Then of course there are many times when the rate is just fine.

Also, I'm not sure how long you tend to book your dates for, but offering half hour appointments, as in your example, CAN (not trying to generalize or put anyone down) be a sign that the gal's priority is money. Most gals' half hour rates are more per minute than longer (1 plus hour) rates, and she can fit in more guys at a higher per-minute price.  For me personally, the atmosphere and the experience are just as important as the actual sex/money transaction- I would never offer half hour sessions simply because I don't like to feel rushed- I like to experience things to the fullest and luxuriate in the sensations.. I'm not a wham-bam-thank you ma'am kinda lady. Along those same lines, I would rather turn down a date than try to negotiate over the donation. It's just not worth it to me. Another example of different attitudes approaches is last minute dates- I will never do a same or next-day session with a new client. Do I lose some business/money because of this? Yep. But to me, my safety comes first, and in turn, the clients I do have are respectful of me and my approach. Quality Over Quantity.

Like I said, there are certainly many different approaches to providing, and none are necessarily right or wrong, but I think you'll typically find that girls with attitudes similar to mine, who are involved for both the paycheck AND the pleasure, and who structure their appointments, rates, and policies around this belief, may look at things differently than a girl who is simply trying to book as many guys as she can and make the most money per minute or hour. Again, there is so much variation, and I don't mean to generalize, but this has been my own experience.


-- Modified on 9/25/2007 2:18:40 PM

wll said marea, visit the gals website based on her ter reviews, if her donation is listed, there you are. negotiations by either parties is bad taste. if you don't like the price posted, move on to a gal in price range. just enjoy your time together.

Earlier this year I scheduled another date with a lady I had seen before. The second time was scheduled six weeks in advance. High $ provide. Over 130 reviews here. This time was for multiple hours.

Well I happened to be going over her site a couple weeks after the agreed upon date/time/length of session was set. I saw her rates went up multiple $ for the session.

To the ladies: would you expect the guy to have to pay the new higher rate after you had already agreed to see him back when your rate was lower? Or would you have him bring the old rate?

To the men: would you still see her if she said you had to pay the higher rate, and still made it known she really wanted to see you? Meaning she wasn't trying to use it as a way to ditch your scheduled date?

I did wind-up going to see her again, but personally I thought it was not high class and befitting someone in her rarified level. Won't be seeing her again. Bad customer service for a few $ more. Removed any 'fantasy' impressions from seeing her.

I would expect to get the rate established at the time the appointment was made, unless she was running a special for a pre-announced time.

If I noticed a rate increase in time, I'd ask which would apply.  The answer would definitely matter, but there are some that I'd pay more for.  Some of it would depend on where she was on the price scale before & after the increase.

The rate at the time of booking was not a special. She was, and is, in the top 2% of providers in what they charge.

It made me think what would have happened if I hadn't decided to go back to her site, since there wasn't any real need for me to do it. I would have shown up with a few $ less in the envelope. Would have been very awkward. She didn't count it until after I left.

Last thing I would want is to be known as someone who shorts another.

Which raises another question to the ladies: If you raise yourr ates and have someone scheduled already, and you want them to pay the higher rate, do you contact them again and tell them, or just hope they see your increase on the site?

I think I would ask her which rate I am to pay, and then I would decide.  For me, it would probably come down to whether I could afford to pay the new rate, if that is what she would expect me to pay. I'd hope that I'd be expected to pay the rate that was stated at the time I booked the appointment. But, the provider determines the rate, and if I can't pay it, then I'm out of luck.  If the new rate was more than I could afford, then that would be it.

The reason I had ask, was that my only experience with a provider, some years ago, involved her upselling me during what started out as a great massage.  It's hard to say no to a girl when she has it all in hand.

I can't imagine trying to negotiate the donation. That seems to be so disrespectful.  Conversely, if a provider tried to upsell me, I'd leave.
As stated by some of the other posts, check her website for rates, and expect to pay that.


I never try to haggle - if they have a rate posted on the website, then clearly that is it and I accept it or don't go;  That said, there are some providers who operate as both indy and also thru agencies..and the rate posted on the agency site may be different.  In that case, the rate that I expect to apply is the rate posted with the contact info I use - I often find that rates on the agency page are higher, and then if possible I try to use the contact info on the providers website (and I presume that means that if you scheudle thru the site, the agency does not get a cut).  Also, if you check message boards of various ervices, sometimes providers will offer discounted rates for off-hour apppointments.  In any event, if there seem to be multiple rate quotes out there, I also just politely confirm "I found you thru and want to confirm the rate is Y. - Just to make sure you have not found some old website/ad that is out of date.

check the lady's web site for her current rates.  The profile is established with the first reviewer and almost takes an act of God to get it changes.  At least that is what some providers have said.  In case you didn't get the message--do NOT negotiate.  If you can't pay, don't play.

Because I wish to do my civic duty around here despite having no reviews yet (and my VIP ran out and I'm having fun with the days I'm racking up in my membership bank) I've been filing a lot of problem reports lately.  Several have just been to point out that the rate on a profile was lower than the one advertised on a personal or agency site.  Every one of those has been approved.

Any lady who tells you it is difficult to get that stuff changed is probably lying because she likes to have the lure of that low rate out there.  She can always play innocent or blame TER.

Everyone knows that the profile sheets are usually out of date, and that TER never updates them.

You should always get your info from the provider's site.

Okay, maybe I was wrong to ascribe a motive.  My point is that I have seen several ladies on the boards complaining that it is impossible to get something changed on their profiles.  I've seen both providers and hobbyists complain that "TER never updates the profiles," etc.

Well, I have not been around here for long, but I've submitted at least 15 problem reports when I have seen information on TER profiles that is verifiably wrong.  Only one was rejected.

If a provider knows that something on her profile is wrong, she can submit a problem report herself.  If she pleads helplessness, I do not believe that she really wants the change to occur.

you got was 2 days of VIP and the Profile is still wrong.  Yes, they will put "report new website" but the rest of the info is difficult to get changed.

Maybe other people are just having some problem that I am not having.  They are not just giving me two days.  They are making changes to the profiles.  In addition to new sites and phone numbers, I have gotten them to update a provider's age if she admits to an older age in an ad (from 21-25 to 36-40!).  I once got them to make several changes on the profile of a bodyrub girl who just started offering BBBJ and DATY at an upcharge, according to reviews.  I have gotten them to change "photo accurate" to "Old" because reviewers, discussion board members, and the lady herself (on a regional board) admitted that the site to which her profile linked had old pictures.  And, YES, I have gotten them to change rates.

YES, these changes actually happen on the profiles, within 24 hours usually, except over the weekend.  I have specifically changed profiles to reflect a higher rate at least three times that I remember.  It was so easy to do that I am dumbstruck that anyone would suggest that it would be difficult.

The only thing I can think of that I am doing and others are not is that I always provide the URLs for the sites with the info that conflicts with the profile.  Maybe other people are just saying "now she charges $$$$" without providing the URL with the ad that says, "1 hour GFE -- 400 roses."  Even "she charged me $$$$" probably would not fly.  Each instance I have not used a CL or Eros ad, but the lady's personal site or agency site.  A touring lady charging a special rate would be a different issue.  

The only change I have been unable to affect is pretty funny.  It regards the "agency name" answer.  Every agency girl's agency name seems to be "Don't know."  I thought maybe I could rack up a lifetime of credit by fixing all of those.  However, when I pointed out once that the name on the agency's website was probably the name of the agency, the response was "duplicate."  No change occurred and I got no credit, so this would seem to be the exception that proves the rule.

Sorry to go on about this but, apparently, I was not being clear when I was being succinct.  Keystonekid, on behalf of all the other newbies, thanks for all of the valuable advice that you provide.  Have you had difficulty affecting changes to profiles, or are you going on the word of ladies who have told you that they could not get TER to make changes to their profiles?

-- Modified on 9/27/2007 8:45:24 PM

They aren't set in stone, and if you can show a specific link to her site that shows something has changed, it usually gets changed on the profile.

I disagree with your post jazz, I've tried and tried and they won't change mine!  I'm not a V.I.P. but have plenty of reviews and still can barely get a post on a board.  YMMV as far as posting anything on this site goes.  Maybe I've made a moderator upset by refusing to see him or something, only explination I can come to.

But discussion of prices on a review only shows that you haven't looked at the website/ad.  Do your research before contacting a lady.  She will appreciate you and the experience will be better off!!

Sorry to hear you haven't had the best TER experience.

I guess a lot depends on which elements of the profile you are requesting to update.  I my experience,  contact details (web address, email address, phone number) or current price are easily updated.  However, perceptions of appearance (how do I know what a woman weighs, I'm not a scale), and just when does a B cup become a C, or a C a D (believe it or not there are people who provide bra fittings for a living) can be more difficult.

Again welcome aboard,


So, since you've helped some, wanna help me?  All I've been wanting is the price changed.  The rest of the stats are true, just not my price!!  Here's my link, any suggestions?  MN mod's don't respond to me, well one's been gone forever, but still, I've been trying for months!!
I'm pretty computer illiterate so any help would be appreciated, it would help me with trying to prove to them that I'm not that cheap!!!  Thanks hon!!  Oh, the price is on the rates section!  XOXOXO

The rates listed on your site, and the cost of service listed on your profile match.

Something to remember - approving reviews and profile maintenance are jobs for paid TER staff.  The moderators have nothing to do with that part of this site.


no one has had the balls to tell me that!!  I do appreciate your looking into it tho!! Thanks a million!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I did nothing but a simple search, which you could have done yourself.  Still I am always happy to help!!! Please don't be a stranger on the newbie board,


Now that I'm familiarizig myself with TER, I have been trying to, but in MN discussions, they never post my replies, oh well, not really too worried!  I also did search my reviews, only since I'm not a vip I couldn't see the price.  So I still thank you for pointing that out for me!!

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